الابحاث ---Researches
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الشريعة القســــــــــم :- الفقه وأصوله
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا صرف الزكاة للفاسق: دراسة فقهية مقارنة مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 2003 5 271
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا ضوابط العمل الاعلامي في الشريعة والقانون : دراسة مقارنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية ، وزارة التعليم العالي الأردنية ، جامعة آل البيت 2019 15 382-357
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا حرية الرأي والتعبير في الشريعة الاسلامية - دراسة تأصيلية- المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 2020 16 111-89
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا التلويث البيئي : ضرر للبشر والشجر والحجر دراسة شرعية من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة مجلة معالم القرآن والسنة المحكمة ، كلية دراسات القرآن والسنة ، جامعة العلوم الإسلامية الماليزية 2021 17 0
انس مصطفى حسين ابو عطا دلائل العدل والإحسان في العقوبات الشرعية مجلة علوم إسلامية( علمية عالمية محكمة) الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية ، ماليزيا 2021 3 85-108
محمد علي صالح سميران نقض الاحكام القضائية المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 2015 11 7
احمد ياسين عبدالرحمن القراله الرجوع بنقصان العيب في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون المدني الأردني دراسة مقارنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 0
احمد ياسين عبدالرحمن القراله الفتوى وبناؤها لغويا الشريعة والقانون 1
احمد ياسين عبدالرحمن القراله مراعاة الخلاف عند المالكية: تأصيله وتطبيقاته والفرق بينه وبين الخروج من الخلاف الميزان 0
احمد ياسين عبدالرحمن القراله البحث العلمي: مفهومه وأهدافه وأثره في المحافظة على المقاصد الضرورية للشريعة الإسلامية مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية 2021 8 141 - 172
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فتح الله اكثم حمدالله تفاحه الاسلام�والقضايا�والقضايا�المعاصرة,2006,1 �مجموعة�من�اساتذة�القسم 2006 1 0
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نمر محمد خليل النمر الحذف والذكر في آيات المواريث ودلالاته على الأحكام الشرعية,2007,1 2007 1 0
نمر محمد خليل النمر انصاف المرأة في أحكام الميراث في الشريعة الإسلامية المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 2009 2 9-45
نمر محمد خليل النمر الهدي النبوي في العدل و أثره في إبداع الفرد واستقرار المجتمع مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 2015 3 187-228
علي جمعه علي الرواحنه مفهوم المخالفة عند ابن عاشور في تفسيره التحرير والتنوير مجلة جامعة الشارقة للعلوم الشرعية 0
علي جمعه علي الرواحنه تعديلات قانون الأحوال الشخصية الأردني رقم (36) لعام 2010م المبنية على الفقه المالكي: دراسة مقارنه مجلة جامعة الشارقة للعلوم الشرعية والدراسات الاسلامية 2020 17 557- 594
علي جمعه علي الرواحنه التطبيقات الذكية في أصول الفقه: الحكم التكليفي إنموذجا كلية الإمام مالك للشريعة والقانون 2021 0 15-35
علي جمعه علي الرواحنه تنمية أموال العمل الخيري وأثرها على الاستدامة في الفقه الإسلامي مجلة الصراط 2021 24 635-658
علي جمعه علي الرواحنه القواعد الفقهية وأثرها في قيمة التسامح؛ قاعدة حمل المسلمين على الصحة أنموذجا Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022 6 4690-4697
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد الحجر على السفيه دراسة أصولية فقهية مقارنة بقانون الأحوال الشخصية الأردني رقم36 لعام 2010 المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 0 165
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد تخصيص العام بالمفهوم عند الأصوليين المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 0 151
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد قاعدة الشاطبي في تعيين الفرض الكفائي حسب النعم والفروق الفردية المجلة الدولية للبحوث الاسلامية والانسانية المتقدمة 0 1
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد دلالة الأمر المطلق المجلة الأردنبة 0 0 0
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد الأخذ بأقل ما قيل عند الأصوليين والفقهاء المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 2007 2 73
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد قاعدة " المعدوم شرعاً كالمعدوم حساً " و تطبيقاتها الأصولية و الفقهية مجلة دراسات- الجامعة الأردنية 2012 0 27
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد قاعدة التأسيس أولى من التأكيد، دراسة تحليلية تطبيقية المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 2012 1 0
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد مفهوم المخالفة عند الأصوليين وتطبيقاته في القانون المدني الأردني مجلةالشريعة والقانون- جامعة الامارات82 2012 0 28
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد قاعدة العبرة في العقود بالمقاصد والمعاني لا بالالفاظ والمباني دراسة تحليلية تطبيقية مقارنة بالقانون المدني الأردني مجلة جامعة ام القرى 2013 55 11
محمد حمد عبدالحميد عبدالحميد السنة التركية وعلاقتها بالبدعـة،دراســــة تـــأصيليــة المجلة الردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2019 6 10-30
محمد محمود دوجان العموش أثر الأذكار ونحوها من خارج الصلاة على صحتها ? دراسة فقهية مقارنة مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات/ جامعة آل البيت 2009 15 271-295
محمد محمود دوجان العموش أثر الوقت في خياري العيب والتصرية ? دراسة فقهية موازنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية/ جامعة آل البيت 2009 5 183-196
محمد محمود دوجان العموش تأجيل العقوبة في الفقه الإسلامي- دراسة مقارنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية/ جامعة آل البيت 2009 5 1-21
محمد محمود دوجان العموش ضابط الكلام المؤدي إلى بطلان الصلاة? دراسة فقهية مقارنة مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات/ جامعة مؤتة/ الأردن 2009 24 11-50
محمد محمود دوجان العموش الأحكام المتعلقة بوقت المطالبة بالشفعة للحاضر دراسة فقهية مقارنة مجلة كلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية/ جامعة قطر 2013 31 233-308
محمد محمود دوجان العموش حدود الفعل المبطل للصلاة من غير جنسها- دراسة فقهية مقارنة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات - سلسلة العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية 2013 28 65-106
محمد محمود دوجان العموش بعض أدوات الشرط وأثرها في أحكام الطلاق- دراسة مقارنة مجلة دراسات/ علوم الشريعة والقانون/ الجامعة الأردنية 2016 43 627-642
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى أحكام استخدام العاج المتخذ من عظم الفيل والانتفاع به دراسة فقهية تطبيقية الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 1
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى الآثار النفسية لجائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد دراسة مقاصدية إسلامية سلسلة العلوم الشرعية 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى حقيقة الاستحسان عند الحنفية المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى التأصيل الشرعي لمبدأ المؤاخذة عن الضرر الأدبي دراســة فقهيــة مقارنــة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2009 5 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى موقف الامام الشافعي رحمه الله من سد الذرائع مع الاستدلال المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2009 5 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى اجتهاد عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه في حد السرقة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2010 6 199-220
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى تحقيق رأي الشافعي في الاستصلاح أبحاث اليرموك سلسة العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية 2010 3 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى تخصيص النص الشرعي بالمصلحة المرسلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 2010 16 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى يد الضمان ويد الأمانة بين النظرية والتطبيق مجلة غزة سلسلة الدراسات الإنسانية 2010 18 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى الاجهاض في الشريعة الاسلامية مقارنة مع قانون العقوبات الاردني المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2013 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى دور الزكاة و الصدقات في الاغاثة الانسانية. 2015 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى قواعد الترجيح بين المصالح المتزاحمة دراسة مقاصدية. المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2015 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى الاثار النفسية للامن من خلال القرآن الكريم دراسة مقاصدية دراسلت 2016 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى التأصيل الشرعي لمفهوم الجودة الشاملة المنارة 2016 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى المنهج الفقهي الدقيق لدى عمر بن الخطاب في اجتهاده القضائي ومدى تضمين منهجه لكتاب الثقافة الإسلامية للصف الأول الثانوي في الأردن المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2016 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى ما حرم سداً للذرائع أبيح للمصلحة الراجحة دراسلت 2016 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى أثر المنهج الأصولي في التفسير (الإمام الشافعي أنموذجا) مجلة الميزان للدراسات الاسلامية والقانونية 2018 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى التنقل الداخلي والخارجي بالمحضون دراسة فقهية مقارنه بقانون الاحوال الشخصية الأردني مجلة الميزان للدراسات الاسلامية والقانونية 2018 0 0
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى اثر المصلحة في تغير الاحكام الشرعية دراسات 2020 1 1
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى اقتضاء النص عند الأصوليين وتطبيقاته في القانون المدني الأردني الميزان 2020 1 1
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى مفهوم المال في ضوء الكتاب والسنّة مجلة الحق 2020 5 (4-6)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى الحوارُ مع الآخر في القُرآن الكَريم مفهومُه وأنواعهُ وضوابطهُ " دراسة تأصيلية " الميزان 2022 1 100-130
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى قاعدة: "الحكم على الشيء فرع عن تصوره" وتطبيقاتها في المعاملات المصرفية المعاصرة (دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية) مجلة الميزان للدراسات الاسلامية والقانونية 2022 9 (49-78)
حارث محمد سلامه العيسى أثر الاختلاف بحجية مفهوم المخالفة على اختلاف الأحكام الفقهية مجلة اتحاد الاكادمين والعلماء العرب سلسلة العلوم الشرعية 2023 1 100-120
محمد علي محمد العمري التشريعات الأردنية الناظمة لتسوية المنازعات الأسرية ودورها في تحقيق الأمن الأسري الإصلاح والوساطة والتوفيق الأسري انموذجاً مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية 20 0 0
محمد علي محمد العمري التسويق الشبكي: نشأته، ومفهومه، وآليات تطبيقه دراسة فقهية مقارنة مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية 0 0 0
محمد علي محمد العمري قواعد تصحيح التصرفات في الفقه الإسلامي مجلة المنارة 2009 2 243-274
محمد علي محمد العمري رجوع الكفيل على الأصيل "دراسة فقهية مقارنة بالقانون المدني الأردني" مجلة المنارة 2013 2 9-38
محمد علي محمد العمري الوقف ودوره في تمويل عمل الإغاثة الإنسانية كلية الشريعة 2014 0 0
محمد علي محمد العمري تعاضد الأوقاف في الفقه الإسلامي دراسات، علوم الشريعة والقانون 2015 3 793- 814
محمد علي محمد العمري الصياغة التشريعية لأركان عقد الزواج في قانون الأحوال الشخصية العماني دراسة مقارنة Journal of Sharia and Law 2015 94 1-30
محمد علي محمد العمري أثر الغبن المجرد على العقد دراسة فقهية قانونية مقارنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2018 3 205-228
محمد علي محمد العمري الوقف على البحث العلمي مشروعيته،وضوابطه منشور الكترونياً على موقع كلية الشريعة ? جامعة آل البيت على الرابط: https://www.aabu.edu.jo/AR/colle 2019 0 0
محمد علي محمد العمري مسؤولية رئيس التنفيذ المدنية لدى دائرة التنفيذ الشرعي ? دراسة فقهية قانونية ? - قانون التنفيذ الشرعي رقم (10) لسنة 2013م أنموذجاً? المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2019 3 263-279
محمد علي محمد العمري حكم أخذ الأجرة على الكفالة المصرفية ? دراسة فقهية مقارنة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2020 1 183-211
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الشريعة القســــــــــم :- أصول الديــن
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي 1- أثر التلمود في المجتمع الإسرائيلي المعاصر المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2009 4 5
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي 2- أصول تسمية النصرانية والمسيحية في ضوء القرآن الكريم والكتاب المقدس. المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2010 6 5
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي 3- الموضوعية في دراسة الأديان اسلامية المعرفة 2010 60 0
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي 4- قراءة توحيدية في حديث افتراق الأمة اسلامية المعرفة 2010 63 0
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي قراءة في كتاب نقد الأديان عند ابن حزم الأندلسي اسلامية المعرفة 2010 61 0
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي 6- البشارة بنبوة محمد في الكتابات الهندوسية المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2014 75 0
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي قراءة في كتاب الاخلاق المسيحية نحو علم مسيحيات إسلامي إسلامية المعرفة 2014 74 195-227
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي الجنة في التلمود البابلي في ضوء القرآن الكريم اسلامية المعرفة 2015 79 0
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي محاورة المسيح عليه السلام مع الله في خواتيم سورة المائدة المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية، 2017 2 317-391
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي مسألة نبوة بوذا من منظور إسلامي -دراسة عقدية- المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية، 2017 3 303 - 323
عامر عدنان اسماعيل الحافي نجاة أتباع الأديان في القرآن آن في ضوء آية "النجاة" (البقرة: 62) المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية، 2018 1 127 -145
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي تناسب البيان في السنّة النبويّة اسلامية المعرفة 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي إسهامات العلماء والمستشرقين في الفكر الإسلامي امواج 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي السيرة النبوية في كتابات المستشرق الهولندي آرند جان فنسنك امواج 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي خصائص المدرسة العقلية الحديثية الحق 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي مفهوم تلقي الأمة الحديث بالقبول الشارقة 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي منهج الأمير الصنعاني في كتابه (سبل السلام شرح بلوغ المرام من أدلة الأحكام) مجلة مؤتة 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي منهج الحافظ المنذري في كتابه "الترغيب والترهيب" المنارة 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي موقف الإمام ابن عبد البر القرطبي من عدالة الراوي مجلة المنارة 0
محمدمختار ضرار المفتي الاستدلال بالحديث النبوي الشريف في المعاجم العربية المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية جامعة أل البيت 2017 1 25-31
خلود محمد سويلم الحسبان تثبُّت الصحابة في الرواية المجلة الأردنية للدراسات الإسلامية 2010 1 43-60
خلود محمد سويلم الحسبان كتابة الحديث على عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المجلة الأردنية للدراسات الإسلامية 2010 2 137-153
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جمال طلال يوسف النعيمي "خصوصية الحكم بافتتاح إجراء الإفلاس الاقتصادي في نظام الإفلاس السعودي رقم (م/50) لسنة 1439هـ "دراسة تحليلية" مجلة الحقوق والعلوم السياسية- جامعة الملك سعود- مقبول للنشر 2020 0 0
جمال طلال يوسف النعيمي اضاءة على الشعار التجاري كعنصر من عناصر المتجر المعنوية المفهوم, الاختيار, طريقة الحماية دراسة مقارنة في القانونين الاردني و الفرنسي مجلة الحقوق- جامعة النهرين- مقبول للنشر 2020 0 0
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
حسن خميس سعيد الملخ المحظورات اللغوية دار عالم الكتب 0 0 256
حسن خميس سعيد الملخ تقنيات الإعراب في النحو العربي دار عالم الكتب 2015 0 280
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A Comparative Study for the Metaphors Use In Happiness And Anger In English And Arabic US-China Foreign Language 2009 6 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Metaphors we Believe by: Islamic Doctrine as Evoked by the Prophet Muhammad?s Metaphors Critical Discourse Studies 2012 0 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Anti-Coercion Function of Metaphors in Jordanian Media Discourse International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2014 0 138
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Constructing the Hashemite Self-Identity in King Abdullah II?s Discourse International Journal of Linguistics 2014 0 34
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف The Psychosocial Dimensions of Religious Language and Metaphors from a Linguistic Viewpoint Journal of Advances in Linguistics 2014 0 84
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A MARCH TOWARDS REFORM: the Metaphorical Conceptualisation of ?reform? in King Abdullah II?s Language Miscel?nea: A Journal of English and American Studies 2015 0 49
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف On (De) Personification in Prophet Muhammad?s Tradition Advances in Language and Literary Studies 2015 0 153
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف The Exceptionality of Jordan and its Democracy in King Hussein?s Last Speech from the Throne International Journal of Linguistics 2015 0 17
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A Theoretical Account On The Study Of Metaphor In Didactic Discourse Advances in Language and Literary Studies 2016 0 101
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Restoring Pride in Jordanian National Identity?: Framing the Jordanian National Identity by the National Committee of Retired Army Veterans Studies in Literature and Language. 2016 0 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Addressing the Question of Homophobia in Jordanian Public Discourse International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2017 0 47
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف What Can the Prophet Muhammad?s Metaphors Do? Advances in Language and Literary Studies 2018 0 69
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A Semiotic Perspective on the Denotation and Connotation of Colours in the Quran International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2019 0 18
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Circumlocution in King Abdullah II?s Discussion Papers International Journal of Linguistics 2019 0 74
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Idealising martyrdom and Jordanian militarism in the Martyr?s Memorial in Amman: A social semiotic approach Social Semiotics 2021 0 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Validation of the Arabic version of the Ocular Surface Disease Index Questionnaire (ARB-OSDI) International Journal of Ophthalmology 2021 0 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف ?They Are Khaw?rij of Our Time:? Relying on Background Knowledge and Long-Term Memory to Justify Fighting ISIS in Jordanian Political Discourse Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics 2022 16 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A Spatial-Semiotic Narrative of the Martyr?s Memorial Site in Amman International Journal of Linguistics 2022 14 75-110
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف The Role of Sensory-Motor Experiences and Embodied Cognition in Container-Based Metaphors in the Language of Jordanian Congenitally-Blind Persons International Journal of Linguistics 2022 14 32-58
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف To Make A Difference: Interpersonal Meanings in Museum-Texts: A Case-Study of the Children?s Museum in Amman International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2022 11 1-12
علي صالح سحوم العويدات رفض الدعوة : دراسة برقامتية تقابلية بين العربية الاردنية و القشطالية الاسبانية مجلة دراسات : العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية 0
علي صالح سحوم العويدات المنصوب : الشكل و الصياغة دراسة تقابلية مجلة كلية الآداب- جامعة القاهرة 2017 0 20
علي صالح سحوم العويدات تقويم برنامج اسباني-انجليزي في جامعة ال البيت من وجهة نظر الطلبة Dilemas Contempor?neos: Educaci?n , Pol?tica y Valores. 2017 5 1
علي صالح سحوم العويدات حروف الجر الدالة على التعليل و السبب في العربية و الإسبانية : دراسة تقابلية The Jordan Journal of Modern Languages & Literature (JJMLL) 2017 3 247
علي صالح سحوم العويدات المشكلات القواعدية(حروف الجر) مشاكل طلبة اسباني - انجليزي في جامعة آل البين Dilemas Contempor?neos: Educaci?n , Pol?tica y Valores. 2018 10 1
علي صالح سحوم العويدات درجة امتلاك الكفايات الأدائية اللازمة لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس في تعليم اللغة الإسبانية في الجامعات الأردنية مجلة كلية الآداب- جامعة القاهرة 2018 0 20
فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف أثر المناخ على صناعة السياحة في محافظة العقبة Review of International Geographical Education Online 2021 9 574-587
فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف التباين المكاني للتركيب النوعي في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية حسب تعدادي 2004 و 2015-دراسة مقارنة مجلة كلية الآداب، جامعة القاهرة 2021 7 469-497
فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف تقييم الواقع الهيدرولوجي والرسوبي في حوض عمان / الزرقاء باستخدام أداة تقييم التربة والمياه International Journal of Geoinformatics 2021 6 84-71
فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف واقع التنمية المكانية في محافظة المفرق مجلة جامعة النجاح للأبحاث (العلوم الإنسانية) 2021 12 1950-1925
فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف تكامل التقنيات الجيومكانية لتحديد تغيرات استعمالات الأراضي في قضاء الخالدية بين عامي 2003-2020 التراث 2022 12 115-88
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فيصل مناور شافي المعيوف التباين المكاني للتركيب النوعي لسكان الحضر والريف في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية حسب تعدادي 2004 و 2015 جامعة الحسين بن طلال للبحوث 2023 9 262-233
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الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
محمد موسى علي العبسي خطاب الْمقدمات وميثاق القراءة في شروح حسن كامل الصيرفي على الشعر الجاهلي المجلة الأردنية للغة العربية 2007 2 30
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محمد موسى علي العبسي بنية الاستجابة في شروح حسن كامل الصيرفي على الشعر الجاهلي المنارة 2009 1 40
محمد موسى علي العبسي العَوْتَبِيّ الصُّحَارِيّ وجُهُودُهُ في دِراسةِ الأمْثالِ لعَرَبِيّة- كِتابُ "الإبانة" مِثالاً مجلة كلية الآداب- جامعة القاهرة 2010 0 80
محمد موسى علي العبسي الخِطابُ والخِطابُ المُضادُّ- رسالةُ المَنِيحِ لأبي العَلاءِ المَعَرِّيِّ: دِراسَةٌ في النَّصِّ والنص المُوازي المنارة 2011 2 60
محمد موسى علي العبسي لامية العرب: سيميائية الأمومة والسؤال الطوباوي- بحث في مسالك المعنى المجلة الأردنية للغة العربية 2014 0 55
محمد موسى علي العبسي في تسريد المثل القديم: الشكلنة وإنتاج المعنى: قصة المثل "إن غدًا لناظره قريب" أنموذجًا المنارة 2015 0 90
حسن خميس سعيد الملخ المحظورات اللغوية دار عالم الكتب 0 0 256
حسن خميس سعيد الملخ تقنيات الإعراب في النحو العربي دار عالم الكتب 2015 0 280
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سعيد جبر محمد ابو خضر تقييم جودة ترجمة التعبير التلطيفي عن العلاقات الجنسية في القرآن الكريم: مدخل براغماتي Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures 2019 2 167-192
سعيد جبر محمد ابو خضر في إشكالية تحريف الشاهد الشعري في كتاب سيبويه مجلة اللسانيات واللغة العربية 2019 17 137-168
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الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب La construction de l'identite de la femme a travers des representations linguistiques en arabe: aspect phonologique,2007  International Conference/ Construction d?identit? et processus d?identification / Univ. de Tours / 2007 0 0
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب La lecture de l'image: L'impact iconographique sur la construction du sens,2007  International Conference/ Construction du sens et ... Univ. de Nantes / France 2007 0 0
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب Analyse linguistique des textes litteraires: Enjeux didactiques,2007,1 Attarbia Watakouin / Education Ministry Morocco 2007 1 0
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب L'image: une parleuse muette,2007,13 Almanara Alalbayt University 2007 13 0
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محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب La genese de l'humour/ Aspects sociolinguistiques et didactiques,2008  Journee Francophones / Univ. Dun?rea de Jos / Roumanie 2008 0 0
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب Traitement de l'erreur grammaticale en francais langue etrangere,2008,35 Dirassat Jordan University 2008 35 0
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محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب Id?ologie et m?tamorphose de la langue BAU Journal -Beirut Arab University- Society, Culture and Human Behavior 2019 1 29-36
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب L'?valuation en langue ?trang?re: entre la certification et la comp?tence International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies 2021 1 37-61
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب Etude comparative entre le programme du FLE en Jordanie et au Sultanat d?Oman : enjeux didactiques Pratiques et didactique 2022 1 23-39
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب Le d?veloppement des comp?tences langagi?res chez les enfants jumeaux : une exp?rimentation pratique International Journal of Social Sciences and Scientific Studies 2022 2 537-546
محمد يوسف عبد الرحمن الخطيب R?flexions sur langue, dialecte et identit? Al-Zaytoonah University Journal for Human and Social Studies 2022 3 345-353
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الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي الإقطاع العسكري في عصر سلاطين السلاجقة الكبار ودور الوزير نظام الملك الطوسي في نشأته وتطوره المجلة الأردنية للتاريخ والآثار، الجامعة الأردنية، م2، ع1 آذار 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي أوضاع العراق وبلاد الشام ومشرق العالم الإسلامي كما يصورها ياقوت الحموي في كتابـه معجم البلدان ، مجلة المنارة، جامعة أل البيت، م20، ع1أ إذار 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي إضاءات على سيرة الإمام أبو حامد الغزالي على ضوء المصادر التاريخية المعاصرة المجلة الأردنية للتاريخ والآثار، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، الجامعة الأردنية، المجلد الثاني اذار 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي الوحدة في إطار التنوع: قراءة في خريطة دار الإسلام السياسية والمذهبية عند الرحالة المقدسي في كتابه أحسن التقاسيم، مجلة دراسات تاريخية جامعة دمشق، السنة 30، ع119-120 تموز 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي سُبل عيش العلماء في ضوء كتاب الانساب للسمعاني (ت 562هـ/1166م) المجلـــة الأردنية للتاريخ والأثار، الجامعة الأردنية، المجلد الثامن، العدد الأول، جماد 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي نقوش عربية شمالية (صفائية) من جاوه البادية الأردنية الشمالية الشرقية مجلة أدوماتو، ع40 ذو ا 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي السير العُمانية مصدراً لتاريخ عُمان: قراءة في مخطوط سير العلماء المحبوبيين مجلة المنارة، المجلد العاشر، العدد الخامس ذو ا 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي نقوش عربية شمالية قديمة (صفائية) في مرب حمدة في البادية الأردنية الشمالية مجلة أدوماتو، ع41 رجب 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي سيدات القصور ودورهن في الحياة العامة في مصر خلال العصر الفاطمي (362-567هـ/972-1171م) بالأشتراك مع نهلة احمد عبد الباقي، المجلة الأردنية للتاريخ والأثار، الجامعة الأردنية، المجلد السابع، رجب- 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي الشيخ إسماعيل الصفائحي: دراسة في مواقفه وآثاره(1853-1918م) مجلة جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية، الجزائر، العدد العاشر، سبتم 0
عليان عبدالفتاح محمد الجالودي التأسيس للسلطنة في الفكر الخلدوني: من إمارة الاستيلاء عند الماوردي إلى مفهوم العصبية والشوكة عند ابن خلدون مجلة إسلامية المعرفة، المعهد العالمي للفكر الإسلامي السنة 13، ع51 شتاء 0
محمد موفق احمد الارناؤوط الثقافة الالبانية في الابجدية العربية,1983,1 1983 1 0
محمد موفق احمد الارناؤوط تاريخ بلغراد الاسلامية,1987,1 1987 1 0
محمد صياح مسند العيسى المعتزلة في العصر البويهي مجلة المنارة 2015 3 10-16
محمد صياح مسند العيسى مشاركة القراء في جيش عبدالرحمن بن الاشعث european scientific journal 2015 17 24-27
محمد صياح مسند العيسى - المعتزلة قبل عهد الخليفة المأمون European Scientific Journal 2016 32 12-14
محمد صياح مسند العيسى - ثورة أبو الوريد وفكرة المنتظر السفياني european scientific journal 2016 2 12-14
محمد صياح مسند العيسى عمرو بن عبيد واراؤه السياسية المؤرخ المصري 2016 49 32-36
محمد صياح مسند العيسى - موقف العباسي من المعارضة الأموية Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2017 4 23-25
محمد صياح مسند العيسى أحوال أهل الذمة في الفترة الأموية المؤرخ المصري 2017 0 0
محمد صياح مسند العيسى احوال اهل الذمة في ظل الحكم الاسلامي المؤرخ المصري 2017 51 45-49
محمد صياح مسند العيسى موقف المسعودي من الخوارج في العهد الأموي من خلال مؤلفاته المؤرخ المصري 2019 55 17-22
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده المقاطعة القرشية لبني هاشم وبني عبد المطلب في شعب أبي طالب مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 2014 4 31
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده دور جريدة القبلة في التوثيق للثورة العربية الكبرى (1916- 1918م) المؤتمر الدولي مئوية الثورة العربية الكبرى 1916- 2016م 2016 0 78
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده دور جريدة القبلة في التوثيق للثورة العربية الكبرى (1916- 2018) مؤتمر مئوية الثورة العربية الكبرى (1916- 2016م) 2016 1 251- 271
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده سجلات دفاتر الطابو الخاصة بقضاء حيفا في العهد العثماني دراسة مصدرية تحليلية مجلة المؤرخ المصري 2016 49 11
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده الأوضاع الإدارية في قضاء صفد خلال العهد العثماني (1281- 1333هـ/ 1864- 1914م) مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب 2017 2 699- 740
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده الاوضاع الادارية في قضاء صفد خلال العهد العثماني 1864- 1914 مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للاداب 2017 14 699
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده الوقف عند أحمد بن يحيى الونشريسي مجلة المؤرخ المصري 2019 54 27
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده الوقف عند أحمد بن يحيى الونشريسي من خلال كتابه (المعيار المعرب والجامع المغرب عن فتاوي علماء إفريقية والأندلس والمغرب)- البحث مقبول للنشر. مجلة المؤرخ المصري 2019 54 0
علاء كامل عبدالجابر سعاده حصار الطائف وتحريرها من القوات التركية بقيادة الأمير عبد الله بن الحسين قائد الجيش العربي الشرقي 1334هـ/ 1916م صحيفة القبلة مصدراً. ? البحث مقبول للنشر مجلة دراسات للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية 2019 47 149-162
