عنوان الإطروحه
Spectra of quarkonia at finite temperature using multi-dimensional Schrodinger equation
تاريخ مناقشة الاطروحه
اسم الطالب
احمد يوسف عبد جرادات
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل
المشرف المشارك
اعضاء لجنة المناقشة
عقاب محمود محمد ربيع
حاتم صالح محمود وديان
محمد خليل القاضي
كلية العلوم
الملخص بالعربية
الملخص بالانجليزي
In this work, heavy quarkonia (cc? and b?b) mass spectra at finite temperature were studied within the framework of N-dimensional Schrodinger equation using the modified Cornell potential. The mass spectra and energy are calculated as functions of dimensionality N and temperature using the supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) method. The potential parameters were determined from the fit of the 1P states at zero temperature. The present results are applied on the charmonium and bottomonium masses at finite temperature. A comparison with other available results from different methods is presneted. Key Words: Heavy quarkonia, Finite temperature, Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics Method, Schrodinger Equation
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