عنوان الإطروحه
عقود الاستصناع وتطبيقاتها في البنك الإسلامي الأردني
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
غدير اديب عبد النبي دحادحة
سميه احمد عيسى فريجات
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
جهاد سالم جريد الشرفات
علي مصطفى عبدالله القضاه
بسام محمد عمر العياصرة
المعهد العالي للدراسات الاسلامية
الاقتصاد والمصارف الاسلامية
الملخص بالعربية
هدفتْ الدراسةُ الحاليةُ إلى دراسةِ عقودِ الاستصناعِ وتطبيقاتها في البنوكِ الإسلاميةِ في الأردنِ ، حيثُ استخدمتْ المنهجَ الوصفيَ التحليليَ لمناقشةِ أهمِ محاورِ موضوعِ الدراسةِ والتعرفِ على أهمِ الأساليبِ العمليةِ لتطبيقها ، ثم عقود الاستصناع في البنوكِ الإسلاميةِ منْ خلالِ دراسةِ مفهومِ عقدِ الاستصناعِ وأحكامهِ والضوابطِ القانونيةِ وشروطِ سريانهِ ومعاييرِ ضبطهِ ، ثمَ أهمّ المخاطرِ التي قدْ تواجهُ العاملينَ في عقودِ الاستصناعِ وأهم طرق واستراتيجيات مواجهة المخاطر المصرفية المنبثقة عنها، ثم أهمَ المبادئِ التي يمكن تطبيقِ عقودِ الاستصناعِ من خلالها في البنوكِ الإسلاميةِ في الأردن.
الملخص بالانجليزي
The current study aimed to study Istisna' contracts and their applications in the Jordan Islamic Bank, where the descriptive analytical approach was used to discuss the most important axes of the subject of the study and to identify the most important practical methods for the application of Istisna'. A contract in Islamic banks, then Istisna'a contracts in Islamic banks, by studying the concept of Istisna'a contract, its legal provisions and controls, conditions of its validity and control standards, and then the most important risks that may face it. Those working in Istisna'a contracts, the most important methods and strategies to face the banking risks arising from them, then the most important principles through which Istisna'a contracts can be applied in Islamic banks in Jordan, and the financial statements for the application of Istisna"a contracts were also studied and analyzed in Jordan Islamic Bank during the past ten years, as shown As a result of the previous data, we find that there was no actual implementation and implementation of the Istisna"a contract before 2013, as work began to apply the Istisna"a contract and obtain revenues and data related to the application of the contract only since 2013 compared to the Istisna"a implementation. An existing contract and reaped its results with other Islamic banks, for example, the Islamic International Arab Bank since 2004 until now, but despite the delay in implementing the Istisna?a contract by the Jordan Islamic Bank, it started with an estimated revenue of (2,102,775) in 2013 Compared to the revenues of implementing the Istisna'a contract for the Islamic International Arab Bank for the year 2013, estimated at (13,793,605), but the revenues began to double in Jordan Islamic Bank until it reached (13,793,605) in 2021 compared to the revenues of 2021. Other Islamic banks such as the bank Islamic Arab, which amounted to (11,652,543) for the same year, which confirms the success of the application and the experience of the Jordan Islamic Bank in employing the Istisna? contract in its financial transactions, the prosperity of the results and the increase in revenues compared to other banks that apply Islamic financing tools and Istisna'a in particular
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