انور عوده عواد الخالدي أوقاف عبد الباسط بن خليل الدمشقي (790-857 هـ / 1388-1450م ) ناظر الجيوش المصرية مجلة المنارة 2013 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي معطيات الحركة التعليمية في مصر المملوكية في ضوء وثائق الأوقاف المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية 2013 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي التنظيمات التجارية بين الدولة المملوكية وأوروبا زمن سلاطين المماليك مجلة المنارة 2014 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي صناعة وتجارة المنسوجات في دمشق في القرن الثامن عشر 0 2014 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي مدينة القدس: قراءة تاريخية للجوانب الحضارية والإدارية للعصر المملوكي Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي السجون المصرية في عصر الأسرة المملوكية Humanities and Social Sciences 2016 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي دور نظام البريد في المعارك والفتوحات الحربية في العصر المملوكي البحري 0 2016 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي الشريف قتادة بن ادريس الحسني امير مكة مجلة دراسات العلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية 2019 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي موقف بريطانيا من الصراع بين حكام البوسعيد مجلة دراسات العلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية 2019 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي المجتمع الإسلامي في المشرق العربي ومصر خلال القرن الخامس الهجري/ الحادي عشر ميلادي ( رؤية من خلال رحلة ناصر خسرو القبادياني ) مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 2021 0 0
انور عوده عواد الخالدي شجرة الدر ودورها السياسي والإداري في العصرين الأيوبي والمملوكي (637 هـ / 1239 م - 655 هـ / 1257 م) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2021 0 21-53
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية القســــــــــم :- اللغة الانجليزية وآدابها
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
نايف علي قبيان الجولان "Fake Religious Prejudice: Social, Financial, and Political Discrimination in Renaissance Drama," in progress, 2011. NA 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Book: Studies in Ekphrasis and Spatial Theory (new revised and extended edition of a previous monograph) in progress, 2011/2012. NA 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Book: Feminist Criticism: A Theory Practiced (new revised edition of a previous monograph) in progress, 2011/2012. iNA 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 39. The Fifteenth International Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and Translation, Yarmouk University , Irbid , Jordan , 2000. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 41. "The Short Story in Jordan," a conference held at Al al-Bayt Univ., April 2001. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 42. The Faculty of Arts & Humanities Second Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2002. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 43. The Faculty of Arts & Humanities Third Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2003. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 44. Organizing and Academic committees. The Second International Jordanian Francophone Conference on "The International Critical reception of A Thousand and One Nights in the Arts and Humanities." Al al-Bayt Univ., 13-14 April, 2011. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 45. Participating visiting scholar. Fulbright Institute on Modern American Literature, Dept. of English, Northern Illinois University, Chicago, USA, 1 July-12 Aug. 2003. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 46. Evaluation of Jordanian (MHE) Government Competence Test. A discussion panel held at Jerash University, Jerash , Jordan , 2002. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان 47. English Departments Quality Assurance. A discussion panel and training workshop for English Language and Literature program reviews, administered by Al-Hussein Fund for Excellence in collaboration with The Center for Quality Assurance in International Education, held at Campensky Hotel, Amman , Jordan , 11-12 March 2007. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Book: Aesthetic Dying: Poetic treatment of death in Elegiac Verse and War Poetry. in progress, 2011/2012. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Book: Orphic Hybridity in Arab American Literature: Diana Abu-Jaber. in progress, 2011/2012. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Conference: The Faculty of Arts & Humanities First Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2001. na 0 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Image of the Hero in the English Poetry of the Great War, Masters thesis, Yarmouk University, 1996,1996 , 1996 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Essenced to Language: The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg, Ph.D. thesis, University of Glasgow, 1999,1999,1 . 1999 1 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Influence of Paining on The language of Isaac Rosenbergs Poetry, Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. VIII, no. 2 (2002): 27-48 ,2002 2002 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان A Portrait of the Historian as Artist: The Fusion of Painting and History in The Prose Narratives of Hind Abu-Shaar, Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. X, no. 3 (2004): 21-56 ,2004 2004 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Cognitive Essence of Ekphrasis and Literary Pictorialism: A Theory Encountered, Journal of Arts and Human Sciences, Minia University, Egypt, Vol. 52 (April 2004): 1-48,2004 2004 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Poetic Truth or Historical Truth; Dramatist or Historian: Shakespeares King Henry V History Plays, (Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. 11, no. 2 (2005): 163-206,2005 2005 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Gynoconstruction; A Gyno-Space and a Gyno-Center of Her Own: Re-Viewing the Deconstructive Essence of Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism, Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Yarmouk University Journal for Research and Studies, volume 24, no. 1 (2006): 37-90.Yarmouk University, Jordan,2006 2006 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Poets Elegy of the Self across Arabic and English Poetry: A Case Study of John Keats and Malik Ibn Ar-Rayb, Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 4 (2007): 9-41, Al Al-Bayt University ,2007 2007 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Stylistics of Repetition: Gender and Class in Nawal El-Saadawis God Dies by the Nile, Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 4 (2007): 71-88, Al Al-Bayt University,2007 2007 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Walking Against the Usual Traffic: A Feminist Reading of Sexual Textuality in John Updikes A and P, Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 5 (2007): 9-33, Al Al-Bayt University,2007 2007 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Gynoconstruction; Feminist Literary Criticism: Theory and Practice. Amman: Juhaina, 2007,2007 . 2007 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Essenced to Language: The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007,2007,1 . 2007 1 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Cognitive Ekphrasis and Painting in Words: Theory and Application. Amman: Aila and Zahran, 2008,2008 2008 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Content is in the character: Critique of Arab and American Cultures in Diana Abu-Jabers Arabian Jazz, published in Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 1, Spring 2009,2009 2009 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Heterotopological Space in Emily Dickinsons Poem 632 The Brain?is wider than the sky?, published in Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 2, Fall 2009 ,2009 2009 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Below the level of the visible: The Mathematics and Physics of Space in Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres, published in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 3, 2010,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Contending Heterotopic Artistic Space and Spatial/Stretched Time in T. S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, accepted in Miscelanea, Spain, vol. 42, Nov. 2010 ,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Diana Abu-Jabers Arabian Jazz: Arab American Feminism and Literature, accepted in Mosaic, Canada, 2010,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Dis/Continuities: Natural and Artistic Landscape/Seascape in T.S. Eliots The Waste Land and S.T. Coleridges The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, accepted in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 4, December 2010,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Ekphrasis Revisited: The Cognitive Essence of et picture poesis. Accepted in Studies in Literature and Language, ISSN 1923-1555 [Print], ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], 2010,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Feminist Politics of Location: Staging Sexuality and Violence in the Drama of Griselda Gambaro, published in Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 3 (2010): 114-124,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Islam in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery, published in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 2 (2010): 29-39,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Prosopopoeia as a Cognitive Ekphrastic Activity: A Case from Eighteenth-Century Graveyard Poetry, accepted in Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 4 (2010): 1-8,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Criticism of Evasion: T. S. Eliots Tradition and its non-Literary Margins, published in Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 5, 2010 ,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان ut pictura poesis and Aesthetic Kinship: A Case from Modern Arabic Prose. Accepted in Studies in Literature and Language, Canada,ISSN 1923-1555 [Print], ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], vol.1, no 5, to be published on September 30, 2010,2010 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Diana Abu-Jabers Arabian Jazz: The Orphic Vision of Arab American Identity and Literature, accepted in Neophilologus, 2010,2010 . 2010 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Aesthetic Dying: The Arabs Heroic Encounter with Death, accepted in Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 6, 2010: 24-41,2011 2011 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Fauna in the Poetry of Marianne Moore and Elizabeth Bishop. in progress,2011 2011 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Literary Theory: An Islamic Perspective. in progress,2011 2011 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان Masters of Blindness: A Study of John Milton in the Light of the Classical Blind Arab Poets. in progress,2011 2011 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان The Image of the Grave across Arabic and English Poetry. in progress,2011 2011 0 0
نايف علي قبيان الجولان incurable sores on innocent tongues: The Language of Pain in World War I Poetry, accepted in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 7, no. 1, 2011,2011 2011 0 0
كفاح ركان كريم القاضي أثر القراءة المكثفة في تحسين الدقة اللغوية لدى طلبة اللغة الانجليزية كلغة أجنبية للسنة الأولى في جامعة آل البيت Journal of Education and Practice 2013 6 106-113
كفاح ركان كريم القاضي The Effect of Group Workand Portfolio in Writing Activitieson Developing the Linguistic and Discourse Competencies of the EFL Students at Al al-Bayt University Journal of Education and Practice 2014 15 155-161
كفاح ركان كريم القاضي Different Learning Styles of L2 Learners Journal of Literature,Language and Linguistics 2015 15 25-31
كفاح ركان كريم القاضي A Content Analysis of the Writing Activities in Action Pack 10 to Measure Degree of their Congruence with the General Grade Outcomes of the English Language Guidelines in Jordan European Scientific Institute 2015 22 285-293
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر A Contributor of a series of literary characters descriptions in the four volume set The Dictionary of World Literary Characters to be published by Facts on File, Inc. in Summer 2009 null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Almasys Desire for Identity Erasure in Michael Ondaatjes The English Patient, Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, Issue 5.4, December 2008, pp.43-45. Publisher: Nebula Press/Australia null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Anglophilia in Arundhati Roys The God of Small Things. Studies in Women Writers in English, Vol.VIII. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2009, pp.231-245 null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Heterotopological Space in Emily Dickinsons Poem 632 The Brain is wider than the sky. Interactions, Fall 2009 (2nd Author), pp.1-13. Ege University/Turkey null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Identity Crisis: Rudyard Kiplings Kim A Post-Colonial Perspective. Epiphany Online Academic Journal. No.3, Special Issue: Identity, Fall 2009, pp.81-104. Published by International University of Sarajevo null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Identity and Erasure in Salman Rushdies Midnights Children, Panjab University Research Journal (Arts) V. XXXIV, Nos. 1&2 (April - Oct 2007), pp.79-98. Publisher: Panjab University/India null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Maps in Michael Ondaatjes The English Patient, Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, Issue 5.1/5.2, June 2008, pp. 98-109. Publisher: Nebula Press/Australia null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Natural Providence? In Stephen Cranes The Open Boat, Interactions, Vol. 17.1, Spring 2008, pp.1-14 (1st Author). Publisher: Ege University/Turkey null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Poems on The Great War: Sadness, Anger, Repression, Healing, Interactions, Vol. 16.1, Spring 2007, pp.1-13. Publisher: Ege University/Turkey null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Religious Identity in Michael Ondaatjes The English Patient. Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, June 2008, pp.101-08. Published by Military Technical Academy Publishing House/Romania null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Rethinking Identity: Mahmoud Darwishs Poem Tibaaq (Antithesis) - A Post-colonial Perspective, Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal, Vol. 24.2 Asian Humanities/Fall Issue 2007, pp. 28-41. Publisher: NAHE The National Association for Humanities Education Louisiana University/U.S.A null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Rethinking Identity: The Coloniser in E. M. Forsters A Passage to India, Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, Issue 3.2-3, September 2006, pp.68-85. Publisher: Nebula Press/Australia null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock as an Emblem of the Modern Writers Dilemma, Journal of Arts and Human Sciences, Vol. 57, July 2005, pp. 573-620 (2nd Author). Publisher: Minya University/Egypt null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر The Theme of Futility in War Poetry, Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, Issue 4.3, September 2007, pp.125-140. Publisher: Nebula Press/Australia null 0 0
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Delving into The Mysteries of Dickinsons Nature is what we see. Canadian Social Science. Vol.6, No.6, pp.113-118, 2010. Published by Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture/Canada. Canadian Social Science 2010 6 113
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر Multi-Layers of Identity in William Beckfords Vathek Journal of Language and Literature 2010 1 35
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر The Question of Identity in Abdulrahman Munifs When We Left the Bridge. Studies in Literature & Language. Vol. 1, No.6, 2010, pp.52-61. Published by Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture/Canada Studies in Literature & Language 2010 6 52
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر The Therapeutic Function of Story telling: The Arabian Nights Vs. Franz Kafka?s Animal Stories Cross-Cultural Communication 2011 7 84
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر ?Towards An Anodynic Concept of Death: A Comparative Study of A Selection of English & Arabic Poetry? Interactions 2014 23 29
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر 2-?The Problematics of Identity & Identity Erasure in Youssef Ziedan?s Azazeel?. Journal of Arts & Humanities 2015 4 37
احمد محمد سليم ابو بكر 3-?Resistance/Acceptance of Inferiority, Invisibility and Marginalization in Arundhati Roy?s The God of Small Things & Kazu Ishiguro?s The Remains of the Day? Studies in Literature & Language 2015 10 50
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احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف A Semiotic Perspective on the Denotation and Connotation of Colours in the Quran International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2019 0 18
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Circumlocution in King Abdullah II?s Discussion Papers International Journal of Linguistics 2019 0 74
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احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف Validation of the Arabic version of the Ocular Surface Disease Index Questionnaire (ARB-OSDI) International Journal of Ophthalmology 2021 0 1
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف ?They Are Khaw?rij of Our Time:? Relying on Background Knowledge and Long-Term Memory to Justify Fighting ISIS in Jordanian Political Discourse Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics 2022 16 1
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احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف The Role of Sensory-Motor Experiences and Embodied Cognition in Container-Based Metaphors in the Language of Jordanian Congenitally-Blind Persons International Journal of Linguistics 2022 14 32-58
احمد خيرالله عمر الشريف To Make A Difference: Interpersonal Meanings in Museum-Texts: A Case-Study of the Children?s Museum in Amman International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature 2022 11 1-12
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ريما صلاح خالد الحايك الكتابات النسائية في ظل أوقات الأزمات: دراسة نسائية لغوية Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis 2021 1 235- 255
ريما صلاح خالد الحايك المزج اللغوي بين العربية والإنجليزية لدى طلبة قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها في جامعة آل البيت: دراسة لغوية اجتماعية International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES) 2023 0 00
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باسيل علي صالح البزور From Semantics to Semiotics: Demystifying Intricacies on Translation Theory Advances in Language and Literary Studies. 6 (5), 121-127 2015 0
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ناصر نايف عوض البزور Donald Trump's Denial Speeches of the 2020 United States Presidential Election's Results: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, ALLS, 13 (01). 2021 0
ناصر نايف عوض البزور Covert Ideologies and Sign Manipulation: a Functional Semiotic Analysis of Western vs. Arabic News Coverage of New Zealand 2019 Mosque Carnage International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. IJALEL, 10 (6), 2021 0
ناصر نايف عوض البزور Towards Feeding and Bleeding Filters in Communicative Translation Competence: a Case Study of the Qur?nic Sura of Al-Shams (the Sun). International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, IJHSS, 11 (11). 2021 0
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الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية القســــــــــم :- المتطلبات الانسانية
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
عايد محمد عايد طاران التحليل المكاني لتوزع الدوائر الحكومية في مدينة المفرق باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية مجلة الاستاذ / بغداد 2015 215 153-174
عايد محمد عايد طاران اثر النمو السكاني على قطاع الخدمات في مدينة المفرق مجلة النجاح للابحاث (العلوم الانسانية) 2016 9 2016
عايد محمد عايد طاران التحليل الكمي لشبكة الطرق في محافظة المفرق مجلة دراسات/ الجامعة الاردنية 2016 3 2399-2417
عايد محمد عايد طاران تحليل بنية شبكة الطرق في محافظة الكرك مجلة النجاح للابحاث (العلوم الانسانية) 2016 8 1683-1706
عايد محمد عايد طاران تقييم استخدامات الارض في المدينة المنورة باستخدام تقنية الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية، دراسة مقارنة المجلة الدولية للتخطيط والتهيئة العمرانية والتنمية المستدامة ،المنظمة الاوروعربية 2016 1 2016
عايد محمد عايد طاران الخصائص المورفومترية والهيدرولوجية لحوض وادي الحسا باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ونموذج الارتفاعات الرقمية مجلة النجاح للابحاث (العلوم الانسانية) 2017 6 965-996
عايد محمد عايد طاران تحديد انسب مواقع مكبات النفايات في محافظة معان باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية مجلة منشورات علوم جغرافية 2017 17 147-165
عايد محمد عايد طاران تحليل خصائص شبكة الطرق في محافظة اربد مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للبحوث الإنسانية/ غزة 2017 1 57-75
عايد محمد عايد طاران تقييم مستوى الخدمات العامة في مدينة المفرق مجلة النجاح للابحاث (العلوم الانسانية) 2017 3 343-372
عايد محمد عايد طاران مراقبة التغيرات في استخدامات الأراضي في مدينة الهفوف باستخدام تقنيات نظام المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) والاستشعار عن بعد (RS) European Journal of Social Scinces 2017 2 267-283
عايد محمد عايد طاران التحليل الجغرافي لتوزيع التجمعات العمرانية في محافظة معان باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية The Social Sciences 2020 4 186-195
عايد محمد عايد طاران تأثير مدينة الحسن الصناعية على استعمالات الأ راض في بلدية الرمثا الجديدة باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد دراسات، العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية 2020 1 927-941
عايد محمد عايد طاران تحليل امكانية الوصول لشبكة الطرق في محافظة معان International Journal of Geoinformatics 2020 4 10-20
عايد محمد عايد طاران كفاءة التوزيع المكاني للمراكز الصحية في لواء قصبة الكرك باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، جنوبي الأردن مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية/الكويت 2020 1 191-222
عايد محمد عايد طاران أثر إغلاق المعابر الحدودية الأردنية السورية على تراجع الحركة التجارية في مدينة الرمثا (معبري الرمثا وجابر: دراسة جغرافية مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية/الكويت 2021 1 1-20
عايد محمد عايد طاران اثر العواصف الغبارية على حوادث الطرق (الطريق الصحراوي الاردني-دراسة حالة) REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION 2021 9 600-587
عايد محمد عايد طاران تقييم الواقع الهيدرولوجي والرسوبي لأراضي حوض عمان الزرقاء باستخدام نموذج تقييم التربة والمياه International Journal of Geoinformatics 2021 6 71-84
عايد محمد عايد طاران نظرية الانتظار وتطبيقاتها على ميناء العقبة الاردني Universal Journal of Educational Research 2021 9 216-204
عايد محمد عايد طاران التحليل المكاني لتوزيع المراكز الحضرية في محافظة الطفيلة باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning 2022 13 113-121
عايد محمد عايد طاران تقييم مستوى جودة خدمة النقل في حرم جامعة آل البيت باستخدام نموذج جودة الخدمة International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2022 17 1905-1915
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني التحليل الجغرافي لشبكة طرق النقل في محافظة الطفيلة ? الاردن باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ---- 2
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم مخاطر الفيضانات المفاجئة المحتملة. فيما يتعلق باستخدامات الأراضي / الغطاء الأرضي في محافظة العقبة ، الأردن ، باستخدام تقنية متعددة المعايير The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science (Cov 26 (17-24)
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم إمكانات الرواسب في خزان زقلاب (شمال غرب الأردن) لإحلال وتعديل التربة Lake and Reservoir Management 2014 30 32 -45
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم النمو العمراني لمدينة الهفوف باستخدام تقنية الاستشعار عن بعد (RS) ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) مجلة جامعة النجاح للبحوث 2014 28 1814-1836
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني التوزيع المكاني وتقييم التلوث للمعادن النزرة في الرواسب السطحية لخزان زكلاب ، الأردن Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2015 32 1 -15
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم استخدامات الارض في المدينة المنورة باستخدام تقنية الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية ( دراسة مقارنة)، --- 2016 2 333
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني التحليل المكاني لتوزيع المساجد في مدينة معان باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) والاستشعار عن بعد (RS)، مجلة جامعة الحسين بن طلال للبحوث 2017 3 1-29
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تحليل خصائص شبكة الطرق في محافظة اربد مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للبحوث الإنسانية 2017 2 172 - 181
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني مراقبة التغيرات في استخدامات الأراضي في مدينة الهفوف باستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) والنائية تقنيات الاستشعار (RS) European Journal of Scientific Research 2017 3 267 - 283
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم مخاطر الكثبان الرملية لاستخدامات الأراضي / الغطاء الأرضي في محافظة معان opcion 2019 32 ----
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني دراسة وتحليل الغطاء الارضي واستعمالات الارض في مخيم الزعتري ما بين عامي 2010 ? 2017م ---- 2019 5 3222
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تحليل خصائص شبكة الطرق في محافظة اربد مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للبحوث الإنسانية 2020 17 2719 - 2735
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تغير المناخ وأثره على البيئة في وادي موسى باستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية Palarch?s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 2020 17 3333
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تقييم ملاءمة الأرض للاستخدام الزراعي باستخدام تقنيات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد: دراسة حالة محافظة معان ، الأردن The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 2020 40 1 - 9
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تبني مزارعي الحمضيات للممارسات الزراعة المستدامة ومحدداتها في وادي الأردن: الغور الشمالي كحالة دراسية Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences 2021 15 768-775
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني مراقبة وتقييم التغيرات في أنماط استعمالات الارض والغطاء الارضي في لواء الجيزه ?الاردن بأستخدام منهج كشف التغير دراسات: العلوم الانسانية و الاجتماعية 2021 48 ---
ايمن عبدالكريم عايد الطعاني تطوير أداة آلية منخفضة التكلفة لدمج الخرائط مع بيانات تحديد المواقع عبر الأقمار الصناعية لنظام GNSS Journal of Geodetic Science 2022 12 -------
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Antimicrobial Activity of Varthemia iphinoides and Majorana syriaca Essential Oils from Jordan and Their Potential Use as Natural Food Preservatives Journal of Natural Sciences Research 0 0 22
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز . Evaluating the Effect of Algal Extracts against Ultraviolet B-Induced Skin Damage in BALB/c Mice Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4 2015 0 583
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Antibacterial and antifungal effect of some natural extracts and their potential use as photosensitizers European Scientific Journal 2016 0 1857
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز The Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Variation in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Using Remote Sensing Data International Journal of Geosciences 2019 10 576-588
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز كيمياء المياه ونوعية المياه لفرع دمياط من نهر النيل في مصر Water Science and Technology 2021 84 1509-1517
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات المسببة للتسمم الغذائي لبعض مستخلصات نوى التمر و بذور الزيتون Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2022 21 529-537
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات والفعالية المضادة للاكسدة وتشخيص مستخلصات الفضة النانوية المحضرة من بعض النباتات الطبيةلبعض النباتات الطبية المحضرة بطريقة النانو Applied Ecology And Environmental Research. 2022 20 3429-3446
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز تحضير وتشخيص وتحديد الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات لمشتقات لمركبات كيميائية 3-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-5-arylpyrazole-1-carbothioamides J IRAN CHEM SOC : . 2022 19 2811?2822
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة - أحكام استقالة الموظف العام وآثارها في نظام الخدمة المدنية الأردني رقم 55 لسنة 2002 وقضاء محكمة العدل العليا الأردنية مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 2005 4 107
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة تطور القانون الإداري في بريطانيا باتجاه النموذج الفرنسي مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2005 1 247
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Legal Guarantees for Maintaining Basic Human Rights and Freedoms in the Jordanian Law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2006 1 42
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Ministerial Responsibility in the Jordanian Legal System مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2007 1 45
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian law approach concerning a decision subject to judicial review proceedings مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2011 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Judicial review of the reasons of administrative decisions in French and Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 12 20
