عنوان الإطروحه
استرداد الأموال في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الأردني وتطبيقاته في المحاكم الشرعية
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
علي ابراهيم مصطفى عبابنة
محمد راكان الدغمي
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
محمد علي العمري
عبد الناصر محمد الزيود
كلية الشريعة
القضاء الشرعي
الملخص بالعربية
تهدف هذه الرسالة إلى بيان من له الحق في استرداد الأموال في الفقه الإسلامي وقانون الأحوال الشخصية وتطبيقاته القضائية في المحاكم الشرعية من خلال وضع نماذج عملية (لوائح دعاوى شرعية) استناداً لما ذكر فقهاً وقانوناً. وقد قمت بتأصيل هذا الحق، وبيان المستند الفقهي له، وبيان تطبيقاته الفقهية العملية في المحاكم الشرعية الأردنية، كما توصلت في هذه الرسالة إلى أن هذا الحق ليس نحصورا في طلب الهدايا فقط وانما يتعدى ذلك الى النفقة والمهر، كما أن حق الاسترداد مكفول للزوجين ، والآباء والأبناء والأمهات، وكذلك الأقارب والأجانب، ويأخذ أحكام المطالبات المالية ، ويأخذ أحكام الدعاوى الاخرى من حيث مدة الاستئناف والاعتراض ، وتبادل اللوائح، ويتصور دفعها بالدفوع الشرعية المعتبرة حالها حال أي دعوى ، كما أن هذا الحق ينتقل إلى الورثة، و يحصل من خلال اللجوء إلى القضاء.
الملخص بالانجليزي
The goal of this thesis is to state that who has the right to retain the money in the Islamic Jurisprudence and the Jordanian rule of personal affairs and its applications in the legitimate courts through making practical samples (legitimate cases) according to Jurisprudence and low. I had firmly rooted this right, stated the Jurisprudence document, stated its practical Jurisprudence applications in the Jordanian legitimate courts. In this thesis I have achieved that this right isn?t restricted in the husband only but it includes the wife, the son and the daughter the parents and relatives, further more it exceeds them to foreigners, also this right passes through inheritance and it can be achieved with the help of the judge. This study came in an introductory chapter and two other chapters and a conclusion as following: In the introductory chapter I identified the vocabulary of this study which includes three subjects. In the first subject I identified the right and its divisions and its billars and what are the inherited rights, in the second subject I identified retaining the money its kinds and its divisions. In the third subject I identified the rule of personal affairs its origin and its usage in Jordan and in the Arabic countries, ruling its materials and stating its matters. In the first chapter I talked about retaining presents and the dowery, it includes three subjects. In the first subject I stated retaining presents. In the second subject I stated retaining dowery, identifying the annulment and divorce and the difference between them and what was paid at the account of the dowery. In the third subject it includes retaining the dowery in separation cases. In the second chapter it includes three subjects. In the first chapter I identified the expense and its legitimacy, judgment and its giving ways. In the second subject I explained retaining money on the expenses cases. In the third subject I showed practical samples, judicial applications of what is practiced in the legitimate courts. In the conclusion it included the most important results of the thesis and what I have achieved, also I mentioned some recommendations and suggestions that I have reached through this research and this study
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