Necessary conditions for soliton solutions to exist for two-mode seventh-order KdV equations by means of simplified Hirota's method
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
سلسبيل يوسف عويس العموش
حسين محمود محمد جرادات
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
صفوان محمد احمد الشرع
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات
مروان تيسير القرعان
كلية العلوم
الملخص بالعربية
الملخص بالانجليزي
In this thesis, we established two-mode versions for the integrable seventh-order Korteweg-de Vries (TMSKdV) equations. We determined the necessary conditions of the nonlinearity and dispersion parameters of the new equations for multiple- soliton solutions and multiple-singular soliton solutions to exist. We used the simpli?ed Hirota method to determine the multiple soliton solutions and multiple- singular soliton solutions under these conditions. The proposed method is applied to solve three new equations, the two mode seventh-order Sawada-Kotera-Ito equation, the two mode seventh-order Lax and two mode seventh-order Kaup-Kuperschmidt equation
رقم ISN
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