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian Experience in Examining the Constitutionality of Legislation A Comparative Study مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2011 8 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The liability of the administration in Jordanian law from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The Jordanian experience in reviewing the constitutionality of legislation from a comparative perspective مجلة الحقوق - جامعة البحرين 2012 17 3
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة أحكام وتطبيقات المسؤولية الإدارية بلا خطأ في القانون الفرنسي والقانون الأردني - دراسة مقارنة مجلة المنارة ? جامعة آل البيت 2012 3 9
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة النظام القانوني لإعارة الموظف العام في القانون الأردني - دراسة مقارنة مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2012 3 365
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة - مظاهر استقلال إجراءات التقاضي أمام محكمة العدل العليا عن إجراءات الدعوى المدنية مجلة دراسات ? الجامعة الأردنية 2013 1 47
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة تأثر القانون الإداري الفرنسي بالتجربة الانجلوسكسونية في مجال توجيه الأوامر القضائية للإدارة وأثر ذلك على فعالية تنفيذ أحكام القضاء الإداري مجلة دراسات ? الجامعة الأردنية 2013 39 205
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة The principle of "Proportionality" in French administrative law: a lesson suggested for Jordanian law مجلة الحقوق - جامعة الكويت 2017 1 11
محمد علي سويلم الخلايلة Using videoconference technology in criminal procIn the Jordanian legislation ? a comparative study European journal of social sciences 2018 57 1
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم القســــــــــم :- الرياضيات
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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خالد احمد خالد الشرع الزمر المنتهيه التي تكون فيها كل p-زمره جزئيه S-تبادلبه الدمج فيها 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2021 0 89-91
خالد احمد خالد الشرع حول الضرب المباشر للزمر الجئيه المتبادله تقريبا International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2022 35 307-315
خالد احمد خالد الشرع وصف الزمر المنتهيه ذوت p-زمر جزئيه ناظميه لاصغر قاسم اولي لرتية الزمره JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 2024 3 237-246
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احمد محمود الصالح ابوسليم Analogs of Gray Identities for the Riemannian Curvature Tensor of Generalized Kenmotsu Manifolds International Mathematical Forum 2017 2 8795
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حسين محمود محمد جرادات Solving System of DAEs by Homotopy Analysis Method. Journal of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 42 (2009) 1422-1427 null 0 0
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حسين محمود محمد جرادات Numerical solution of linear differential-algebraic equations using Chebyshev polynomials , International Mathematical Forum. 3, 2008, no. 39, 1933 - 1943 null 0 0
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حسين محمود محمد جرادات Series Solutions to the Two Point Boundary Value Problems Using Modified Homotopy Analysis Method. Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica Tom XVIII (2011), 65-78. null 0 0
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Necessary conditions of coupled mKdV-BLMP system for multiple-soliton solutions to exist Alexandria Engineering Journal 0 1
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Two-mode coupled Burgers equation: Multiple-kink solutions and other exact solutions Alexandria Engineering Journal 0 1
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Mathematical analysis and physical interpretation on new multiple solitonic solutions of N-coupled modified kdV system Journal of Mathematical Analysis 0 118
حسين محمود محمد جرادات A study on the two-mode coupled modified Korteweg-de Vries using the simplified bilinear and the trigonometric-function methods, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90(2): 1363?1371 Nonlinear Dynamics 0 1363
حسين محمود محمد جرادات A modified approach for a reliable study of new nonlinear equation: Two-mode Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation Nonlinear Dynamics 0 1619
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Dynamic Behavior of Traveling Wave Solutions for New Couplings of the Burgers Equations with Time-Dependent Variable Coefficients Advances in Difference Equations 0 167
حسين محمود محمد جرادات A new numerical method for heat equation subject to integral specifications Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications 0 2117
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Analytical solution of the time-fractional Phi-4 equation by using modified residual power series method, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90(4): 2525?2529. Nonlinear Dynamics 0 2525
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Anew simplified bilinear method for the N-soliton solutions for a generalized FmKdV equation with time-dependent variable coefficients International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 0 259
حسين محمود محمد جرادات An accurate method for solving singular second-order fractional Emden-Fowler problem Advances in Difference Equations 0 30
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Controllable dynamical behaviors and the analysis of fractal Burgers hierarchy with the full effects of in homogeneities of media Romanian Journal of Physics 0 324
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Symbolic Computation on Soliton Solutions for Variable-coefficient Quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation in Magnetized Dense Plasmas International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 0 35
حسين محمود محمد جرادات New solitary wave and multiple soliton solutions for the time-space fractional Boussinesq equation Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0 367
حسين محمود محمد جرادات A two-mode coupled Kortewegde Vries: multiple-soliton solutions and other exact solutions Nonlinear Dynamics 0 371
حسين محمود محمد جرادات New Multiple-Kink Solutions and Singular-Kink-Solutions of (2 + 1) -Dimensional Coupled Burgers System with Time Variable Coefficients Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience 0 4212
حسين محمود محمد جرادات A reliable study of new nonlinear equation: Two-mode Kuramoto-Sivashinsky International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 0 64
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Approximate solutions to the generalized time-fractional Ito system Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0 699
حسين محمود محمد جرادات An Accurate Integral Solution for Solving the Pantograph Equation. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 0 825
حسين محمود محمد جرادات New solitary wave and multiple soliton solutions for the time-space coupled fractional mkdV equations with time-dependent coefficients Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience 0 9082
حسين محمود محمد جرادات Dynamic Behavior of Traveling Wave Solutions for a class for the time-space coupled fractional kdV system with time-dependent coefficients Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0 945
حسين محمود محمد جرادات New solitary wave and multiple soliton solutions for fifth order nonlinear evolution equation with time variable coefficients Results in physics 0 977
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علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam and A. A. Freihat. A new analytic numeric method solution for fractional modified epidemiological model for computer viruses, Application and Applied Mathematics, 10 (2), 2015, 919-936. sss 0 222
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam and H. A. Khashan. Rings in which elements are the sum of a nilpotent and a root of a fixed polynomial that commute, Open Mathematics, 15 (2017), 420-426. www 0 33
علي حسن احمد هندم H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. On Weakly g(x)-Nil Clean Rings, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 114 (2), 2017, 191-202. ssss 0 333
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam. Quotient TM-Algebras, International Mathematical Forum, 8 (2013), no. 20, 949 ? 956. ppppp 0 3333
علي حسن احمد هندم H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. (WEAKLY) n-nil cleanness of the ring Zm. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 67 (2), 2018, 29-37. sss 0 3333
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam, A. A. Freihat and M. Zurigat. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving fractional-order model for HIV infection of CD4?T cells, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 34 (4), 2015, 307-322. jjjj 0 44
علي حسن احمد هندم A. A. Freihat and A. H. Handam. Solution of the SIR models of epidemics using MSGDTM, Application and Applied Mathematics, 9 (2), 2014, 622 ? 636. rrrr 0 55
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam. On BE-homomorphisms of BE-semigroups, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 78 (2012) No. 8, 1211-1220. iiiii 0 555
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam. Fuzzy deductive systems in BE-semigroups, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 40(2), (2013), 128-139. tttt 0 66
علي حسن احمد هندم A. A. Freihat, M. Zurigat and A. H. Handam. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for modified epidemiological model for computer viruses, Afrika Mathematika (2014-02-21): 1-12. kkk 0 88
علي حسن احمد هندم M. Zurigat, A. A. Freihat and A. H. Handam. The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving the Jaulent-Miodek equations, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, (1) 34 (2015), 45-54. oooo 0 99
علي حسن احمد هندم H. A. Khashan and A. H. Handam. g(x)- nil clean rings, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 79 (2), 2016, 145-154. uuu 0 99
علي حسن احمد هندم A. H. Handam. Soft K(G) algebras, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. 43 (2012), no. 2, 203-213. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 2012 43 203
علي حسن احمد هندم A note on generalized alpha-skew-normal distribution. . International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 74 33
صفوان محمد احمد الشرع Kindly see my C.V.   0 0
صفوان محمد احمد الشرع Existence and continuous dependence of mild solutions for impulsive fractional integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces Computational and Applied Mathematics 2020 39 1-17
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عامر ابراهيم فلاح العمري The unit two parameters Mirra distribution: Reliability analysis, properties, estimation and applications Alexandria Engineering Journal 2024 82 238-253
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Ali H. Handam, Asad A. Freihat and Mohammad Zurigat, The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving fractional-order model for HIV infection of CD4+ T cells, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 34 (4) (2015), 307-322. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Asad A, Freihat, M. Zurigat and Ali H. Handam, The multi-step homotopy analysis method For Modified Epidemiological Model for Computer Viruses, Afrika Mathematika, 26 (3) (2015), 585-596. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات H. M. Jaradat, M. Zurigat, Safwan Al-shara and Qutaibeh Katatbeh, Toward a new algorithm for systems of fractional algebraic-differential equations, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 32 (2014), 579-594. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Hassan Al-Zou'bi and Mohammad Zuriga, Solving nonlinear fractional differential equations using multi-step homotopy analysis method, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 41 (2) (2014), 190-199. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat and Mousa Ababneh, Application of the multi-step differential transform method to solve a fractional human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-I) infection of CD4+ T-cells, Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 38 (2015), 163-172. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Analytical approximate solutions of fractional differential equations by Laplace Adomian decomposition method, Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica, Tom XVI, (2) (2010), 173-184. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Application of the multi-step homotopy analysis method to solve nonlinear differential algebraic equations, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math., 60 (1) (2015), 3-12. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Asad A. Freihat and Ali H. Handam, The multi-step homotopy analysis method for solving the Jaulent-Miodek equations, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 34 (1) (2015), 45-54. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Safwan Al-Shara, Shaher Momani and Ahmad Alawneh, The multi-step homotopy analysis method: A powerful scheme for handling non-linear oscillators, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 37 (2013), 421-429. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Shaher Momani and Ahmad Alawneh, Analytical approximate solutions of systems of fractional algebraic-differential equations by homotopy analysis method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (3) (2010) 1227-1235. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Shaher Momani and Ahmad Alawneh, Homotopy analysis method for systems of fractional integro-differential equations, Proceeding of The Fourth International Workshop of Advanced Computation for Engineering Applications, Jordan, (2008) 106-111. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Shaher Momani and Ahmad Alawneh, Solving nonlinear oscillators using a modified homotopy analysis method, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math. 57 (2012) 579-588 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Shaher Momani and Ahmad Alawneh, The multistage homotopy analysis method: Application to a biochemical reaction model of fractional order, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91 (5) (2014), 1030-1040. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Shaher Momani, Zaid Odibat and Ahmad Alawneh, The homotopy analysis method for handling systems of fractional differential equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34 (1) (2010) 24-35. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Ramzi B. Albadarneh, Iqbal M. Batiha, Mohammad Zurigat, Numerical solutions for linear fractional differential equations of order using finite difference method (FFDM), J. Math. Computer Sci. 16 (2016), 103-111. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Ramzi B. Albadarneh, Mohammad Zurigat, Iqbal M. Batiha, Numerical solutions for linear and non-linear fractional differential equations, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 106 (3) (2016), 859-871. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Solving nonlinear fractional differential equation using a multi-step Laplace Adomian decomposition method, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 39 (2) (2012), 162-172. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, The multi-step analytic method and application for approximating a giving up fractional smoking model, Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica, Tom XX, (1) (2013), 177-188. 0 0
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات Mohammad Zurigat, Solving Fractional Oscillators Using Laplace Homotopy Analysis Method, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 38 (4) (2011), 1-11. Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series 0 111
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات M. Zuriqat and A. A. Freihat, The multi-step Adomian decomposition method for approximating a fractional smoking habit model, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal., (2019) accepted Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 0 111
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات .A. A. Freihat and M. Zuriqat, Analytical Solution of Fractional Burgers Huxley Equations via Residual Power Series Method, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 40 (2) (2019), 174-182. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40 17
محمد احمد سالم الزريقات M. Zuriqat, The homo separation analysis method for solving the partial differential equation, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 40 (2018), 535-543. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 40 53
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع اردانا الملفوف Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع اكاش الملفوف Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 14 305 - 317
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع بوسون-اودوما Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 11 155-161
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع طول اطول متسلسلة متزايدة في تبديلة عشوائية Methodology and computing in applied probability 202 22 1009-1021
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع ايشتا الملفوف Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2021 10 293-299
ايات تيسير راشد المنيزل توزيع شنكر الملفوف Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2021 46 184-194
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Soft Topology in Ideal Topological Spaces , Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Generalized closed sets in ideal $M$-spaces . Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري A unified theory of contra-(\mu,\lambda)-continuous functions in generalized topological. spaces Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري A unified theory of generalized closed sets in weak structures Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On weakly open functions in generalized topological spaces Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica, 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Weak forms of $G$-$\alpha$-open sets and decompositions of continuity via grill Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري , A Note on Topologies Generated by $m$-Structures and \omega-Topologies Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Local And Global Existence of Mild Solutions For Impulsive Fractional Semilinear Integro-Differential Equation Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On extremally disconnected spaces via $m$-structures Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On theta-(G, H)-continuous functions in grill topological spaces Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري delta-local function and its properties in ideal topologicaln spaces Fasciculi Mathematica 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On \widetilde{\Psi}_{G}-sets in grill topological spaces Filomat 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On hyperconnected spaces via m-structures Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Decomposition of continuity in grill topological spaces Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري A note on various mapping induced by e-I-open sets in simple extension ideal topological space.- Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري A Topology via omega-local functions in ideal spaces Mathematica (Cluj) 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Some operators in ideal topological spaces Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On \theta_{I}-\beta^{*}-open sets and decompositions of continuity in ideal topological spaces} Questions Answers General Topology, 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Contra Continuity on Weak Structure Spaces Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Local function \Gamma^{*} in ideal topological spaces Scientfic Studies and Research Series Mathematics and Informatics 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Filter on Generalized Topological spaces Scientia Magna international journal 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Decompositions of continuity in ideal topological spaces Scientifc Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University of Iasi 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري A Unified Theory of weakly contra-(\mu,\lambda)-continuous functions in generalized topological spaces vStud. Univ. Babe?s-Bolyai Math 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Local closure functions in ideal topological spaces Novi Sad J. Math. 0 139
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Generalized closed sets in binary ideal topological spaces , Chungcheong Mathematical Society 0 183
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On topological groups via a-local functions Applied general topology 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Local closure functions in ideal topological spaces , Novi Sad J. Math 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On alpha-\omega-open sets and \alpha-Lindel\"of spaces Acta Universitatis Apulensis 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Weak and strong forms of sT-continuous functions Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On the existence of the mild solution for semilinear nonlocal fractional cauchy problem J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Characterizations of nearly Lindel\"of spaces Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Existence Solution Of Neutral Fractional Differential Inclusions With Fractional Operator Miskolc Mathematical Notes 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري New Forms of Contra-Continuity in Ideal Topology Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري (Lambda_\pi, \star)-closed sets and decompositions of star-continuity, Questions Answers General Topology, 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On ideal topological spaces via cozero sets Questions Answers General Topology, 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري , (Lambda_\pi, m)-closed sets and decompositions of $m$-continuity Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Weak Separation Axioms w-R_0 and w-R_1 in Weak Structures due to Cs\'{a}sz\'{a}r, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 0 2
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Some operators in ideal topological spaces via cozero sets Acta Univ. Apulensis 0 3
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Existence and uniqueness of mild and classical solutions to fractional order Hadamard-type Cauchy problem J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl 0 3
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري on w-I_g-closed sets in weak structure spaces dueto Cs\'{a}sz\'{a}r with ideals Mathematica (Clu) 0 3
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري , on \theta$-Modifications of Generalized Topologies Via Hereditary Classes, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 0 4
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Characterizations of $ z $-Lindel?f spaces Archivum Mathematicum 0 6
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري on almost soft \beta- continuous functions Global Journal of Mathematics 0 6
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Paracompact spaces with m-structures Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica 0 8
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري , (w, k)-continuity and weak (w, k)-continuity Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Math 0 8
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On a new operator on filter generalized topological spaces Creative Mathematics and Informatics 0 8
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On operators in ideal minimal spaces Mathematica (Cluj) 0 8
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On quasi compact spaces and some functions Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matem?tica 0 9
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Existence of the Classical and Strong Solution for Fractional Semilinear Initial ValuebProblems Journal of Boundary Value Problems 2018 0 1
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Properties of ?h-compact spaces with hereditary classes AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Natur 2020 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Existence and continuous dependence of mild solutions for impulsive fractional integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces Computational and Applied Mathematics 2020 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Optimizing the number of fog nodes for finite fog radio access networks under multi-slope path loss model Electronics (Switzerland) 2020 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري On ?-connected spaces Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 2020 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Some notes on soft hyperconnected spaces Journal of Analysis 2020 6 1-19
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Generalizations of Lindel?f spaces via hereditary classes Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica 2021 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Generalizations of regular and normal spaces II MATHEMATICA 2021 0 1-10
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري touch points in ideal cech closure spaces Mathematica 2022 64 (164-172)
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Regular Gamma-irresolvable spaces Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2022 0 95-100
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Properties of ?-H-compact sets in hereditary m-spaces Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 2022 26 (193?206)
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري Impulsive fractional order integrodifferential equation via fractional operators PLOS ONE 2023 18 )1-15(
احمد عبدالله محمد العمري DECOMPOSITION OF (?-H?, ?)-CONTINUITY Poincare Journal of Analysis & Applications 2023 10 (155-163)
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي تحول توزيع شانكر: خصائص وتطبيقات Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Discriminant Analysis for Birth Measures Data Obtained from Princess Rahma Hospital in Irbid , Jordan Abhath Al-Yarmouk Basic Science & Engineering - AYBSE 2001 1 59-74
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Adaptive Inference for Multi-Stage Survey Data Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 2010 39 1334
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Robustness of adaptive methods for balanced non-normal data: Skewed normal data as an example REVISTA INVESTIGACI?N OPERACIONAL 2014 35 157
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Robustness of Adaptive Methods for Non-Normal Data: Skewed Normal Data as an Example REVISTA INVESTIGACI?N OPERACIONAL 2014 2 157-172
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Adaptive inference for multi-stage unbalanced exponential survey data Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis EJASA 2015 8 135
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي On the population median estimation using quartile double ranked set sampling Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 2015 10 213
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Semi-parametric estimation for ARCH models Alexandria Engineering Journal 2016 0 1
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Transmuted Janardan Distribution: A Generalization of the Janardan Distribution Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2017 5 1
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Transmuted Mukherjee-Islam Distribution: A Generalization of Mukherjee-Islam Distribution Journal of Mathematics Research 2017 9 135
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Inference of Adaptive methods for Multi-Stage skew-t Simulated Data European Scientific Journal 2017 24 448-461
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Efficiency of Adaptive Methods Using Simulated Alpha Skew Normal Two-Stage Data Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS) 2018 11 415-437
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي The Transmuted Gamma Gompertz Distribution International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 2020 10 236-248
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Entropy Bayesian Analysis for the Generalized Inverse Exponential Distribution Based on URRSS Computers, Materials & Continua 2021 69 3795?3811
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي New compound probability distribution using Biweight kernel function and exponential distribution Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science 2021 5 5878-5896
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Estimation of Sameera Distribution Parameters with Applications to Real Data Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 2022 16 1057-1071
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Benrabia distribution: properties and applications EJASA 2022 15 300-317
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي توزيع الزعبي: خصائص وتطبيقات Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability: An International Journal 2022 11 625-640
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي توزيع لؤي: خصائص، تقدير المعلمات، تطبيقات على بيانات حقيقية على كوفيد 19 Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications 2022 71 1231-1255
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Integrating video feedback into architectural design education to engage diverse learning styles Cogent Engineering 2023 2 .
