عنوان الإطروحه |
"دور العامل الجيوبولتيكي على السياسة الخارجية : الاردن - دراسة حالة 2003-2013"
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه |
2014-11-06 |
اسم الطالب |
معاذ احمد حمدان بني خالد
المشرف |
محمد احمد المقداد |
المشرف المشارك |
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة |
هاني عبدالكريم اخو ارشيدة |
امين العزام |
محمد تركي بني سلامة |
الكلية |
معهد بيت الحكمة |
القسم |
العلوم السياسية |
الملخص بالعربية |
الملخص بالانجليزي |
This study aims at magnifying the role of geopolitics factor on foreign policy there for.
Hashemite kingdom of Jordan was chosen as a case study and this study has begun for a key hypothesis, which suggests that the geopolitics Jordanian factor has a distinctive role in drawing the Jordanian foreign policy also the theory of role and approach was accredited as an approaching device therefore.
To make sure that the theory is right and get the goals and purposes of this study and answering its ingestions therefore the study reached to the righteous of the theory, which the study has based on, and it reached too many conclusions.
the most important points: the geographic location of Jordan has the most important role in drawing Jordanian foreign policy In addition to that Jordan has been affected by Syrian crisis very clear because of the corporate borders between the two countries the study also reached to separate between the geopolitical factor and foreign policy for Jordan .
Jordan gets into large challenges the study also reached to the fact that Jordanian relationships with Arab countries enabled Jordan to play a focal role in many issues nevertheless its small space and its potentials.
Finally, this study reached to the fact that Jordan exists in a flammable region, which has with clashes, and conflicts, which makes Jordan, depend on foreign policies to enable it to get economic support according to previous conclusion, which has been reached to, in this study, which leads us to many recommendation at the level of the Jordanian state.
The most important recommendations: keeping Arab-Jordan relationships to increase coordination to face challenges and to support all of the international and effort to solve the Palestinian issue with a comprehensive fair and political resolving.
To study the concluded out comes from the accompanying developments to ?Arab spring? through. Consideration foreign policy and reassess them at interval which commensurate with regional and internal variables
رقم ISN |
4326 |
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