عنوان الإطروحه
كتاب تكملة القدوري تأليف الإمام حسام الدين علي بن أحمد مكي الرازي الحنفي،(ت598هـ ـ1200م) من بداية الكتاب (كتاب الطهارة) إلى نهاية كتاب الزكاة : دراسة وتحقيق
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
مهدي صالح ذياب الحلبوسي
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
حارث محمد سلامة العيسى
جهاد سالم جريد الشرفات
اسامة الربابعة
كلية الشريعة
الفقه وأصوله
الملخص بالعربية
الملخص بالانجليزي
The first section dealt with the study section, There are four topic: The first topic: the name of the author, his birth, his death, his scientific status، the statements of the scholars in it، and his elders, his disciples، and his writings. The second topic: the ratio of the book to the author, the importance of the book, the sources quoted by it, and its method of authorship. The third topic: Certified copies. The fourth topic: Explanation of the book of Takmelah The second section: the investigation department، and was in the following books: The Book of Purity, the Book of Prayer, the Book of Zakat,and the Book of Fasting. Then the conclusion which includes the most important results of the study
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