لؤي محمود عوض الزعبي Stress-Strength Modeling Using Median-Ranked Set Sampling: Estimation, Simulation, and Application Mathematics 2023 11 1-21
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله الاحتمالات الشرطية العصبية: النظريات والتطبيقات International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 0
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله المعادلات التفاضلية العادية للوظائف الاحتمالية لـ توزيع Benktander من النوع الثاني مع b = 1 وخصائصه ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 0
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله معالجة البيانات المفقودة على التوزيع غير المتماثل International Mathematical Forum, 2013 8 153 - 165
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله الوسط المويج للتحويل غير المتماثل في الكشف عن القيم الخارجة journal of mathematical sciences 2015 96 339 - 351
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله على تقدير متوسط عدد السكان باستخدام أخذ عينات المجموعة ذات التصنيف المزدوج الربعي Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 2015 11 513-524
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله التنبؤ ببيانات المتسلسلات الزمنية المفقودة Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 2016 100 1579-1593
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع الشفرات المحولة من النوع الثاني عشر: تعميم لتوزيع الشفرات من النوع الثاني عشر International Mathematical Forum 2016 11 547 - 556
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع ليندلي ذو المعلمتين المحول Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2016 0 1-11
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع جاناردان المحول: تعميم توزيع جاناردان Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2017 5 259-269
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله WEIBULL-PARETO الجديدة المعززة توزيع REVISTA INVESTIGACION OPERACIONAL 2019 40 165-175
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله على تغليف توزيع شبه ليندلي Mathematics 2019 7 1-9
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله تعميم لتوزيع ويبل باريتو الجديد REVISTA INVESTIGACION OPERACIONAL 2020 41 138-146
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع Epanechnikov الأسي: الخصائص و التطبيقات General Mathematics 2020 29 13 - 29
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع احتمالية المركب الجديد باستخدام وظيفة نواة الوزن والتوزيع الإضافي J. Math. Comput. Sci. 2021 5 5878-5896
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله ملفوفة توزيع اشيتا Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2021 10 293-299
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله ملفوفة توزيع اكاش Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 2021 14 305-317
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله ملفوفة توزيع شانكر ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2021 46 184?194
احمد محمد حماد الخزاعله توزيع بواسون ادوما Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability 2022 11 155-161
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم القســــــــــم :- الفيزياء
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان 6. M. L. Ristig, T. Lindenau, M.Serhan, and J. W. Clark ?Toward A Microscopic Theory of the ?-Transition in Liquid He?, J. Low Temp. Phys. 114, 317 (1999). null 0 0
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محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان 1. M. L. Ristig, G.Senger, M.Serhan, and J. W. Clark "Correlated Density Matrix Theory of Boson Superfluids", Ann. Phys. (N.Y.), 243, 247(1995). null 0 0
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محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان 5. M. L. Ristig, T. Lindenau, M.Serhan, and J. W. Clark ?Broken Symmetries in Liquid Helium? in Condensed Matter Theories, Vol. 13, edited by J. da Providencia and F. B. Malik (New York, 1998) null 0 0
محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان 7. K.A. Gernoth, M.Serhan, and M. L. Ristig " Quantum structure of normal-liquid and supercritical 4He", Phys. Rev. B 78, 054513(2008). null 0 0
محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان Bose-Einstein Condensation of Confined Atomic Gases at Ultral Low Temperatures Applied Physics Research 2017 0 0
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محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان J. Talla, M. Abusini, K. Khazaeleh, R. Omari, M. Serhan, and H. El-Nasser, ?Tuning electronic properties and band gap engineering of defective carbon nanotube bundles: First principles calculations?,Materials Express7, 6(2017)1-6. Materials express 2017 6 1-6
محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان M. Serhan, M. Abusini, Ahmed Al-Jamel, H. El-Nasser, and Eqab M. Rabei, ?Quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator?, J. Math. Phys. 59, 082105 (2018)1-9. Journal of Mathematical Physics 2018 57 1-9
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محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان M. Abusin, M.Serhan, Mohamad F. Al-Jamal, Ahmed Al-Jamel and Eqab M.Rabei, Some exactly solvable PT -invariant potentials with real spectra via the(extended) Nikiforov Uvarov method, Pramana J. Phys. (2019) 93:93 pramana 2019 93 93
محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان M. F. Alshudifat, M. Serhan and M. Abusini,? Elastic Scattering of Nucleon by the Lightest Mirror Nuclei 3H and 3He using the Optical Model Potential, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 29, 2050078 (2020) International Journal of Modern Physics E 2020 29 2050078
محمد ابراهيم عبدالقادر سرحان Mohammed Serhan, Majid Abusini, Emad Almahmoud, Rami Omari,,Khaled Al-Khaza?leh, Hazem Abu-Farsakh, Abdelrahman Ghozlan and Jamal Talla, ?The electronic properties of different chiralities of defected boron nitride nanotubes: Theoretical study?, Computational Condensed Matter 22 (2020) e00439. computational condensed matter 2020 6 e00439
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حسام محمود محمد الناصر Optical properties of Zn1-zAlxO:NiO thin films prepared by sol gel method, Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology, 76, 378-385, 2015. Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology 2015 76 .
حسام محمود محمد الناصر 1. Husam H Abu-Safe, Kawther M Al-Adamat, Husam El-Nasser, Malak Refaei, Mirsaeid Sarollahi, Reem Alhelais, Morgan E Ware, Investigation of linear and nonlinear optical properties of amorphous carbon nanofilms prepared by electron beam evaporation, Applied Surface Science, 576, 151818, 2022. Applied Surface Science 2022 1 4-6
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ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني Abusini Majid, Analyzing Power of Elastic Scattering at Low Energy , Advanced Studies of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 5, 2 (2011)77-90 null 0 0
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ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني M.Abusini, Single-collision approximation for p-3He elastic scattering at low energy , Physics of atomic nuclei, 72 (2009) 946-949. null 0 0
ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني N.Al-Bouzieh, M.Abusini, Application of Nijmejen Potentials for elastic neutron-deuteron scattering at low energy, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Vol. 4, 2(2010) 23-27 null 0 0
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ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني INELASTIC ELECTRON SCATTERING FORM FACTOR OF ISOSCALAR (T = 0) AND ISOVECTOR (T = 1) PARTICLE-HOLE STATES IN 12C AND 16O Uk. j. of physics 2011 56 4
ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني The effect of core-polarization on nucleon-nucleon realistic potential parameters in doubly-magic nucleus 40Ca. Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 8,10 (2014) 447 - 455 Adv. Studies Theor. Phys 2014 0 447
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ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني The first order optical potential evaluation for the elastic scattering of neutron on the bound system using the impulse approximation Inter. Journal of Modern Physics E 2019 12 12-19
ماجد علي عبدالقادر ابو صيني The electronic properties of different chiralities of defected boron nitride nanotubes: Theoretical study Computational Condensed Matter 2020 22 e00439
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احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل A. Al-Jamel, M. Serhan, M. Abusini, Analytical Expressions for Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shift at High Energy Using Separable Potential, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, 5-2, 47-52 (2011). Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2011 0 47
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احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل A. Adare et al. (PHENIX Collaboration), Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems from \sqrt_NN 7.7 to 200 GeV, - Phys. Rev. C 93, 024901 ? Published 3 February 2016 Phys. Rev. C 2016 0 24901
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل 1. S.K. Maurya, Y. K. Gupta, Baiju Dayanandan, M. K. Jasim, and Ahmed Al-Jamel, Relativistic anisotropic models for compact star with equation of state p=f(?), Int. J. Mod. Phys. D,Vol. 26 (2017) 1750002 (22 pages). Int. J. Mod. Phys 2017 0 1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Ahmed Al-Jamel, Dynamics of heavy quarkonia in memory-dependent dissipative environment from Bohmian trajectory perspective, International Journal of Modern Physics AVol. 33, No. 28, 1850164 (2018) . International Journal of Modern Physics A 2018 0 1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Ahmed Al-Jamel, Saturation in heavy quarkonia spectra with energy-dependent confining potential in N-dimensional space, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 33, No. 32, 1850185 (2018).. Modern Physics Letters A, 2018 2018 0 1850185
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Journal of Mathematical Physics 2018 0 82105
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احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Some exactly solvable PT-invariant potentials with real spectra via the (extended) Nikiforov-Uvarov method Pramana J. Phys 2019 93 1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل The search for fractional order in heavy quarkonia spectra nternational Journal of Modern Physics A 2019 10 1-1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Heavy quarkonia properties from a hard-wall confinement potential model with conformal symmetry perturbing effects Modern Physics Letters A 2019 1 1950307
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل تكميم الهزاز التوافقي المتخامد Pramana - J Phys 2019 94 1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل Extension of perturbation theory to quantum systems with conformable derivative Modern Physics Letters A 2021 36 32
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل تعميم Mathematical Methods in the applied Sciences 2021 1 1
احمد فواز عبدالله الجمل تكميم Open Physics 2021 19 1
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Tuning electronic properties and band gap engineering of defective carbon nanotube bundles: First principles calculations Materials Express 2017 7 516-522
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Uniaxial tension/compression effects on the electrical properties of carbon nanotube bundles: A first-principles study Materials Express 2018 8 353-360
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Electronic properties of silicon carbide nanotube with Stone Wales defects under uniaxial pressure: A computational study Computational Condensed Matter 2019 19 e00378
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Water Molecule Adsorption in Carbon Nanotubes with Haeckelite Structure: First Principles Study Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 2019 11 5
جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع A novel bionanosensor for dopamine detection based on titanium doped single walled boron nitride nanotube: Density functional theory Chinese Journal of Physics 2020 0 0000
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Electronic properties of defective boron nitride mono-sheets under the influence of an external electric field Semiconductor Science and Technology 2020 0 0000
جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Glucose/Fe-doped C70 fullerene hybrid biosensor: theoretical study Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2020 0 0000
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جمال علي ابراهيم طلاع Influence of Stone?Wales defects on the structural and electronic properties of double-walled boron nitride nanotubes: density functional theory Applied Physics A 2022 128 1-10
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محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات تطوير منتج الومضات المجزأ لدراسة الاضمحلالات النووية Elsavier: physics precdia 2015 66 445
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات Reexamining Gamow-Teller decays near Ni 78 Physical Review C 2016 4 044325
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات Shape coexistence from lifetime and branching-ratio measurements in 68, 70Ni Physics Letters B 2016 763 108-113
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات Direct Lifetime Measurements of the Excited States in 72Ni Physical Review Letters 2016 12 122502
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات The Extent of Acceptance of the Non-separable Solution in Cylindrical Coordinates through the Hydrogen Atom Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 2019 13 433 - 437
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات Mapping of fragmented ? f 5/2? ? f 7/2 transitions in the Co 73? Ni 73 decay Physical Review C 2020 102 044331
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات Elastic scattering of nucleon by the lightest mirror nuclei 3H and 3He using the optical model potential International Journal of Modern Physics E 2020 29 2050078
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات تأثير العزم المغناطيسي على مستويات الطاقة في كل من 1H, 2H, 3H Pramana 2021 95 104
محمد فالح منيزل الشديفات طريقة جديدة لقياس عمر مستوى الطاقة باستخدام كاشف ثخين Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 2023 1055 168525
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله The Effect of Sn(IV) Chlorin e6 on HepG2 Cancer Cell Lines Advances in Natural Science 2 47
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله Effect of Acidification on the Absorption and Fluorescence Properties of Sn(IV) Chlorin e6 Dichloride Trisodium Salt Khaled A. Al-Khaza?leh, Khalid Omar, M. S. Jaafar, Guat-Siew ChewThe effect of acidification on abso 36 597
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تأثير الليزر على صبغة الميلانين في الجلد Modern Applied Science 0 0
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله آثار خليط الإيبوكسي كبريتات الباريوم على توهين الإشعاع القصير الطول الموجي. Nuclear and Radiation Physics 2015 80 31333-31338
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تأثير مضاد للجراثيم ومضاد للفطريات لبعض الطبيعي المستخلصات واستخدامها المحتمل كمُحسّسات ضوئية European Scientific Journal 2016 12 147-157
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تركيز المعادن الثقيلة الكادميوم والنحاس والرصاص والزنك في النباتات على طول الطريق السريع بين الرمثا والمفرق Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 6 44-49
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تقييم مستويات الرصاص والنحاس والزنك والكادميوم في بعض النباتات على جوانب الطرق بين المفرق وجرش ، الأردن. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 2017 6 395-401
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله ضبط الخصائص الإلكترونية وهندسة فجوة النطاق لحزم الأنابيب النانوية الكربونية المعيبة: حسابات المبادئ الأولى Materials Express 2017 7 516-522
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله Optical properties of carbon nanotubes with Haeckelite structure under a transverse electric field: Density functional theory. Computational Condensed Matter Computational Condensed Matter 2018 16 e00311
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تركيز العناصر 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K في بذور بعض النباتات المستهلكة في الاردن Jordan Journal of Physics 2018 11 85-90
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله Boron Nitride Nanotubes as a Container for 5-Fluorouracil Anticancer Drug Molecules: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 2019 11 383-388
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله Influence of substitutional doping on the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes with Stone Wales defects: density functional calculations Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2020 28 1-13
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله الخصائص الالكترونية لأنماط مختلفة من أنابيت النيتريد البورون المعيبة: دراسة نظرية Computational Condensed Matter 2020 22 1-7
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تأثير المجال الكهربائي الخارجي على الخصائص الإلكترونية والمغناطيسية لطبقة نيتريد البورون الأحادية المشوبة: دراسة نظرية Computational Condensed Matter 2020 25 513
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله مستشعر حيوي جديد مبني على أساس أنبوب البورون نيترايد الأحادي المشوب بالتيتانيوم: نظرية الكثافة الوظيفية Chinese Journal of Physics 2020 68 204-213
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله مستشعر حيوي هجين للجلوكوز من الفوليرين المشوب بالحديد FULLERENES, NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES 2020 28 761-768
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تأثير عيوب ستون ويلز على الخصائص الهيكلية والإلكترونية للأنابيب النانوية ذات الجدران المزدوجة من نيتريد البورون: النظرية الوظيفية للكثافة Applied Physics A 2021 128 1-10
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله التحكم في فجوة النطاق في هيكل كربيد السيليكون المشوب تحت تأثير إجهاد الشد: DFT Computational Condensed Matter 2022 30 1-6
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله الخصائص الإنشائية والإلكترونية للجرافين المتموج مع اتجاهات مختلفة لعيوب ستون ويلز: دراسة المبادئ الأولى Semiconductors 2022 55 643-653
خالد عبده بديوي الخزاعله تأثير المجال الكهربائي الخارجي على المجال الكهربائي والمغناطيسي خصائص الأنابيب النانوية المشوبة من كربيد السيليكون: DFT Applied Physics A 2023 1 251-261
حاتم صالح محمود وديان المعلمات الفيزيائية والهندسية لنظام CVBS XIV: النظامان القريبان هيب 19206 و هيب 84425 Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2021 21 161
حاتم صالح محمود وديان Atmospheric and Fundamental Parameters of Eight Nearby Multiple Stars The Astronomical Journal 2022 163 182
حاتم صالح محمود وديان تناقضات المنظر المثلثي في قياسات التلسكوبات الفضائية : حالة النظام الثنائي النجمي هيب 84976 Advances in Space Research 2023 71 1080
رامي احمد صالح العمري Tuning electronic properties and band gap engineering of defective carbon nanotube bundles: first principles calculations Materials Express 2017 7 516-522
رامي احمد صالح العمري دراسة لأغشية البوليمر الرقيقة المدعمة (N-butyl methacrylate) (Pbma) بالقرب من درجة حرارة التزجج Material Science Research India 2017 14 31-36
رامي احمد صالح العمري الخواص الإلكترونية للخطوات المختلفة لأنابيب نيتريد البورون النانوية المعيبة: دراسة نظرية Computational Condensed Matter 2020 22 e00439
رامي احمد صالح العمري تأثير المطعمات البديلة على الخصائص الإلكترونية للأنابيب النانوية الكربونية مع عيوب ستون ويلز: الكثافة الوظيفية العمليات الحسابية Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2020 28 828-840
رامي احمد صالح العمري التحكم في فرق الطاقة في بلورات كربيد السيليكون المطعمة تحت تأثير إجهاد الشد: DFT Computational Condensed Matter 2021 30 e00624
مشهور احمد سلامه الوردات العناصر الفيزيائية والهندسية للنجوم الثنائية القريبة من بعضها ظاهريا XII Astrophysical Bulletin 72 24
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مشهور احمد سلامه الوردات العناصر الفيزيائية والهندسية للنجوم الثنائية القريبة من بعضها ظاهريا XI Research in Astronomy and Astrophysic 2016 16 166
مشهور احمد سلامه الوردات العناصر الفيزيائية والهندسية للنجوم الثنائية القريبة من بعضها ظاهريا XIII RAA 2018 0 30
مشهور احمد سلامه الوردات دراسة وفرة العناصر ذات قيمة Z المنخفضة في الشمس خلال كامل الحياة المتوقعة لها Astrophysical Bulletin 2018 73 1
صالح عايد احمد الخوالده اتجاهات معلمي العلوم في المدارس الحكومية نحو التعليم المدمج ما بعد جائحة كرونا مجلة إتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 10
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صالح عايد احمد الخوالده أثر استخدام نموذج الاستقصاء الدوري في تحصيل المفاهيم البيولوجية لدى طلاب الصف العاشر الأساسي في ضوء نمطهم المعرفي مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية 31
صالح عايد احمد الخوالده واقع التعليم الالكتروني في المدارس الحكومية في الاردن ما بعد جائحة كرونا من وجهة نظر معلمي العلوم مجلة إتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 20
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صالح عايد احمد الخوالده اتجاهات معلمي العلوم في المدارس الخاصة نحو استخدام استراتيجية التعلم المعكوس في الأردن Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022 6 2315-2329
صالح عايد احمد الخوالده درجة استخدام معلمي علوم التعلم الإلكتروني في المدارس الثانوية العامة أثناء جائحة كورونا كوفيد 19 Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022 2 1060-1070
صالح عايد احمد الخوالده مدى توافر معايير الجودة لبناء اختبارات التحصيل العلمي من وجهة نظر لجان الامتحانات Journal of Hunan University?Natural Sciences? 2022 49 1232-1242
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم القســــــــــم :- الكيمياء
