عنوان الإطروحه
"النظام القانوني للاندماج المصرفي في ظل التشريع الاردني : دراسة مقارنة "
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
سمية سعيد سلامة القرالة
عبدالله خالد السوفاني
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
بسام طبيشات
عمر فلاح العطين
رمزي احمد ماضي
كلية القانون
الملخص بالعربية
لكي نبسط الصورة لا بد من معرفة التدرج حول اسلوب البيع بداية من البيع بالانتقال الى المشتري مباشرة من الدكان الى المني ماركت ومن السوبرماركت الى المول بهذا التدرج والانتقال نستطيع ان نقول ان البنوك والمصارف سارت على هذا الطريق من المصرف البسيط الشخصي الى المؤسسة العائلية الى البنوك المساهمة العامة. ان المستجدات العالمية التي لها تأثير على كافة الأنشطة الاقتصادية بصفة عامة وعلى النشاط المصرفي والمالي بصفة خاصة اصبحت تلح على القطاع المصرفي بالاندماج ، وبذلك فإن عمليات الاندماج المصرفي يكون لها مجموعة من الآثار والنتائج الإيجابية عندما يكون الاندماج ملتزم بالشروط والضوابط المطلوبة لنجاحه، وإذا لم تطبق هذه الشروط والضوابط بالطرق المطلوبة ستؤدى إلى فشل عملية الاندماج ومن ثم يؤدى هذا الفشل إلى مجموعة من الآثار السلبية على عملية الاندماج المصرفي . ومن هنا كان لابد ان يتدخل المشرع في تقنين مواد ناظمة ترسم الطريق التي تؤدي الى اندماج مصرفي بالشكل الايجابي لا يترك سلبيات ولا ثغرات في عملية الانتقال من كيان الى كيان اخر قوي وثابت يخدم الهدف والغاية من وجوده . لقد تدخل المشرع الاردني في النص على الاندماج في قوانين خاصة تنظم قطاع الشركات والبنوك وهما قانون الشركات الاردني رقم 22 لسنة 1997 وتعديلاته وقانون البنك المركزي رقم 23 لسنة 1971 وتعديلاته وقانون البنوك رقم 28 لسنة 2000 وتعديلاته. وكان لابد من تقسيم الدراسة الى فصلين الفصل الاول تناولت فيه ما هية الاندماج المصرفي , اما الفصل الثاني ايضاً تناولت به الاثار القانونية المترتبة على الاندماج .
الملخص بالانجليزي
Banking merger is considered one of the global developments that has an impact on all economic activities in general and the banking and finance activity in particular, and thus banking mergers have a range of effects and positive results when the merger applied to the conditions and controls required for its success. If these conditions and controls have not been applied efficiently, would lead to the failure of the integration process and then this failure leads to a range of negative effects on the banking merger process. The banking merger operations are very common recently, due to the continuing growthof the financial transactions among banks between countries. Banking Merger has its forms,conditions and controls that must be considered during that process in order to achieve maximum quality as well as the strength and competitiveness between banks. The importance of the phenomenon becomes a global issue, where it is considered a safe haven for vulnerable banks that are unable to meet the monetary authority requirements. The most important functions of merger is being a mean to unify management,building long-term strategy, reduce costs while ensuring quality, and keeping up with technology. Banks are resorting to integration policy for a variety of reasons that vary depending on the circumstances. Merger should not be seen as the ending the result of a process but rather a mean to achieve many motivessuch as:raising efficiency of the banking performance, strengthening the solvency, achieving economies of scale, driving growth and expansion, avoiding financial difficulties (liquidation),following-up with the communications and information technology revolution and Appling it in the field of banking and regulatory purposes. Therefore banks need to have a great deal of cognition and real awareness of the responsibility and obligations of mergers, in order to avoid failure, and not dealing with intraday logic, but consider it a long-term strategic task due to its main impact on the future of the bank and both local and international banking sectors. Merger success factors include the following: a real desire of those who supervise the process of merger, the absence of merger opposition and providing a framework of required authorities to ensure the successful banking merger and coordination between the units of the merged banks,regulations, and decisions. If merger intention is to reduce the unuseful competition and costs and thus increase profits, then it?s crucial to ensure the transparency of numbers and financial data belonging to each of the two merged banks. Banks need to expand its activities to non banking complementary areas which were limited to non-bank financial institutions such as working in the field of mediation in financial marketsand insurance services. The form of the banking merger makes a comprehensive transition of financial disclosure of the merged bank to the acquirer bank, which replace all its rights and obligations, the new bank resulting from the banking merger leads to the formation of a new board of management which leads to the emergence of anew legal entity. To find out the importance of banking mergers and the pros and cons of the merger and the extent of the contribution of banks mergerto the development of the banking system, it is essential to conduct a research that analyze forms of banking merger by identifying the reasons, motives, controls and conditions under a clear pattern of legislations in accordance with the following laws: the Central Bank Act, the banks law, and firms? law. Results of this research will set the path to activatebanks merger in the largest way among banks in order to avoid the problems and constraints facing the banking business by configuring the private management that supervise the process of evaluating the banks' conditions and to study the integration process in a scientific manner which allows new growth opportunities that were not existed in the Jordanian banking market
رقم ISN
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