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "1-Aza-2-azoniaallene Salts: Reactions with Azomethines and other N-nucleophiles". J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1998, (22), 3759-3766. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "1H- and13C- NMR Study of some 6,7- Dihaloquinolone Nucleosides and their Derivatives". Spectroscopy Letters, 1998,31(5), 1031-1038. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "A New Class of Dihaloquinolones Bearing N-Aldehydoglycosyl carbohydr-azide, Mercaptp-1,2,4-triazole, Oxadiazoline and ?-Aminoester Precursors: Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity". J. Brazilian Chem. Soc., 2003, 14(5), 790-796. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "A Novel C-Thionucleosides: Synthesis and Reactions of 1,5- and 1,3-Dialkyl Derivatives of (1,5-Dithio-1-Thiomethyl-D-L-Arabinopentulo-pyranosyl-1-yl)-1H-1,2,4-Triazole Nucleosides". J. Carbohydr. Chem., 2004, 23(2&3), 111-122. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Amino acid derivarives Part 1. Synthesis, Antiviral and Antitumor Evaluation of New ?-Amino Acid Esters Bearing Coumarine Side Chain Acta Pharm., 2006,56(2), 175-188. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" 11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Dead Sea, Jordan, 2010. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : . 4th Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan, 2005. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : Alexander von Humboldt Network Meeting, Giessen, Germany, 2007. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : Beyond Discipline Boundairies : Building a culture of research and education interdisciplinary Ecole National de I, Industrie Minerale, Rabat, Morocco, 2009. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : German Middle-East International conference, null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : National Conference of Chemistry, Makkah, KSA, 2007. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : Petra International Chemistry Conference, Jordan, 2007. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : Singapore International Chemical Conference 4 (SICC-4), Singapore, 2005 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : Singapore International Chemical Conference 6 (SICC-6), Singapore, 2009. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 2nd Arab Chemistry Conference, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan, 2004. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 2nd International Conference On Chemistry And Its Applications, Qatar University, Doha-Qatar, 2003. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 2nd International Symposium on Organic Chemistry, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2008. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 5th Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan, 2008. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 7thJordanian Chemical Conference, Jordan, 2007. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 8th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists (ISCOC-8) The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong-China, 2004. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference" : The 9th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists(ISCOC-9), Singapore, 2006. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference": 2nd International Conference of Pure, Applied and Environmental Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan, 2000. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference": 3rd Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid -Jordan, 2002. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Conference": International Conference on Circular Dichroism, Pisa-Italy, 1997. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Cycloadditions of 1-Aza-2-azoniaallene Cations to Alkenes" J.Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 2000, (24), 4356-4365 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Cycloadditions of 1-Aza-2-azoniaallene Salts Derived from Coumarine and Camphor". J. prakt. Chemie, 1998, 340, 151-159. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "DNA-Directed Alkylating Agents: Synthesis, Antitumor Activity and DNA Affinity of Bis-N, N?-Trisubstituted 1,2,4-Triazolo-piprazines". IL Farmaco, 2004, 59(1), 41-46 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Microwave-Assisted Synthesis And anti-HIV Activity of New Acyclic C-Nu-cleosides of 3-(D-Erythro-Tetritol-1-yl)-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazoles. Part 1. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2008, 27(5),469-483. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "N- and C- Acyclic Thionucleoside Analogues of 1,2,3-Triazole". Heteroatom Chemistry, 2004, 15(5), 380-387. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "New AZT Analogues Having 5-Alkylsulfanyl Groups. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2007,26(3),223-230 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "New Benzylpiperazine Derivatives Bearing Mono- and Bis-dialkyl Substituted 1,2,4-Triazoles". Heteroatom Chemistry, 2005, 16(1), 28-32. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "New Glycosyl-(Carboxamide)-1,2,3-Triazole-N-1-Nucleosides: Synthesis and Anticancer Activity" Nucleosides, Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, 2002, 21(4&5), 361-375. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazole Part 3. Synthesis and anti-HIV Activity of New N-Alkyl 4-Nitroimidazoles, Bearing Benzothiazole and Benzoxazole Backbones Z.Natufrorschung (A Journal of Chemical Sciences), 2007,62b(4),523-528. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazoles Part 2. Synthesis, Antiviral and Antitumor Activity of Chemistry & Biodiversity,2006, 3(5),515-526. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazoles Part 4. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of New 5-Alkylsulfanyl and 5-(4?-Arylsulphonyl)Piperazine 4-Nitroimidazole Derivatives. Heteroatom Chemistry, 2007, 18(4), 334-340. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazoles Part 5. Synthesis and anti-HIV evaluation of New 5-Substituted Piperazine 4-Nitroimidazole Derivatives" Acta Pharm.,2007,57(4), 379-393. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazoles Part 6. Synthesis, structure and in vitro anti-HIV activity of new 5-substituted piperazinyl-4-nitroimidazole derivatives Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy,2007,18(4), 191-200 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Nitroimidazoles, Part 1. An Unexpected Reactivity During the Cyclization of 3-(4-Amino-1-benzyl-2-ethyl-1H-imidazol-5-ylsulphanyl)-propionic Acid Methyl Ester. Synth. Commun., 2005, 35(17), 2259-2264. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Phosphine-catalysed [3+2? cycloaddition of ethylbuta-2,3-dienoate and 4-quinolone-1,3-dicarboxylate" Lett. Org. Chem., 2008, 5 (1), 55-56. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Quinolone Nucleoside :6,7-Dihalo-N-?- and ?-Glycosy1-1,4- Dihdro-4-Oxo-quinolone-3-Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Synthesis, Anti-microbial and Antiviral Activity". Nucleosides, Nucleotides, 1998, 17 (12), 2255-2266. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Reaction of 1-(Chloroalkylaza)-2-azoniaallene Salts with Alkenes. Prepation of Cyclic Azo. of (Azoalky) azonium and of Formazanium Compounds". Synthesis, 1998, 721-728. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Some 2-Modified 4-Thionucleosides via Sulfur Participation and Synthesis of thio-AZT from 4-Thinofuranoid 1,2,Glycal". Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 2003, 178(7), 1199-1209. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Structural Assignments of 1-(?-D-Glucopyranosyl)-1,2,4-Triazoles By 1H-and 13C-NMR Study". Spectroscopy Letters, 2003, 36(5&6), 461-475. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Structural Characterization of New Cd+2 Fluorescent Sensor Based on Lumazine Ligand: AM1 and ab initio studies". Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 2007, 68(3), 728-733. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis C- and N-Nucleosides from 1-Aza-2-azoniaallene and 1,3-Diaza-2-azoniaallene Salts". J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.1, 1998, (5), 947-953. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of New 6-Thioarylpyrimidines and Related Compounds" Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 2008,183(7), 1571-1583. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Some New Phthalimide Analogues". Pharmazie, 2001, 5, 372-375. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Antiviral Activity of 1,5- and 1,3-Dialkyl-1,2,4-Triazoles C-Nucleosides Derived from 1-(Chloroalkyl)-1-Aza-2-Azoniaallene Salts". Nucleosides, Nucleotides, 1999, 18 (9), 1985-1994. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Antiviral Activity of 1-4(1,5-Dialkyl-1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-yl) Methyl-Thymines". Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem., 1999, 332, 143-144. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Biological activity of Some New 5- Sulphanyl-4-Nitroimidazole derivatives". J.Journal of Chemistry, 2007, 2(1), 11-20. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Properties of New Substituted 1,2,4-Triazoles: Potential Antitumor Agents". Bioorg.&Med. Chem., 2003, 11(8), 1701-1708. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Reactions of New 3?-Deoxy-5?-Thioalkyl ?-D-Erythro-pentofuranosyl Thymines and Related Analogues". Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon 2003,178(12), 2551-2561. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of Acyclic C-Nucleosides and Homo-C-Analoges from 1-(Chloroalkyl)-1-aza-2-azoniaallene Salts". Tetrahedron, 1999, 55, 751-758. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis and anti-HIV Activity of Substituted 1,2,4-Triazolo-thiophene Derivatives". Heteroatom Chemistry, 2007, 18(4), 443-448. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of N-Substituted-1-Amino-2,3-Dihydro-1H -Imidazole-2-Thions N-Nucleosides and S-Glycosylated Derivatives". Nucleosides, Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, 2003, 22(3), 299-207. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of 1,2,4-Triazole C-Nucleosides From Hydrazonyl Chloride and Nitriles Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2007,26(1), 37-43. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of 1-?-D-Glucopzranosyl-1,2,3-Triazole-4,5-Dimethyanol-4,5-bis-(Isopropylcarbamate) as Potential Antineoplastic Agent" Tetrahedron Letters, 2002, 43(22), 4021-4022. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of 1-?4-(1,5-Dialkyl-1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-yl)Benzyl?-1H-Indoles and 5,6-Dihaloquinolones as Potential Antitumor candidates Org. Prepar, Proced. Intem.(OPPI), 2002, 34(6), 648-654. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of 3?-1,2,4-Triazolo- and 3?-1,3,4-Thiadiazolimino thmyidines HeteroatomChemistry, 2003, 14(4), 298-303. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of Acyclic 6,7-Dihaloquinoline Nucleosides Analogues As Potential Antibacterial and Antiviral Agents". Bioorg.&Med. Chem., 2000, 8(6), 1407-1413. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis of New 1H-1,2,4-Triazolylcoumarins and Their Antitumor and Anti-HIV Activities Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2006,42(5),669-676. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis, Antitumor and Antiviral Propreties of Some 1,5-Dialkyl-1,2,4-riazoles-3-Substituted Hydrazides, 5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazoles, 1,3,4-Oxadiazole-2-thione and Indole. IL Farmaco, 2004, 59(10), 775-783 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis, Characterization and anti-HIV Activities of New Coumarine Derivatives" Z.Natufrorschung (A Journal of Chemical Sciences), 2008, 63b(1), 83-89. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis, and Reactions of 1,5- and 1,3-Dialkyl Derivatives of (D-manno-pentitol-1-yl)-1H-1,2,4-Triazole Nucleosides Derived from 1-(Chloroalkyl)-1-Aza-2-Azoniaallene Salts". Carbohydrate Res., 1999, 318, 67-74. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Synthesis, structure and in vitro anti-HIV activity of new pyrazole, 1,2,4-thiadiazole and 1,2,4-triazole derivatives" Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, 2008, 183(10), 2621-2636. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Thienopyridone Nucleosides:Synthesis: Antibacterial and Antiviral Activity of 7-(Glyccosyl and D-manno-Pentitol-1-yl)-2-Chloro-4-Oxothieno?2,3-b? Pyrdine 5-Carboxylic Acids". SulfurLetters, 2000,24 (1), 13-22. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Thiosugar Nucleosides. Effect of Sulfur in Synthesis of Substituted Azido-5-Thio-D-Gluco- and Allopyranosyl-N-Nucleosides and New Isothionucleosides Derivatives Thereof". J. Carbohydr. Chem.,2005, 24(3), 237-250. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود "Thiosugar Nucleosides. Synthesis and Biological Activity of 1,3,4-Thiazole, Thiazoline and Thiourea Derivatives of 5-Thio-D-Clucose. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2004, 23(11), 57-67. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Pharmacokinetics of Bis(hydroxyphenyl) substituted Azoles, Thiophenes, Benzenes and Aza-benzenes as Potent and selective non-steroidal inhibitors of 17beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 (17beta-HSD1) j.Med. Chem., 2008, 51(21), 6725-6739. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'In vitro anti-HIV and Antitumor Activity of New 3,6-disubstituted [1,2,4]Triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]Thiadiazole and Thiadiazine Analogues" Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci., 2008,341(6), 365-369. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Antioxidant Properties of Some New 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives J. Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 5(2), 119-129. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Acyclic C Nucleosides From 1,2-and 1,3-Diketones" Nucleosides, Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids, 2009, 28(3), 175-183. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'New Sulphonamide and Carboxamide Derivatives of Acyclic C-Nucleosides of Triazolo-Thiadiazole and The Thiadiazine Analogues, Synthesis, anti-HIV and Antitumor Activity, Part 2." Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2008, 27(9), 1034-1044. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Novel fluorescent pH sensor based on coumarin with piperazine and imidazole substituents" Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 2008, 71(3), 818-822. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) on New Benzothiazoles derived Substituted Piperazine Derivatives' Comput. Theor. Nanoscience, accepted (2011). null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'Synthesis and in vitro Antiproliferative Activity of New Benzothiazol Derivatives" ARKIVOC, 2008, (xv), 225-238. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود 'The Role of the Heterocycle in Bis(hydroxyphenyl)triazoles for Inhibition of 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) Type 1 and Type 2 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2009,301(1-2), 212-215. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود Conference: " 2nd North Africa Conference on Computational Physics and Chemistry, Oran-Algeria, 2010 null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود REVIEW: "1,2,4-Triazolees : Synthetic Approaches and Pharmacological Importance". Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2006, 42(11), 1377-1403. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود Synthesis and in vitro Antiproliferative Activity of new Benzothiazoles Derived Substituted Piperazine Derivatives Z. Natufrorschung (A Journal of Chemical Sciences), 2010, 65b (11), 1372-1380. null 0 0
ياسين احمد سالم السعود الوقت الحقيقي لمراقبة .... Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2019 189 1156-1166
ياسين احمد سالم السعود التركيب البلوري... Zeitschrift f?r Kristallographie ? New Crystal Structures 2020 235 751-753
ياسين احمد سالم السعود الميكروويف الاخضر ..... Journal of Taibah University for Science 2020 14 549-556
ياسين احمد سالم السعود تحضير : النشاط المضاد للبكتيريا لبعض.... European Journal of Chemistry 2020 11 113-119
ياسين احمد سالم السعود تحضير ..... Jordan Journal of Chemistry 2021 16 1-11
ياسين احمد سالم السعود مشتقات نيترواميدازول: فاعليتها كمضادات للسرطان Arkivoc 2021 5 296-309
ياسين احمد سالم السعود نيترواميدازول الجزء التاسع.... Zeitschrift f?r Naturforschung B 2021 76 293-302
ياسين احمد سالم السعود التركيب البلوري للمركب..... Zeitschrift f?r Kristallographie ? New Crystal Structures 2022 237 207-209
ياسين احمد سالم السعود تصميم وتحضير.... Zeitschrift f?r Naturforschung C 2023 78 113-121
ياسين احمد سالم السعود نايتروايمدازول الجزء العاشر.... Zeitschrift f?r Naturforschung C 2023 78 93-103
ياسين احمد سالم السعود هجين جديد.... Heliyon 2023 9 e19327
ياسين احمد سالم السعود تصميم وتحضيرومسح النشاط السرطاني.... Molecules 2028 23 2788
انور خليل عطيه ابو عامر كيمياء المركبات الكبيرة للبلاتين Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2014 770 79
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انور خليل عطيه ابو عامر تنشيط الاكسجين لمركبات البلاتين Inorganica Chimica Acta 2018 473 51
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محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي 6-Chlorothieno[2,3-e]-1,4,2-dithiazine-3(2H)-thione-1,1-dioxide, Ammonium Salt Sesquihyrate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Density Functional Calculations Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2011 41 1335-1341
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis of Some New Chalcone and 4,5-Dihydro-1H-Pyrazole Derivatives as Potential Antimicrobial Agents Jordan Journal of Chemistry 2012 7 115-123
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Microwaves Assisted Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of New Pyrazolo[5,1,-c][1,2,4]triazines and Thieno[2,3-b]pyridine Derivatives Jordan Journal of Chemistry 2012 7 365-381
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and X-ray Structure Analysis of 6-(2,5-Dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-3,4-dihydro-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-2(1H)-thione Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2014 8 407-414
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Chemical constituents and cytotoxic activity of the extract of Melilotus indicus European Journal of Chemistry 2014 5 503-506
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي 3-Bromo-N-(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)-propanamide Acta Crystallographica Section E 2014 0 o770
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of New 4-Aryl-6-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-1,2-dihydro-2-oxopyridine-3-carbonitrile Asian Journal of Chemistery 2015 27 725-728
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي ٍٍSynthesis, Spectral Characterization and Fluorescent Assessment of 1,3,5-Triazoline Derivatives: Experimental and Theoretical Studies J Fluoresc 2016 26 1447-1455
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis, Spectroscopic,Characterization and X-ray Structure Analysis of 6-(2,5-Dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-2-methoxy-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)pyridine-3-carbonitrile Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2016 46 331-340
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of new chalcones and their 6-aryl-4-(2,5-dichlorothiophene-3-yl)-6H-1,3-thiazine-2-amine derivatives Phosphorous, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 2017 5 560-564
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي One-pot synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new 4,4-disubstituted-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-thione European Journal of Chemistry 2017 1 96-100
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis and characterization of new 4-aryl-2-(2-oxopropoxy)-6-(2,5-dichlorothiophene)nicotinonitrile and their furo[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives: Assessment of antioxidant and biological activity European Journal of Chemistry 2018 9 375-381
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-tert-butyl)phenyl)-6-(p-tolyl)furo[2-3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure,Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescene 2018 28 655-662
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and supramolecularity of ethyl (E)-2-cyano-3-(3-methylthiophene-2-yl)acrylate and a new polymorph of ethyl (E)-2-cyano-3-(thiophen-2-yl)acrylate Acta Crystallographica Section E CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS 2019 75 1357-1361
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Overview on Recent Approaches towards Synthesis of 2-Keto-annulated Oxadzole Derivatives Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2019 56 2730-2743
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي The Synthesis, Characterization, Cytotoxic Activity Assessment and Structuure-Activity Relationship of 4-Aryl-6-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-2-methoxy-3-carbonitriles Molecules 2019 24 4072
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي Synthesis,Characterizatio and cytotoxicity of new nicotinonitriles and furo[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives Journal of Iranian Chemical Sociity 2019 16 715-722
محمود حسين ابراهيم الرفاعي (2,5-Dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-5-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-methyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole IUCrData 2019 4 8
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هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Analysis of Lead and Cadmium in Selected Leafy and Non-Leafy Edible Vegetables Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 2011 20 306-314
هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Determination of phenol in wastewater by using low cost modified Jordanian natural zeolite. Column and batch experiment Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2012 7 134-149
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هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Studies of Oxyanion Removal from aqueous solution using Zeolite and HDTMA-Br Surface Modified Organo-Zeolite American Chemical Science Journal 2016 11 1-14
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هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Spectrophotometric method for determination of ranitidine hydrochloride in bulk and in pharmaceutical preparation using ninhydrin European Journal of Chemistry 2020 11 291-297
هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Kinetics and Mechanism of Catalyzed Oxidation of L-Cysteine by Salen Schiff Base Complexes of Co(III), Fe (III) and Cr(III)?. International Journal of Chemistry 2021 13 1-10
هتاف مصطفى ابراهيم بكر Spectrophotometric method for determination of chromium ion in aqueous solution using ninhydrin American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2022 13 382-398
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محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Crystal structure of 3,4-(R,R)-Bis-[2?,2?-dicyclohexyl-1?,3?-dioxolan-4?-yl)-1,2,5-oxadiazole-2-oxide, C18H26N2,2008,223 Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2008 223 0
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محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Crystal structure of (2S,3S)-3-(Aminomethyl)-3-(methylamino)-pentan-1,2,5-triol bis(hydrochloride), C7H20Cl2N2O3 ,2009,224 Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2009 224 0
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم 2-Isoxazolinium Salts and 3-Isoxazolines: Exploratory Chemistry and Uses for the Synthesis of Branched Amino Polyols and Amino Acids,2010,65 Z. Naturforsch, 821 2010 65 0
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Concise Synthesis and Displacement Reactions of Model 3-(Alkylthio)-6-chloro- and 2,6-dichlorothieno[2,3-e]-1,4,2-dithiazine 1,1-Dioxides?? Z. Naturforsch 2011, 66b, 715-120. * 2011 0 0
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم 6-Chlorothieno[2,3-e]-1,4,2-dithiazine-3(2H)-thione-1,1-dioxide, Ammonium Salt Sesquihydrate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Density Functional Calculations?? J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2011, 41, 1335-1341. J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2011, 41, 1335-1341. 2011 0 0
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Synthesis of Some New Chalcone and 4,5-Dihydro-1H-pyrazole Derivatives as Potential Antimicrobial Agents?, Ibrahim, M. M.; Al-Refai, M.; Abu-El-Halawa, R.; Tashtoush, H.; Al-Sohaili, S.; Massad, H. M Jord. J. Chem. 2012, 7(2), pp. 115-123. Jord. J. Chem. 2012 7 115-123.
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Crystal Structure and Density Functional Calculation of (E)-4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-N'-(thiophen-2-ylmethylene)-1, 4-dihydroquinoxaline-2-carbohydrazide Radical?? Ibrahim, M. M.; Al-Refai, M.; Abu-El-Halawa, R.; Massad, H. M; Judeh, Z.; Ali, B. F. Asian J. Chem. 2012, 24, pp. 2926-2930. Asian J. Chem. 2012 24 2926-2930.
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم 3-Methylamino-3-phenylpropan-1-ol??, Frey, W.; Ibrahim, M. M.; Ali, B.F.; J?ger, V. Acta Cryst. 2012, E68, o2857. Acta Cryst. 2012 0 o2857
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Alkyl/arylamino-6-chlorothieno[3,2-e]-1,3-thiazin-4-one?, Abu-El-Halawa, R.; Elhussin, I. E. H.; Al-Refai, M.; Ibrahim, M. Jord. J. Chem. 2014, 9(2), pp. 127-133. Jord. J. Chem. 2014 9 127-133.
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Nitro Epoxides in Organic Synthesis: Development of a One-Pot Organocatalytic Strategy for the Synthesis of Quinoxalines ?, Ibrahim, M. M.; Grau, D.; Hampel, F.; Tsogoeva. S. B. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 2014, pp. 1401-1405. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014 2014 1401-1405
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم The Reaction of Cyanamidium Salts with Ylidenecyanamide Derivatives?, Abu-El-Halawa, R.; Zabin, S. A.; Al-Refai, M.; Ibrahim, M.; Kaimari, T.; M?ller, T. J. J. Z. Naturforsch 2014, 69b, pp. 829-834. Z. Naturforsch 2014 69 pp. 829-834.
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Synthesis, characterization and antifungal activity of some metal complexes derived from quinoxaloylhydrazone?, Mahal, A.; Abu-El-Halawa, R.; Zabin, S.; Ibrahim, M.; Al-Refai, M.; Kaimari, T. World Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015, 3(1), pp. 1-8. World Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 3 1-8
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Synthesis and Characterization of New 3,5-Disubstituted-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole and Their Carbothioamide Derivatives?, Ibrahim, M. Eur. J. Chem., 2015, 6(1), pp. 78-83. Eur. J. Chem. 2015 6 78-83
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم One-pot Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of New 3-Cyano-4-alkyl-6-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-2(1H)-pyridones?, Ibrahim, M. M. Jord. J. Chem. 2015, 10(2), pp. 98-107. Jord. J. Chem. 2015 10 98-107
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Fluorescent Assessment of 1,3,5-Triaryl-2-pyrazoline Derivatives: Experimental and Theoretical Studies?, Ibrahim, M. M.; Al-Refai, M.; Ayub, K.; Ali, B. F. J. Fluoresc. 2016, 26(4), pp 1447?1455. J. Fluoresc. 2016 4 1447?1455
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Crystal, Molecular Structure and DFT Study of 2,6,7-Trimethyl-3-p-tolylquinoxaline and 2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3,6,7-trimethylquinoxaline?, Ibrahim, M. M.; Ali, B. F.; El-Barghouthi, M. I.; Zaghal, M. H; Frey, W. J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2015, 45(7), pp. 319-329. J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2016 7 319-329
محمد محمود فارس ابراهيم Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and X-ray structure analysis of 6-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-2-methoxy-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)pyridine-3-carbonitrile?, Al-Refai, M.; Ibrahim, M. M.; Geyer, A.: Ali, B. F. J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2016, 46(8), pp 331?340. J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2016 46 331?340.
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فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Evaluation of Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants in Northern Part of Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2010 10 325
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Antidiabetic Effect of Essential Oil Extracted Obtained From Artemisia Sieberi Growing in Jordan in Normal and Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 2010 13 423
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein-1 in Jordanian Patients with Hodgkin?s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin?s Lymphoma Journal of Biological Sciences 2010 10 507
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Biodegradation Kinetics of Four Substituted Chlorobenzoic Acids by Enterobacter aerogenes Bioremediation Journal 2010 14 55
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Status of Thyroid Function and Iron Overload in Adolescents and Young Adults with Beta- Thalassemia Major Treated with Deferoxamine in Jordan International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 2011 7 47
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Hepatoprotetive, Cardioprotective and Nephroprotective Actions of Essential Oil Extract of Artemisia sieberi in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats2012 Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2012 11 1227
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Biochemical and Molecular Taxonomy of a Mild Halophilic Strain of Citrobacter Isolated from Hypersaline Environment Research Journal of Microbiology 2012 7 219
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد A NEW STRAIN OF Shewanella putrefaciens ISOLATED FROM THE DEAD SEA OF JORDAN Malays. Appl. Biol 2013 42 13
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Antibacterial Activity of Some Selected 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives Against Standard, Environmental, and Medical Bacterial Strains Advance Studies in Biology 2013 5 291
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Six Novel 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives against Standard and Medical Bacteria Advance Studies in Biology 2013 5 303
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Loss of P16 Protein Expression and Its Association with Epstein?Barr Virus LMP?1 Expression in Hodgkin's Lymphoma Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 16 78
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Phenol Content, Antioxidant Capacity, and Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic Extracts Derived from Four Jordanian Medicinal Plants Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 2014 17 372
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Toluene Biodegradation by Novel Bacteria Isolated from Polluted Soil Surrounding Car Body Repair and Spray Painting Workshops Journal of Environmental Protection 2015 6 1417
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Screening and Characterization of Aerobic Xylene-Degrading Bacteria from Gasoline Contaminated Soil Sites Around Gas Stations in Northern Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2015 15 167
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Nematocidal Effect of 1,2,4-triazole Derivatives Against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Asian Journal of Biochemistry 2016 11 156
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Estimation and Identification of Airborne Bacteria and Fungi in the Outdoor Atmosphere of Al-Mafraq Area, Jordan Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2016 9 3
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Isolation and Molecular Identification of New Benzene Degrading Lysinibacillus Strains from Gasoline Contaminated Soil Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2016 8 34
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Effects of Smoking and Body Mass Index on Serum Liver Enzyme Levels in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Hemodialysis Journal of Medical Sciences 2018 18 114
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Cq1 Exon Polymorphisms in Caucasian and African American Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 21 119
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد The Slaughtering and Dressing Procedures of Livestock Inside the Butcher Shops Generate High Levels of Bacterial Contamination Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 2018 14 165
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Identification of Entamoeba histolytica in Patients with Suspected Amebiasis in Jordan Using PCR-based Assays Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 23 (166-172)
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Animal solid waste as a potential renewable biomass energy source: a case study of Jordan Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery 2021 11 (1-10)
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Poultry Sludge and its Suitability for Reuse in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Applications Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries 2021 4 (86-95)
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Biogas production via anaerobic codigestion of chemically treated wheat straw with sewage sludge or cow manure Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery 2022 12 (1-12)
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Exploring Sultan Qaboos University Students' Perceptions and Challenges: Unveiling the Realities of Asynchronous Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2023 12 (2132-2139)
فوزي ارشيد يعقوب ارشيد Independent regulation of Neurospora crassa bli-7 gene by blue light and glucose using the GTH16 transformant containing the chimeric bli-7/Tyrosinase Gene  International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences 4 2008 0
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, Second Conference on Biological Sciences at Yarmouk University. 23-25.10.2001, Irbid, Jordan Conference Proceedings 2001 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب In vitro cytogenetic testing of an organoselenium compound and its sulfur analogue in cultured rat bone marrow cells Journal of Carcinogenesis 2004 3 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference Proceedings 2005 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, The annual meeting of the German Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM): March 19-22, 2006, Jena-Germany Conference Proceedings 2006 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, The 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM): Poster presentation. May 21-25, 2007, Toronto, ON, Canada Conference Proceedings 2007 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, The annual meeting of the German Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM): Poster presentation. April 1-4, 2007, Osnabruck-Germany Conference Proceedings 2007 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Anaerobic Degradation of Naphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene by Strains of Marine Sulfate-reducing Bacteria. Environmental Microbiology 2009 1 209
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Isolation and Molecular Identification of New Thermophilic Bacterial Strains of Geobacillus pallidus and Anoxybacillus flavithermus. Int. J. Integ. Biol 2011 1 39
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, International Conference on Science (ICS) at Al al-Bayt University, Session Chair/Oral presentation. Presentation title: A New Shewanella putrefaciens strain isolated from the Dead Sea of Jordan. 20 - 22 November, 2012, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan Conference Proceedings 2012 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, International Conference on Sciences (ICS). Fawzi Irshaid, Khaled A. Tarawneh, Jacob H. Jacob, and Aisha Alshdefat: Phenol content, antioxidant capacity and antibacterial activity of methanolic extract derived from four Jordanian medicinal plants. 20-22.11.2012, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan Conference Proceedings 2012 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Complete genome, catabolic sub-proteomes and key-metabolites of Desulfobacula toluolica Tol2, a marine, aromatic compound-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium. Environmental Microbiology 2012 5 1335
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Biochemical and Molecular Taxonomy of a Mild Halophilic Strain of Citrobacter Isolated from Hypersaline Environment. Research Journal of Microbiology 2012 4 2019
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Classification of Halophilic Heterotrophic Bacteria Thriving in the Jordanian Dead Sea Littoral Zone Journal of Biological Sciences 2012 4 246
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Evaluation of Food Preservatives, Low Toxicity Chemicals, Liquid Fractions of Plant Extracts and their Combinations as Alternative Options for Controlling Citrus Post-harvest Green and Blue Moulds Research Journal of Medicinal Plants 2012 8 551
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Dissemination of Heavy Metals and Tolerant Bacteria along Zarqa River (Jordan) Journal of Biological Sciences 2013 3 100
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب A NEW STRAIN OF Shewanella putrefaciens ISOLATED FROM THE DEAD SEA OF JORDAN Malays. Appl. Biol 2013 2 13
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Antibacterial Activity of Some Selected 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives Against Standard, Environmental, and Medical Bacterial Strains Advanced Studies in Biology 2013 6 291
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Six Novel 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives against Standard and Medical Bacteria Advanced Studies in Biology 2013 6 33
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Chemical profile and antibacterial activity of crude fractions and essential oils of Capparis ovata Desf. and Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae) Int. J. Integ. Biol. 2013 1 39
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Contamination of the handles and bases of shopping carts by pathogenic and multi-drug resistant bacteria European Scientific Journal 2014 10 27
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Phenol Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic Extracts Derived from Four Jordanian Medicinal Plants Pakistan J Biol Sci. 2014 3 372
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Toluene Biodegradation by Novel Bacteria Isolated from Polluted Soil Surrounding Car Body Repair and Spray Painting Workshops Journal of Environmental Protection 2015 6 1417
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Screening and Characterization of Aerobic Xylene-Degrading Bacteria from Gasoline Contaminated Soil Sites Around Gas Stations in Northern Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2015 4 176
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Phytochemical investigation and in vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils from Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Delile and C. trinervia Fresen. (Cleomaceae) South African Journal of Botany 2015 99 21
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference Proceedings 2016 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Antimicrobial activity of actinobacteria from a hypersaline area of the Dead Sea Proceedings of the Fourth Kuwait Conference of Chemistry (KCC): Chemistry and life sciences 2016 1 108
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Nematocidal Effect of 1,2,4-triazole Derivatives Against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Asian Journal of Biochemistry 2016 3 156
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Bioremoval Capacity Of Phenol By Green MicroAlgal And Fungal Species Isolated From Dry Environment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 2016 5 2
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Estimation and Identification of Airborne Bacteria and Fungi in the Outdoor Atmosphere of Al-Mafraq Area, Jordan Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2016 1 3
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Isolation and Molecular Identification of New Benzene Degrading Lysinibacillus Strains from Gasoline Contaminated Soil Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2016 4 34
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, International Conference of Chemistry and Life Sciences. Member of organizing committee/Chairman of session/Oral presentation: Exteremophilic Microorganisms from Different Habitats in Jordan. 4 to 5.04.2017: Al al-Bayt University, Jordan Conference Proceedings 2017 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Conference, Life Sciences Conference for Sustainable Development: Biogas Production from Animal Wastes. 27 to 29 April 2017, Amman, Jordan Conference Proceedings 2017 1 1
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Microbial community analysis of the hypersaline water of the Dead Sea using high-­throughput amplicon sequencing Microbiology Open 2017 6 500
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Exploring the microbial diversity in Jordanian hot springs by comparative metagenomic analysis Microbiology Open 2017 6 521
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Microbiological analysis, antimicrobial activity, and heavy-metals content of Jordanian Ma?in hot-springs water Journal of Infection and Public Health 2017 10 789
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب The Slaughtering and Dressing Procedures of Livestock Inside the Butcher Shops Generate High Levels of Bacterial Contamination Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 2018 14 165
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Detection of antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria in the sediment and water of Ma'in thermal springs (Jordan) Germs 2018 8 191-198
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 3 323
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب High-Throughput Sequencing-Based Review of Bacillus Diversity in Jordanian Hot Springs Water World Applied Sciences Journal 2018 3 470
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب البكتيريا العضوية المحبة للحرارة في الطبقة السطحية في المنطقة الصناعية في المفرق ، الأردن Ecological Genetics 2021 19 209-217
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب النشاط المضاد للميكروبات للمستخلصات الخام الميثانولي والإيثانولي من الكارب والقشر والبذور من Punica granatum L. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultura 2021 27 227?233
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Can shopping carts act as potential source of drug-resistant enteric bacteria International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 2022 28 327-332
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Effect of Various Local Anthropogenic Impacts on the Diversity of Coral Mucus-Associated Bacterial Communities . Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022 10 863
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب تشخيص المجتمع البكتيري القابل للاستزراع المرتبط بـ Thunnus tonggol (التونة الطويلة الذيل) و Caranx sem (Blacktip trevally) الذي يتم تسويقه في سوق الأسماك في مسقط (عمان) International Journal of Health Sciences 2022 6 6168?6174
يعقوب حسن عيد يعقوب Benzene Biodegradation by Novel Strain of Caldibacillus: Isolation, Characterization and Bioremediation Potential International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 2024 31 227?234
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب مضادات الميكروبات ومثبطات بيروكسيد الدهون في نبات Ziziphus Spina-christi (Sedr) ، وهو نبات طبي أردني. Journal of Biological Sciences 2019 19 131-136
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب تأثير COVID-19 والفيروسات الأخرى على الصحة الإنجابية. Andrologia 2020 52 13791
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب الأنشطة المضادة للميكروبات ومضادات الأكسدة والسمية للخلايا لنبات الإيفيدرا أفيلا وباسيا موريكاتا من شمال الأردن. Plant cell biotechnology and molecular biology 2021 22 47-64
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب تغيرات البيوكيميائية في الكبد والكلى ومصل الفئران المعرضة لمستخلص أوراق الإيثانول من Ziziphus spina-christi. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2021 14 763 ? 767
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب التعبير الجيني المفرط لجين SlDDF2 يحسن تحمل نبات البندورة للضغوط اللاأحيائيةالمتعددة Horticulturae 2022 8 230
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب آثار ارتفاع درجة الحرارة على النمو الخضري وازدهار نبات الدانتيل (Aponogeton madagascariensis) Pakistan Journal of botan 2023 55 30848
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب ثير عوامل بيئية مختارة على النمو والاستجابات الكيموحيوية لشتلات الفول الجيزية (Vicia faba L.) Jordan Journal of biological sciences 2023 16 307-321
تغلب محمد فاتح الذيب قييم مقارن للتركيب الكيميائي النباتي والخصائص المضادة للبكتيريا ومضادات الأكسدة لنباتي Ruta Graveolens L. وRosmarinus officinalis L. Asian Journal of Plant Sciencess 2023 22 558-566
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Antimicrobial Activity of Varthemia iphinoides and Majorana syriaca Essential Oils from Jordan and Their Potential Use as Natural Food Preservatives Journal of Natural Sciences Research 0 0 22
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز . Evaluating the Effect of Algal Extracts against Ultraviolet B-Induced Skin Damage in BALB/c Mice Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4 2015 0 583
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Antibacterial and antifungal effect of some natural extracts and their potential use as photosensitizers European Scientific Journal 2016 0 1857
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Evaluation and Optimization of Methane Production from Different Manure Types Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2018 11 323 - 327
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز Synthesis of Fluorescent 1-(3-Amino-4-(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)?6-(p-tolyl)furo[2,3-b]pyridin-2-yl)ethan-1-one: Crystal Structure, Fluorescence Behavior, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Studies Journal of Fluorescence 2018 28 655-662
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز The Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Variation in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Using Remote Sensing Data International Journal of Geosciences 2019 10 576-588
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز كيمياء المياه ونوعية المياه لفرع دمياط من نهر النيل في مصر Water Science and Technology 2021 84 1509-1517
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات المسببة للتسمم الغذائي لبعض مستخلصات نوى التمر و بذور الزيتون Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2022 21 529-537
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات والفعالية المضادة للاكسدة وتشخيص مستخلصات الفضة النانوية المحضرة من بعض النباتات الطبيةلبعض النباتات الطبية المحضرة بطريقة النانو Applied Ecology And Environmental Research. 2022 20 3429-3446
عبدالله طراد شوفان الفواز تحضير وتشخيص وتحديد الفعالية المضادة للميكروبات لمشتقات لمركبات كيميائية 3-(2,5-dichlorothiophen-3-yl)-5-arylpyrazole-1-carbothioamides J IRAN CHEM SOC : . 2022 19 2811?2822
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صباح محمد جباره خليل The Enhancement of Hawthorn Leaf Extracts on the Growth and Production of Short Chain Fatty Acids of Two Probiotic Bacteria Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 0 144
صباح محمد جباره خليل Studying the Heavy Metals Composition and the Impact of Different Common Solvents on the Extraction Efficiency of Phytochemical Secondary Metabolites From the Leaves of Ziziphus spina-christi Grown in Jordan Pakistan Journal of nutrition 0 398
صباح محمد جباره خليل Evaluation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of three leaf extracts of Ziziphus spina-christi (Sedr) grown in Jordan British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 2016 0 1
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احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Anti-hyperglycemic Effect and Liver Enzymes Activity of Varthemia iphionoides essential Oil in Diabetic Rats. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 2018 9 549-554
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Evaluating the Effect of Mentha piperita Extract on Lipid Profile and Blood Glucose Level of Lead- induced Toxicity Rats Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019 12 35-38
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effect of Essential Oil of Varthemia iphionoides in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019 12 51-55
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidimic and Protective Effects of Arbutus andrachne Extract in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2019 14 56-60
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Assessment of Hematological Findings of Patients with Thalassemia in the North of Jordan International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 2019 10 736-740
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احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون Evidence from co-expression analysis for the involvement of amidase and INS in the tryptophan-independent pathway of IAA synthesis. applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2022 2 44
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون آثار ترانسجلوتاميناز 2 المبهم (TG2) في أمراض القلب والتطورات العلاجية Biochemical Pharmacology 2022 3 20-30
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون التغيرات الفسيولوجية والكيميائية الحيوية في الفئران المصابة بمرض السكر المعالجة بالمستخلصات المركبة من نبات الأرطماسيا هيربا ألبا والأناباسيس سوريا. International Journal of pharmacology 2022 2 55-66
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون تأثير القهوة الخضراء وأورليستات على الأفراد الذين يعانون من السمنة المفرطة International Journal of pharmacology 2022 2 44-55
احمد صابر خضر ابو زيتون يثبط Salidroside مقاومة الأنسولين والتشحم الكبدي عن طريق تقليل تنظيم miR-21 والتفعيل اللاحق لـ AMPK وتنظيم PPAR? في الكبد والعضلات في الفئران التي تتغذى على نظام غذائي عالي الدهون Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 2022 2 252
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عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on Lipid Profile of Diabetic Rats Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2011 4 199-204
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عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل تاثير القهوه على السمنة في الاردن Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2018 0 80
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل تاثير نبات حصى البان على السكري National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2018 1 87-90
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل effect of cinnamon administration on fertility in normal and diabetic male rats Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2019 18 491-495
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل Effects of Nigella sativa and Metformin on HbA1C, Glucose tolerance and Lipid Profile of Diabetic Rats Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019 0 6
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Ziziphus spina-christi on normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 2020 18 5865-5870
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل التغيرات الفسيولوجية والكيميائية الحيوية في الفئران المصابة بمرض السكر التي تم علاجها مع المستخلصات المركبة من نبات الشيح عشبة ألبا وأناباسيس السريانية International Journal of Pharmacology 2022 0
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عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل آثار المستخلص المائي لأوراق الكرفس على الخصوبة وإنزيم الكبد في ذكور الجرذان المصابة بالسكري Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci. (B. Zoology) 2023 15 131-138
عبدالرحيم احمد عبدالرحيم الجمل دراسة مقارنة لمؤشر الانقسام الفتيلي والانحرافات الصبغية في إناث الفئران الطبيعية المعالجة بالفينكريستين والدوكسوروبيسين. International Journal of Pharmacology 2024 20 116-120
رنا احمد سليمان المهر تاثير مستخلصات نبات الفيجن في تثبيط الحمل و الخصوبة لدى اناث الجرذان ACTA Pharmaceutica Turcica 2003 45 203-213
رنا احمد سليمان المهر الاستخدام الروتيني للنباتات الطبية في شمال الاردن Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2019 18 554-562
رنا احمد سليمان المهر تاثير مستخلص كحولي من اوراق نبات السدر في مقاومة السكري و ارتفاع مستوى الدهون في جرذان طبيعية و اخرى مصابة بالسكري نتيجة معاملتها بالستربتوسين EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 2020 14 5865-5870
رنا احمد سليمان المهر التعديل الجيني و معالجة مرض غوشتر Research Journal of Biological Science 2021 16 9-16
رنا احمد سليمان المهر التغيرات البيولوجية في سمك الرينبو عند تعريضها لمركب جديد من مشتقات البارازولين In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal 2021 57 17-20
رنا احمد سليمان المهر التغيرات الكيموحيوية على الكبد، الكلية، و السيروم في جرذان تعرضت ل مستخلصات السدر الكحولية Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2021 14 763-767
رنا احمد سليمان المهر التركيب الفيتوكيميائي و المعادن الثقيلة في عدة مستخلصات من عشبة العلندة في الاردن Asian journal of plant sciences 2022 21 208
رنا احمد سليمان المهر تاثير حبوب القهوة الخضراء و الاورليستات على الافراد البدناء International Journal of Pharmacology 2022 18 864
رنا احمد سليمان المهر تشخيص جسيمات فضة نانوية مجمعة من مستخلصات نباتات طبية و دراسة نشاطها كمضادات تاكسد و مقاومة الميكروبات Applied Ecology And Environmental Research 2022 20 3429
رنا احمد سليمان المهر الدراسة الاولى لتشخيص الميكروب التنفسي لدى مرضى التليف الكيسي في الاردن Pharmacy Practice 2023 21 2832
رنا احمد سليمان المهر تقييم مقارن للتركيب الفيتوكيميائي و الخصائص المقاومة للتاكسد و البكتيريا في كل من الفيجن و حصى البان Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 2023 22 558
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عدنان سليم خليل جرن Sabah Mohammad Khaleel, Adnan Saleem Jaran and Taghleb Muhammad-Fateh Al-Deeb (2019). Antimicrobial and Lipid Peroxidation Inhibition Potential of Ziziphus Spina-christi (Sedr), A Jordanian Medicinal Plant. Journal of Biological Sciences. 19 (2): 131-136 Journal of Biological Sciences 2017 19 131-136
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كمال محمود صالح المنسي . Baniata1, K. Mansi 2*, T. Aburjai, S. Adeeb1 and M. Al-Gazzawi. Biochemical factors relevant to kidney functions among Jordanian top athletes Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 4 (5) pp. 426-431, 2009. null 0 0
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كمال محمود صالح المنسي 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPORTS. 2009, Athens, Greece null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Ahmad Bani Ata, Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai and Suha Adeeb. Physiological Risk Factors in Elite Jordanian Athletes of Different Competitive Sports. International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences 4 (4): 112-118, 2008 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Ahmad Baniata, Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai and Suha Adeeb. The Effect of Vitamine B12 Deficiency on Balance among Competitive Jordanian Top Athletes. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (7): 874- 881, 2009. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Ahmed Bani Atta Kamal Mansi, Talal Abuja. Study the lipid profile in members of the Jordanian National Team of Rhythm Gymnastics. American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (6): 742-746 2008. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Fawzi Irshaid and Kamal Mansi. Effects of Leaf Extract of Urtica pilulifera L. on Male Reproductive System of Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 4 (2): 22-28, 2009. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Fawzi Irshaid and Kamal Mansi. Status of Thyroid Function and Iron Overload in Adolescents and Young Adults with Beta- Thalassemia Major Treated with Deferoxamine in. Jordan International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 2 (1): 47-52. 2010. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Fawzi Irshaid, Kamal Mansi and Talal Aburjai. Antidiabetic Effect of Essential Oil Extracted Obtained From Artemisia Sieberi Growing in Jordan in Normal and Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 13 (9): 423-430, 2010 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي First UAE International conference on biological and medical physics AL-Ain UAE 2005. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Amneh Masalmeh (Study the Effects of Ramadan fasting on The Serum Glucose and Lipid Profile among Healthy Jordanian Students). Journal of Medical Sciences. 7 (5): 755-761 2007 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Effects of Administration of Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (?-MSH) on the content of corticosterone in some tissues of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats. International Journal of zoological research, 3(1):33-40, 2007 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Effects of administration of alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone (?-MSH) on Some Hematological values of alloxan -induced diabetic rats. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology.2 (1): 5 ? 10, 2006. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Effects of oral administration of water extract of Nigella sativa on serum concentration of insulin and testosterone in alloxan ? induced diabetic rats. PJBS 8, (8): 1152 ? 1156, 2005 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Effects of oral administration of water extract of Nigella sativa on the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Axis in experimental diabetes International journal of pharmacology 2 (1): 104 ? 109, 2006. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Jamil Lahham. Effects of Artemisia sieberi Besser (A.Herba-alba) on heart rate and some hematological values in normal and alloxan ? induced diabetic rats. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. 4 No. 2, 57-62, 2008. null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Masalmeh Amneh and Hamzah Naser.The Hypolipidaemic Effects of Artemisia Sieberi (A.Herba-Alba) In Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. International journal of pharmacology 3 (6)487-491 2007 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Study of Ramadan Fasting on the serum Glucose and lipid Profile among Healthy Jordanian Students American Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(8):565-569, 2007 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai, Moussa Barqawi and Hamzeh Naser. Copper and Zinc Status in Jordanian Patients with ?-Thalasimia Major Treated with Deferoxamine. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (5): 566-572, 2009 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Talal Ahmad Aburjai Lipid profile in Jordanian Thalassaemic Patients. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology2:18 93 98. 2008 null 0 0
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Mansi Kamal, Abushoffa Adel M, Disi Ahmad, Aburjai Talal. Hypolipidemic effects of seed extract of celery (Apium gravelling L.) in rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine [Phcog Mag] 4 (20): 301-305, 2009. null 0 0
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كمال محمود صالح المنسي تاثير نقص B12 على التوازن عند الرياضيين Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2009 7 874-881
كمال محمود صالح المنسي حالة النحاس والزنك في المرضى الأردنيين المصابين بالثلاسيمية الرئيسية المعالجة بالديفروكسامين. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2009 5 4 (5): 566-572,
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Muhammed Alzweiri, Ali A. Sarhan, Kamal Mansi, Mohammad Hudaib, Talal Aburjai. Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal herbs in Jordan, the Northern Badia region. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2011 137 27-35
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Fawzi Irshaid, Kamal Mansi, Ahmad Bani-Khaled and Talal Aburjia. Hepatoprotetive, cardioprotective and nephroprotective actions of essential oil extract of Artemisia sieberi in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2012 11 1227-1234
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Ziad Ermili, Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai, Ahmad Bani Ata and Ziad M. Hawamdeh. Evaluation the functional status of the liver in elite Jordanian athletes. Medicina Sportiva Medicina Sportiva 2012 13 1819 - 1822
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Z. Hawamdeh, T. Aburjai, A. Baniata, K.Mansi H. Nasr. Thyroid hormones levels in Jordanian athletes participating in aerobic and anaerobic activities. Scientific Research and Essays Vol 2012 7 1840-1845
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Mohammed AlBashtawy, Sinan Hameed , Kamal Mansi, Ma?en Aljezawi, Ahmad Tubaishat. Refractive errors among 7?16 year old children. British Journal of School Nursing 2012 7 350-354
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi1*, Talal Aburjai2, Mohammed AlBashtawy3 and Muna Abdel-Dayem4. Biochemical Factors Relevant to Kidney Functions among Jordanian Children with Beta-thalassemia Major Treated with Deferoxamine. Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013 8 1-5
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi , Ahmad Bani Ata and Khalid Al-Mosud. Lipid Profile in Elite Jordanian Athletes of Different Competitive Sports. International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences 2013 9 10-13
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Ali Alsarhan, Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai, Ahed Al-Khatib, Muhammed Alzweiri, Naznin Sultana. Hsp70 and inos biomarkers in evaluating the healing properties of rubia tinctorum. European Scientific Journal 2013 9 1857- 7431
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal M Mansi. Haytham Daradka, Mona Al Sheikh, Talal Aburjai. Ethanol Extract Derived from Seeds of Apium Graveolens L. (Apiaceae) Enhancing Fertility in Diabetic Male Rats. International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Trials 2014 26 1175-1182
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi Hepatoprotectiv activity of Alpha-melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (?-MSH) against Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Iinternational Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis 2014 5 36-41
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Haytham m. Daradka1*, kamal m.s.mansi, bandar r. Alsehli, abdul mannan mohamed, yaser s. Binnaser, muwaffag badawneh and jalal aljama. Antihyperlipidemic activity of zygophyllum simplex ethanolic extract on high cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS) 2017 6 2414-2430
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Khitam Mousa A , Kamal Mahmoud Mansi 2 , Mohammad Hasan Abu Al-Taieb 3 , Zaid Mohammad Ermeley , Manal M. Bayyat , Talan Aburjai Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence in relation to swimming performance skills according to gender and swimming course level among physical education students. Journal of the Romanian Sports Medicine Society 2018 50 3037-3044
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Talal Aburjai. Accessing the Hypoglycemic Effects of Seed Extract from Celery (Apium graveolens) in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 2019 26 1-10
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi, Maryam Abu Albasal, Talal Aburjai Hepatoprotective Activity of methanolic extracts off Artemisia sieberi Besser (A.Herba-alba) against ethanol induced hepatic damage Rats, Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2019 13 102-109
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kaml Mansi, Study of the Effect of A. graveolens Seeds Ethanolic Extract on the Histological Structure of Some Organs of the Reproductive System in Male Experimental Rats. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2019 14 15-35
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Alkanna strigosa in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants 2019 5 60-68
كمال محمود صالح المنسي Kamal Mansi 1 , Saif Altamemi1 ?Sami Aloush2 , Mohammed Albashtawy2effect Of Chronic Renal Dialysis On The Level Of Thyroid Gland Hormones Among Patients With Chronic Renal Failure International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS) 2019 8 793-799
كمال محمود صالح المنسي The iron chelating activity of Gundelia tournefortii in iron overloaded experimental rats Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2020 263 178-183
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم الادارية القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
ادم يوسف محمود عيادات لا يوجد حاليا,0000 0000 0 0
فاخر محمود محمد العارضه أثر تغليف المنتج على سلوك المستهلك في شراء مستحضرات التجميل في مدينة عمان، الأردن journal of destination marketing & management 2022 23 (1-23)
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه العلاقة بين نسب رأس المال العامل وعائد الشركات على الأصول: دراسة تطبيقية للشركات الأردنية الصناعية Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 0
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عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه Do oil prices and oil production capacity influence decision making and uncertainty in the financial market? Evidence from Saudi Arabia Investment Management and Financial Innovations 2022 19 335-345
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه Intentions to use FinTech in the Jordanian banking industry International Journal of Data and Network Science 2022 6 12
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه The Role Of Big Data In Financial Sector: A Review Paperv International Journal of Data and Network Science 2022 6 12
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه Adoption of blockchain technology in supply chain SAGE Open 2023 13 1-12
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه ?Impact of business enablers on banking performance: A moderating role of Fintech Banks and Bank Systems" 2023 18 14-25
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عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه Adoption of Islamic Fintech in lending services through prediction of behavioural intention Kybernetes 2023 26 16
عامر محمد عوض الهزايمه عنوان البحث Banking services transformation and financial technology role Information Sciences Letters 2023 12 315-324
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
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مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
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مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
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مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt IT Forensic Accounting Tools to Detect Financial Cybercrimes Int. J. of Business Excellence 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Towards sustainability in SMEs post recovery from COVID-19 crisis: the influence of intellectual capital and cost strategy Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management 0
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Individual and technological factors affecting the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in the Jordanian banking sector Int. J. Business Information Systems 0 1-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Factors influencing cloud AIS adoption: evidence from Jordan Int. J. of Business Excellence 0 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Effect of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 17-25
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The Associations of Internal Audit Quality with Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Theory of Reasoned Action International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 208-217
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل A Theoretical Discussion of Factors Affecting the Internal Audit Quality in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2018 8 218-227
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2020 36 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Internal auditors and internal whistleblowing intentions: Evidence from Jordan International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 2020 10 304-316
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan Management Science Letters 2020 10 3749-3756
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل The role of organizational commitment in the relationship between human resource management practices and competitive advantage in Jordanian private universities Management Science Letters 2020 10 3757-3766
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل اعتماد المحاسبة السحابية في القطاع المالي الأردني The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business 2021 8 833-849
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل التأثير الوسيط لجودة المراجعة الخارجية على العلاقة بين حوكمة الشركات والمحاسبة الإبداعية International Journal of Financial Research 2021 12 149-157
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل العلاقة بين نفقات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات والأداء في البنوك التجارية الأردنية The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 2021 8 539-549
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل العوامل التي تؤثر على الغش عبر الإنترنت Academy of Strategic Management Journal 2021 20 1-16
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل العوامل المؤثرة في تعليم المحاسبة عبر الإنترنت أثناء جائحة COVID-19: منظور متكامل لنظرية رأس المال الاجتماعي ، ونظرية الفعل المنطقي ونموذج قبول التكنولوجيا Education and Information Technologies 2021 26 6995?7013
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل دراسة تقيمية بين المحاسبة المالية التقليدية والمحاسبة المالية الإلكترونية وأثرها في رفع كفاءة رأس مال الشركة Academy of Strategic Management Journal 2021 0 1-20
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل نقاط القوة والضعف في المحاسبة الجنائية: الآثار المترتبة على التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية Journal of Business and Socioeconomic Development 2021 1 135-148
مهند عبيد ارحيل الشبيل Environmental and Organisational Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Jordanian Banking Sector International Journal of Business Information Systems 2022 36 1-20
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هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Regional Changes Affecting the Saudi-Turkish Strategic Alliance British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: Ideology vs context International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 7 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Democratic Islam or Democratic Muslims Political Freedom through the Eyes of Islam International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 230
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The European Policies towards the Problem of Migration from the Arab Spring Countries British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 18 48
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده Jordanian Egyptian Relations in the Jordanian Press, 1952-1970 British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 49
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده The Impact of Siege Mentality of Israel: How it Shaped a Society, and the Nature of the Arab-Israeli Conflict International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7 57
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده اتجاهات اعضاء منظمات المجتمع المدني نحو فاعلية دورها في عملية الإصلاح السياسي في الأردن دراسات- الجامعة الاردنية 0 1
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التربية الوطنية جامعة ال البيت 0 11
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده 13- بحث مقبول للنشر Israel: A Democracy in Full المجلة الأردنية في القانون والعلوم السياسية، جامعة مؤتة. جامعة مؤتة 0 0 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده التحول الدميقرا€ي في عمان: قراءة في نتائج اتخابات مجلس الشورى في عمان,2004,2 2004 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده دور الاعلام في التنمية السياسية,2004,3 2004 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده القدس في القانون الدولي,2005,2 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده الشيشان حقائق على  الارض تدعو لعمل حاسم,2005,2 �جامعة آل البيت 2005 2 0
هاني عبدالكريم مكازي اخوارشيده ادوات السياسة الخارجية العمانية,2005,3 2005 3 0
امين علي محمد العزام اثر الحملات الانتخابية على السلوك التصويتي في الانتخابات البرلمانية 2013 مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية 0 42 9
امين علي محمد العزام ظاهرة العنف البرلماني في الأردن الأسباب والتداعيات DIRASAT: HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2020 4 590-607
امين علي محمد العزام النظام الإقليمي العربي في ظل التحولات الدولية (الواقع والتحديات والمستقبل) دراسات، العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية 2021 4 484-498
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political and Security Variables of Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 0 137
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Future of the Impact of Gender Policies on the Political Role of the Jordanian Woman in Light of the Announced Programs THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 7 59
عادل تركي سعود القاضي الاحتجاجات الشعبية والإصلاح السياسي في الأردن: (2011 - 2014) المنارة 21 73
عادل تركي سعود القاضي الحلول المقترحة لازمة اللجوء السوري في الاردن وفقا لمدركات طلبة العلوم السياسية في جامعة ال البيت المنارة 0 513
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
عادل تركي سعود القاضي Dimensions of American-Jordanian Relations in Light of the Current Challenges 1999-2018 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES 2018 6 173
عادل تركي سعود القاضي The Political Role towards Economic Development in Jordan Private Sector: Case Study (2007-2017) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 43
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه التعافي المتصور للطلاب في الحرم الجامعي في المساحات الخارجية: حالة ساحة بني هاشم في جامعة البيت، الأردن Civil Engineering and Architecture 0
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه تقييم جودة التصميم والتحقيق في رضا الزوار عن متحف الأردن باستخدام تقييم ما بعد الإشغال International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 0
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه تقييم الأداء من خلال تقييم ما بعد الإشغال لمركز التثقيف البيئي والسياحة البيئية بناءً على خبرة الموظفين Civil Engineering and Architecture 2 12 141 - 159
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه التركيبة السكانية ونوع السكن ورضا السكان عن مشروع زبدة السكني الميسور التكلفة، الأردن International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 2022 0 1-27
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه خصائص صنع المكان وأنماط الاستخدام في ساحة الحرم الجامعي الخارجية المركزية في الجامعة الهاشمية في الاردن ISVS e-journal 2023 10 120-135
فهد عبدالله عبدالكريم خصاونه مقارنة الرضا عن السكن في المناطق الريفية والحضرية في المفرق، الأردن International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2023 18 3277-3286
سكينة حسين طلب الخزاعلة الأفكار التصميمية المعمارية في المباني الدينية بين عمارة الحداثة والعمارة فائقة التكنولوجيا : مقارنة بين كاتدرائية نوتردام للمعماري لو كوربوزييه وكنيسة اليوبيل للمعماري ريتشارد ماير International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 2023 18 75-81
سكينة حسين طلب الخزاعلة دمج التغذية الراجعة بالفيديو في تعليم التصميم المعماري لإشراك في أساليب التعلم المتنوعة Cogent Engineering 2023 10 1-23
سكينة حسين طلب الخزاعلة مقارنة الرضا عن السكن في المناطق الريفية والحضرية في المفرق، الأردن International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2023 18 3277-3286
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Critical Failure Mode Determination of Steel Moment Frames by Plastic Analysis Optimization Principles Buildings 0
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Integrating Sustainable Construction Materials to Achieve Green Building Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 201 10 (770-775)
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Fabrication of polymer concrete of light weight and high performance International Journal of GEOMATE 2021 20 (116-122)
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Prediction of Geopolymer Concrete Compressive Strength Utilizing Artificial Neural Network and Nondestructive Testing Keywords:Artificial neural network;Geopolymer concrete;Nondestructive test;Ultrasonic pulse velocity 2022 18 (655-665)
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Three-dimensional numerical study of the reactive powder concrete segments in tunnel lining Curved and Layered Structures 2022 9 (286?294)
عبدالمجيد حيا مسلم الكساسبه Effect of Using Dry Sludge (DS) of Water Purification in combination with Treated Wastewater (TWW) on Concrete Strength Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 (2123-2130)
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عمر طحيطح محمد النهود الجدوى التقنية والاقتصادية لتزويد الطاقة لموقع التفريغ عن بعد في البادية الأردنية عن طريق الأنظمة الكهروضوئية ومولدات الديزل والشبكة الكهربائية Maxwell Scientific Organization 01/0 4 1075-1081
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود تقييم إمكانات طاقة الرياح كمصدر لتوليد الطاقة في الأزرق الجنوبي ، شمال شرق البادية ، الأردن Modern Mechanical Engineering 2015 5 87-96
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود تحليل الديناميكا الحرارية لمضخة الحرارة بمساعدة عملية التبلور Yanbu Journal of Engineering and Science 2016 12 15-20
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود دراسة جدوى اقتصادية لإنشاء مزرعة رياح بباب الهوى ، اربد ، شمال غرب الأردن Modern Mechanical Engineering 2019 9 30-48
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود تطوير إطار لتحليل السلامة وتقييم المخاطر في بيئة مواقع البناء في الأردن STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND LIFE 2021 2 135-145
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود النفايات الصلبة الحيوانية كمصدر محتمل لطاقة الكتلة الحيوية المتجددة: دراسة حالة من الأردن Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery 2021 4 12-22
عمر طحيطح محمد النهود تقييم الخواص الفيزيائية والكيميائية لحمأة الدواجن ومدى ملاءمتها لإعادة الاستخدام في التطبيقات الزراعية وغير الزراعية Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries 2021 4 86-95
زين محمد داود الحوري Impacts of frozen soils on the performance of infiltration treatment facilities Cold regions science and technology 2009 59 51-57
زين محمد داود الحوري Assessment of the SCS-CN Initial Abstraction Ratio for Predicting Runoff Treatment Volumes during Rain-on-Snow Events Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2010 20 2391-2399
زين محمد داود الحوري Quality of highway runoff at two locations in Amman City: A Preliminary Investigation proceedings of the International Conference on Environment and Bio-Science. IPCBEE 2011 21 177-181
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Response of King Abdulla Canal Water to the Upgrade of As Samra WWTP International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 900-908
زين محمد داود الحوري Evaluation of Drainage Conditions along Selected Roadways in Amman International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012 6 965-970
زين محمد داود الحوري Impact of the As Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade on the Water Quality (COD, Electrical Conductivity, TP, TN) of the Zarqa River Water Science and Technology 2013 67 1455-1464
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Detecting Variability and Trends in Daily Rainfall Characteristics in Amman-Zarqa Basin, Jordan International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 4 2014 4 11-23
زين محمد داود الحوري The Potential of Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting as a Water Resource in Jordan: Featuring Two Application Case Studies International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering 2014 8 147-153
زين محمد داود الحوري Frequency Analysis of Annual One Day Maximum Rainfall at Amman Zarqa Basin, Jordan Journal of Civil and Environmental Research 2014 6 44-58
زين محمد داود الحوري Irrigation Water Management in the Jordan Valley under Climate Change Conditions Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2015 24 1176-1188
زين محمد داود الحوري Integrated Hydrologic And Quality Model For Zarqa River Basin in Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2018 27 4637-4647
زين محمد داود الحوري Numerical solution of heat transfer in MHD mixed convection flow micropolar casson fluid about solid sphere with radiation effect International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2019 14 519-529
زين محمد داود الحوري Impact of greywater reuse on black water quality Desalination and Water Treatment 2021 218 240-251
زين محمد داود الحوري Assessment of rooftop rainwater harvesting in Ajloun, Jordan Water Reuse 2022 0
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احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب تحديد العوامل التي تؤثر على قياس اداء المسكن الميسر ROYAL INSTITUTION OF SURVEYORS MALAYSIA 2013 3 780-785
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احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب تقييم أداء الإسكان الميسر: تطبيق مفهوم النمو في المنزل كأحد معايير القياس Akademika 2016 86 125-136
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب عناصر التصميم وتقنيات البناء في المساكن التقليدية الأردنية International Review of Engineering and Computer Sciences 2017 2 12-20
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب لعلاقة بين إيجاد الطريق ووضوح البيئة المبنية "تأثيرات عناصر التصميم المعماري على السلوك المكاني" International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2020 10 43-58
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على المباني والمساحات غير الودية من خلال الفكر المعماري (دراسة حالة: منازل من الأردن) Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 1047-1055
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب مساهمة المجتمع وأصحاب المباني في الحفاظ على التراث المعماري في الوطن العربي. (دراسة حالة: "روضة سدير، المملكة العربية السعودية") International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning 2022 17 127-133
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب معايير تقييم الأحياء المستدامة - التصميم والقيم الحضرية (دراسة حالة: أحياء من المفرق، الأردن) Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2022 31 21-38
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب توثيق المواقع التاريخية باستخدام نظام المعلومات والإدارة القائم على نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والمسح الضوئي بالليزر ثلاثي الأبعاد؛ دراسة حالة الفدين، المفرق International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering 2023 13 15-34
احلام محمدجمال ابراهيم اشرق لب مقارنة الرضا عن السكن في المناطق الريفية والحضرية في المفرق، الأردن International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning 2023 17 3277-3286
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد استعادة قدرة القص للحزم التالفة بالحرارة باستخدام شرائط NSM-CFRP Construction and building materials 2016 105 448-458
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد اتساق سلالم التبادل الخارجي Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 2021 48 1063-1070
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد تطبيق الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية للتنبؤ بخصائص الخرسانة القابلة للنفاذ Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 2290-2305
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد تقييم الخرسانة المتضررة بدرجة حرارة عالية باستخدام الاختبارات غير المدمرة ونمذجة الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية Case Studies in Construction Materials 2022 16 1-16
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد توقع سلوك انزلاق الرابطة للأنابيب الفولاذية الدائرية / المربعة المملوءة بالخرسانة Buildings 2022 12 456-477
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد توقع قوة الضغط للخرسانة الجيوبوليمرية باستخدام الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية والاختبار غير التدميري Civil and Environmental Engineering 2022 18 655-665
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Lightweight foamed concrete for houses in Jordan Case Studies in Construction Materials 2023 18 1-22
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Design by Means of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Civil Engineering and Architecture 2023 11 1-30
حاتم هاشم رفه المساعيد - Civil and Environmental Engineering 2023 19 1-22
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زبيده علي بركات العدوان نموذج تسعير المتعة للعقار عبر نظم المعلومات الجغرافية - مراجعة CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING REPORTS 2019 3 034-047
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الهندسة القســــــــــم :- هندسة العمارة
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
عبدالمجيد عبدالرؤوف محمود الرجوب العلاقة بين مصادر التراث والعمارة المعاصرة في الاردن Architecture Research 2016 1 1
عبدالمجيد عبدالرؤوف محمود الرجوب تطور واتجاهات النمو الحضري في مدينة المفرق Architecture Research 2016 0 116
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عبدالمجيد عبدالرؤوف محمود الرجوب الاثر الحضري والمعماري لمحطات سكة الخط الحديدي الحجازي في محافظة المفرق International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2017 8 121
عبدالمجيد عبدالرؤوف محمود الرجوب اضفاء الطابع الانساني من خلال الفكر المعماري على المباني والساحات غير الودية / حالة مساكن من الاردن Civil Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering and Architecture This journal doesn?t have a pr 2022 3 1047-1055
عبدالمجيد عبدالرؤوف محمود الرجوب تصميم معايير تقييم الاحياء السكنية المستدامة والقيم الحضرية / المفرق حالةدراسية Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2022 2 21-38
اسراء محمد ابراهيم الشديفات دراسة International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 2023 18 75-81
اسراء محمد ابراهيم الشديفات دمج تقنية الفيديو في مرحلة تقديم المعلومات الراجعة للطلبةفي مادة التصميم المعماري لاشراك أنماط التعلم المختلفة Cogent Engineering 2023 10 1-23
اسراء محمد ابراهيم الشديفات مقارنة الرضا السكني في المناطق الريفية والحضرية في المفرق، الأردن IIETA 2023 2 3277-3286
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور كيف يساهم الفكر المعماري الاسلامي في بلورة الهوية المعمارية الاسلامية مجلة المهندس الاردني 2001 71 26
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صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور التخطيط و التصميم الحضري في ظل الاحداث المتسارعة في الاردن Journal of Modern Science and Technology 2014 2 59
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور العمارة الدينية الاسلامية ضمن المنظومة التاريخية في الاردن Architecture and Modern Information Technologies (AMIT) ISSN (1998-4839) 2014 28 3
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور المفهوم الاسلامي لعلاقة المعمار مع البيئة و تطبيقاتها المعمارية والعمرانية المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية ISSN (2079-5076 2014 3 119
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور نموذج اردني للحفاظ على التراث المعماري ( الحالة الدراسية: دار السرايا مادبا) Architecture and Modern Information Technologies AMIT ISSN (1998-4839) 2015 1 15
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور تطبيقات العمارة الخضراء في العمارة العامة للمساكن - دراسة حالة من الأردن International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 2020 15 . 515-522
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على المباني والمساحات غير الصديقة عن طريق الفكر المعماري ( الحالة الدراسية): منازل من الأردن Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 1047-1055
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور غياب التكلفة الاجتماعية والأرباح الاجتماعية في مشاريع الإسكان في الأردن Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 1-12
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور مساهمة المجتمع وأصحاب المباني في الحفاظ على التراث المعماري في العالم العربي: الحالة الدراسية: روضة سدير ، المملكة العربية السعودية International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning . 2022 17 127-133
صقر مصطفى محمود الصقور معايير تقييم الأحياء المستدامة - التصميم والقيم الحضرية (دراسة حالة: أحياء من المفرق ، الأردن) Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering (Scopus Q 2 Architecture) 2022 31 21-38
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان لتاريخية المعمارية: انعكاس العمارة الغربية في العصور الوسطى على الكنائس المعاصرة. الأردن نموذجاً للدراسة Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 0
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان الموئل والإسكان التواصل الاجتماعي لتعزيز الرفاه الاجتماعي Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 2013 8 356-371
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صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان أثر المعتقدات الثقافية في تشكيل وتصميم التنظيمات المكانية والهرمية الفراغية وخصوصية المنازل والشقق المنفصلة في الأردن Space and Culture 2018 24 66-82
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان تقييم تأثير اللاجئين السوريين الحضريين على النسيج الحضريلمدينة المفرق معماريا و اجتماعيا International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 2019 10 12-26
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان درجة رغبات واحتياجات طلبة الجامعة الهاشمية ورضاهم عن التصميم الحضري لحرمهم الجامعي Journal of Place Management and Development 2019 12 404-448
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان قتراح مفهوم نظري لتصميم الأحياء الحضرية من خلال تبني الخطاب المتغير لرأس المال الاجتماعي Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 2019 13 391-411
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان إعادة تحديد هوية مدينة عمان من خلال عملية التهجين Journal of Place Management and Development 2020 14 81-113
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان دور التصميم البيئي المبني في الوقاية من العنف في الجامعات: جامعة آل البيت في الأردن دراسة حالة. Property Management 2020 38 481-496
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان لتحولات في الشكل المبني كانعكاس للتغير الاجتماعي، حالة المباني السكنية في عمان Open House International 2020 45 143-171
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان تفاوتات في تجربة جودة السكن: التحقيق في تأثيرات العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 2021 32 283-307
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان كيف سيغير جائحة Covid 19 مستقبل التصميم المعماري Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 2021 20 339-357
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان معايير تقييم الأحياء المستدامة - التصميم والقيم الحضرية (دراسة حالة: أحياء من المفرق، الأردن) Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2022 31 21-37
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان نسنة غير ودية المباني والمساحات بالفكر المعماري (حالة دراسة: منازل من الاردن) Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 1047-1055
صفاء عبدالله محمد الحسبان تقييم تأثير كوفيد-19 على التعليم المعماري: دراسة حالة للجامعات الأردنية Education + Training 2023 4 749-768
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مهند سليمان محمود طراد A Vision to Revive Mud Architecture, a Community Heritage Architecture in Jordan, for Low Income International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamicsn 2020 15 270-275
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مهند سليمان محمود طراد Applications of Green Architecture in Vernacular Dwelling Architecture-A Case Study from Jordan International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamicsn 2020 15 515-521
مهند سليمان محمود طراد مساهمة المجتمع وأصحاب المباني في الحفاظ على التراث المعماري في الوطن العربي. (دراسة حالة: "روضة سدير، المملكة العربية السعودية") International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2022 17 127-134
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Sustainable Neighborhood Evaluation Criteria-Design and Urban Values (Case study: Neighborhoods from al-Mafraq, Jordan). Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 30
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رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Urban and Architectural Impacts of Hejaz Railway in Mafraq-Jordan International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2018 8 121-131
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه New Urban Regeneration for the City of Amman Using Sustainable Urban Design Principles: Al-Abdali Area As a Case Study International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2018 13 14345-14358
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه توظيف التراث العمراني في السياحة: حاله دراسية لمركز مدينة المفرق المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 2019 0 0
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Integrated infrastructure: A study of rehabilitation of Al-Akaider landfill Alexandria Engineering Journal 2019 58 261-271
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه The role of land use change in developing city spatial models in Jordan: The case of the Irbid master plan (1970?2017) Alexandria Engineering Journal 2019 58 861-875
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Evaluating the satisfaction rate for affordable housing in nongated residential area (NGR): the case of Al-Sharq housing project in Zarqa-Jordan International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 2020 0 0
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه spatial modeling of transformation of public open spaces in Zarqa, Jordan International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2020 15 685-703
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه The role of social infrastructure services in developing the city centre planning: A framework for delivering sustainable cities in Jordan Ain shams Engineering Journal 2022 13 1-15
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Humanizing Unfriendly Buildings and Spaces by Architectural Thought (Case Study: Houses from Jordan) Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 1047-1055
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه Contribution of Society and Owners of Buildings in Conservation of Architectural Heritage in the Arab World. (Case Study: ?Rawdat Sudair, Saudi Arabia?) International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2022 17 127-133
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه الآثار المعمارية في البنية الحضرية كعامل في أنسنة المدينة: حالة الأردن Civil Engineering and Architecture 2022 10 2847-2857
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه تحديد تأثير اللاجئين السوريين على المجتمعات الحضرية المضيفة في الأردن: دراسة تحليلية لمنطقة الزعتري The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design 2023 18 25-44
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه نحو نمو حضري مستدام: النمذجة المكانية لتأثير التراث الثقافي والطبيعي على نمو المدينة ودورها في تطوير السياحة المستدامة. Alexandria Engineering Journal 2023 69 639-676
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه نمذجة تأثير سمات الغطاء الأرضي الحضري والتغيرات على درجة حرارة سطح الأرض (LST): حالة الأردن. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2023 14 1-39
رامي خالد فهد الشوابكه دور الواقع الافتراضي في تحسين تصميم حدائق الأحياء: دراسة مقارنة بين الواقع الافتراضي والانماط التقليدية International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 2024 12 75-97
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الهندسة القســــــــــم :- الهندسة المدنية
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Removal of emerging pharmaceuticals from wastewater by ozone-based advanced oxidation processes Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 2016 5 982-995
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Intermediate ozonation to enhance biogas production in batch and continuous systems using animal dung and agricultural waste International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2017 119 176-187
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Enhancement of biogas production from agricultural wastes via pre-treatment with advanced oxidation processes Fuel 2019 253 964-974
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Techno-Economic Investigation of an Integrated Boiler?Solar Water Heating/Cooling System: A Case Study energies 2020 14 1
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Solar oxidation of toluene over Co doped nano-catalyst Chemosphere 2020 255 1-11
مؤيد سامح سليمان شواقفه Solar-driven hydrogen production from a watersplitting cycle based on carbon-TiO2 nano-tubes international journal of hydrogen energy 2020 12 1-12
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احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه Effects of Change Orders through Technical programs on Construction Projects in Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2016 10 1213-1219
احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه Effect of Technology on Improving Directions of Construction Projects Journal of Information Engineering and Applications 2016 6 28-35
احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه Risk management and its effect on reducing the project risks Civil and Environmental Research 2016 2 86
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احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه Using a mixed methodology to assess innovativeness and adoption of new practices in engineering management in construction engineering International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2021 12 1 - 12
احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه Role of Materials and Labor Allocation in Cost-Effective Soundproof House Construction Projects Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021 14 668-675
احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه التقييم المعياري للمواد المكونة الملموسة للخرسانة باستخدام تقنيات التعلم الالي Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering 2022 6 39- 62
احمد علي محمدالخطاطبه تحديد تأثير معيار ISO 9001 على إدارة المشاريع والهندسة وعوامل النجاح ؛ حالة من صناعة البناء والتشييد Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 2022 0 0-0
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محمد حمدان صالح السميران Assessment of wind energy potential as a power generation source in the Azraq South, Northeast Badia, Jordan Modern Mechanical Engineering 2015 5 87 - 96
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محمد حمدان صالح السميران Feasibility study to install wind farm in Bab A-Hawa, Irbid, Northwest of Jordan Modern Mechanical Engineering 2019 9 30-48
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الكلــــــــــية:- معهد علوم الارض والبيئة القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
امجد محمد سامي مصطفى شطناوي تحليل احصائي لسجلات ثلاثة محطات ارصاد جويه رئيسيه Almanara Magazine- Al al-Bayt University 2004 11 7-10
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امجد محمد سامي مصطفى شطناوي ترشيح ثلاث خزانات صغيرة في الأردن First Symposium on Dams Management & Operation , Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia 2006 1 5-10
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عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Magnitudes of the paleostresses at the eastern rim of the Dead Sea Transform Fault,2003,30 �Diabat, A., Salih, M., & Atallah, M., Dirasat 2003 30 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2004,38 �Diabat A., Atallah M., & Salih M., Journal of African Earth Sciences 2004 38 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات The state of paleostress along the Siwaqa Fault based on fault- slip data,2006,12 �Diabat A., Al- Manarah Journal 2006 12 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous -Tertiary rocks in Central Jordan,2007,34 �Diabat A., Dirasat 2007 34 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysis in Amman area based on fault- slip data, Jordan,2009,54  Journal of African Earth Sciences 2009 54 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems of granites and Quaternary deposits of the area east of Aqaba: indicators of reactivation and neotectonic activity Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2011 2 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل أنظمة الطيات والتراكيب الجيولوجية المتوسطة ذات العلاقة في منطقة غرب اربد Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 1 68-92
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل الانفعال لصخور كونجلوميرات ضانا في منطقة الذراع -البحر الميت Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 4 241-247
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل التراكيب الجيولوجية المتوسطة على طول طريق جرش-اربد Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 3 164-173
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات رؤى جديدة لفهم نمط التشوه التركيبي لنظام الانزلاق المضربي على طول تركيب وادي شعيب وتركيب عمان-الحلابات في الأردن بناءً على تحليل بيانات الاستشعار عن بعد Geosciences 2020 253 1-20
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات التراكيب الشدية المصاحبة للترسيب في تكوين ضانا الراهصي من عصر الأوليغوسين-بليوسين في منطقة الذراع شرق البحر الميت Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2021 309 1-16
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تقييم استقرارية المنحدرات في كسارات صخور الحجر الجيري في منطقة الحصن وشطنا باستخدام التحليل الحركي Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 2 11-33
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحديد الاجهادات القديمة والتحليل التركيبي للمنطقة الواقعة بين عمان وقصر الحلابات ، شمال الأرد Iraqi Geological Journal 2022 55 1-15
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات التحليل الحركي للانهيارات الأرضية: دراسة حالة على امتداد طريق جرش- عمان Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022 13 177-189
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات متجهات الاجهادات القديمة ثلاثية الأبعاد المخفضة اعتمادا على معلومات الصدوع المنزلقة في تكوين ضانا الراهصي في منطقة الذراع شرق البحر الميت Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022 13 278-285
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عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة التحقيقات الهيدروجيوفيزيائية والبيئية لإمكانيات المياه الجوفية في طبقة الطمي الجوفي السخنة في الزرقاء - الأردن Hydrogeologie und Umwelt 2005 7 1-15
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تحديد سماكة التربة والخواص الهندسية في جامعة آل البيت المفرق باستخدام الطريقة الزلزالية الانكسارية Manar Journal 2006 1 0
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة ترسيم البنى التحتية في جامعة آل البيت للأغراض الهندسية باستخدام الطريقة الجيومغناطيسية Manar Journal 2007 5 1-14
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة استخدام الطرق الجيوفيزيائية لتصوير خط الأنابيب الأسطواني القريب من السطح: دراسة حالة عن التطبيقات الهندسية ، الأردن Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2009 3 137-149
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة رسم خرائط استخدامات الأراضي / تغيرات الغطاء الأرضي في منطقة البازلت بين عامي 1990 و 2005 باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد ونظام المعلومات الجغرافية. الأردن Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 272-279
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة استخدام تقنيات كريجينج في بيئة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية للتحقيق في جودة المياه الجوفية في حوض عمان-الزرقاء / الأردن ، مجلة أبحاث علوم البيئة والأرض Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 4 177-185
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد للتحقيق في النمو الحضري في مدينة المفرق / الأردن بين عامي 1987 و 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 377-382
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقييم التباين المكاني والزمني لبيانات هطول الأمطار باستخدام اختبار Kriging و Mann kendall وتقديرات انحدار Sen في الأردن من 1980 إلى 2007 Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2013 5 611 - 618
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقييم جودة المياه السطحية لقناة الملك عبد الله ، باستخدام الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية ومؤشر جودة المياه ، الأردن Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2015 7 339-352
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة استخدام برنامج AHP مع نظام المعلومات الجغرافية لاختيار موقع أولي لتوربينات الرياح في شمال غرب الأردن International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208-1221
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد وتقنيات شانون الإحصائية للإحصاء لتحليل ورصد الأنماط المكانية والزمانية للتوسع العمراني والزحف العمراني في مدينة الزرقاء ، الأردن Journal of Geographic Information System, 2016 8 293-300
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة الكشف عن تغيير الغطاء النباتي باستخدام بيانات الاستشعار عن بعد كدراسة حالة: منطقة عجلون Civil and Environmental Research 2016 8 10-15
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقييم تأثير مخيم الزعتري للاجئين السوريين في وسط شمال الأردن على جودة المياه الجوفية. الأردن Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 260-271
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقدير التغيرات في مساحة سطح البحر الميت من خلال خوارزميات مؤشرات المياه المتعددة والتقنيات الجغرافية المكانية Global NEST Journa 2021 23 565 - 571
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تكامل الاستشعار عن بعد ونظام المعلومات الجغرافية لكشف التغيرات المكانية والزمنية لاستخدامات الأراضي والغطاء الأرضي في محافظة جرش ، شمال غرب الأردن Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة النمذجة المكانية والزمانية للنمو الحضري وتغيرات الغطاء الأرضي باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد والمؤشرات المكانية ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية في مدينة إربد ، الأردن Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2022 20 2769-2781
رضا علي نجم العظامات Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping for the Basaltic aquifer of the Azraq basin of Jordan using GIS, Remote sensing and DRASTIC,2003,23 Applied Geography 2003 23 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An examination of land use change due to irrigated agriculture in North-Eastern Jordan using Geoinformatics,2004,61 �International Journal of Environmental Studies 2004 61 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping Groundwater Level and Depth in the Azraq Basin in Jordan Using GIS,2004,64 �Surveying and Land Information Science 2004 64 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات An increased understanding of soil organic carbon stocks and changes in non-temperate areas: national and global implications,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Climate change and its impact on soil and vegetation carbon storage in Kenya, Jordan, India and Brazil,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات National and regional assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Preparation of consistent soil data sets for modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات The GEFSOC soil Carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil Carbon,2007,122 �Journal of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2007 122 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات GIS as A decision support system for sitting water harvesting ponds in the basalt aquifer/ NE Jordan,2008,12 Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 2008 12 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات Quality Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for Domestic Uses,2010,2 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Mapping the land use/land cover changes in the basalt area between 1990 and 2005 using remote sensing and GIS,2010,4 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Potential impacts on Surface Water Quality from the Utilization of Oil Shale at Lajjoun Area, Southern Jordan Using Geographic Information Systems and Leachability Tests,2010,32 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2010 32 0
رضا علي نجم العظامات Combining GIS with Multicriteria Decision Making for siting Water Harvesting Ponds In Northern Jordan Journal of Arid Environments 2010 74 1471-1477
رضا علي نجم العظامات The use of GIS and leachability tests to investigate groundwater vulnerability to pollution from oil Shale utilization at Lajjoun Area/Southern Jordan Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 2010 4 253 - 263
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Leachability Propensity of El-Lajjun Jordanian Oil Shale Ash Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2012 4 29-34
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination and Surface Water Susceptibility to Pollution at Mafraq Dumpsite/Jordan International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2018 9 361-367
رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
رضا علي نجم العظامات Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Geocarto International 2020 35 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping Journal Geocarto International 2020 36 1-20
رضا علي نجم العظامات A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Science 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Multinational Geoscientific Research Effort Kicks Off in the Middle East EOS, AGU 2000 50 616
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform Geophysical Journal International 2004 3 655
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2007 260 394
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Leakage in Bayer Dam in Jordan: Its Causes and Consequences Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2008 4 363
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Using Geophysical Methods to Image Near-Surface Cylindrical Pipeline: A Case Study on Engineering Applications, Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2009 2 137
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Eutrophication Process in the Mujib Dam Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2011 2 111
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Journal of Arabian Geosciences 2014 7 2815
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical Investigation Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TDEM) at Wadi Deir Al-Kahaf Area/Jordan for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Journal of Water resources and protection 2015 7 143
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش استعمال طريقة المقاومية الكهربائية المقطعية لاستكشاف نفق اللابا البازلتية، نفق البادية حالة دراسية، الاردن Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2018 2 25
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش دراسة تطور نوعية المياه الجوفية ضمن حوض عمان الزرقاء العلوي ومدى تأثير وجود مخيم الزعتري عليها Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 4
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش تقييم هندسي - جيوتقني للرواسب السطحية باستعمال الطرق الزلزالية في جامعة ال البيت Iraqi Geologoal Journal 2021 1 11-28
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ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين صخرية وجيوكيميائية واصل نشأت وتأثير البركاني علي حركة التف البركاني منطقة دير الكهف ، الاردن Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 2010 4 336-350
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ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين صخرية ومعدنية المواد اللاحمة والمستحدمة في بناء مدينة جرش الاثرية، الاردن Construction and Building Materials 2013 38 465-471
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين التداخل مابين صخرية و معدنية وجيوكيميائية ونشأت التدفقات البازلتية في منطقة زرقاء ماعين، وسط الاردن International Journal of Geosciences 2014 5 657-672
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين صخرية ومعدنية وكيميائية معادن الالمندين جارنت وربطها بنسيج الكليبثايت في صخور البازلت القلوية، شمال شرق الاردن ا International Journal of Geosciences 2014 5 222-237
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين الاستكشاف الجيوكيميائي للذهب والعناصر المصاحبة له As, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Li في الصخور الجرانيتيه منطقة وادي الرمان جنوب غرب الاردن International Journal of Geosciences, 2015 6 1140-1153
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين تقييم تلوث المعادن الثقيلة للرسوبيات السطحية على طول وادي العرب، الاردن Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 6 1-12
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين صخرية وجيوكيميائية ونشأت التدفقات البازلتية في منطقة الربه، وسط الاردن International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 378-396
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين معدنية وصحرية وجيوكيمئية التدفقات البازلتية في منطقة الشونه الشمالية، شمال غرب الاردن Earth Sciences 2016 5 82-95
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين الخصائص الجيوكيميائية والجيوثيرموميتر للمياه الجوفية الحاره في منطقة خان الزبيب وسط الاردن Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2017 4 23-41
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين جيوكيميائية المياه الجوفية في منطقة الحفر الانهدامية منطقة غورالحديثة جنوب شرق البحر الميت، الاردن Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2017 7 1-11
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين الاستكشاف الجيوكيميائي للذهب والعناصر المصاحبة له في الصخور الجرانتية في منطقة وادي المرصد ، جنوب غرب الاردن Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2018 10 1-15
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين تقييم تلوث المياه الجوفية با المعادن الثقيلة في منطقة مكب الكيدر ، شمال الاردن Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2018 10 16-23
ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين خصائص المواد التي استحمة في بناء ام قيس |(جدارا) شمال غرب الاردن Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2018 9 39-46
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ابراهيم احمد علي بني ياسين الخصائص المعدنية والصخرية والجيوكيميائيه ونشأت الصخور البازلتية السطحية في منطقة جرف الدراويش وسط الاردن Open Journal of Geology 2019 9 440-460
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سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Arab J Geosci 2014 7 2815-2829
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The use of DRASTIC Index and Simple Matrix Techniques to Assess the Environmental Impact of Akaider Dumpsite Area/Jordan Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 6 500
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Biomass Energy Utilization in Northeast Badia of Jordan Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 10 1322
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 5 138
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه The Impact of Za?atari Refugee Camp on the Water Quality in Amman-Zarqa Basin Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 6 16
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Kinetic modelling for heavy metal adsorption using Jordanian low cost natural zeolite (fixed bed column study) Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2015 5 231
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه ANALYTICAL HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING FOR WADI AL HASA CATCHMENT AREA - JORDAN 3 rd International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems 2017 3 1-6
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Analysis of Retorted Water Produced from Partial Combustion of Sultani Oil Shale Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 8 1018-1025
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by using natural Jordanian zeolitic tuff Adsorption Science & Technology 2017 35 284-299
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه HYDROCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF THE AZRAQ UNCONFINED AQUIFER, JORDAN Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 53 1-18
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 24-36
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Measurement of Radon Levels in the Groundwater of Al-Rusaifah City in Zarqa Governorate Using Liquid Scintillation Counter Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 98-102
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه التغيرات المكانية والموسمية في المواد الجسيمية (PM10) في مواقع مختارة في هواء دولة الكويت خلال الفترة 2010-2014 Pollution Research 2020 39 842-855
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Swimming Pool Water in Mafraq City in Northern Jordan: Quality Evaluation Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2021 20 5-10
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه نهج متكامل لنمذجة الهيدروجيولوجيا والاستشعار عن بعد تقييم تغير المناخ وما بعده - تأثير الري على المياه الجوفية استنزاف في شمال الأردن Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب AHP with GIS for a preliminary site selection of wind turbines in the North West of Jordan International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Novel hybrid models combining meta-heuristic algorithms with support vector regression (SVR) for groundwater potential mapping International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation Title of the Research for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) 2017 8 1995-6681
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب A Simplified Method for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2017 9 05-321
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب The Selection of Groundwater Recharge Sites in the Arid Region of Northern Badia, Jordan, using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2018 5 199-209
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression Taylor & Francis 2019 0 15
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Flood susceptibility mapping and assessment using a novel deep learning model combining multilayer perceptron and autoencoder neural networks Wiley 2020 0 22
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing MDPI 2021 0 28
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with MCDA in the GIS Environment to Determine Site Potential for Water Harvesting in Wadi Hammad Basin in Jordan MDPI 2022 0 12
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble model Taylor & Francis 2022 0 30
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Spatial mapping of water spring potential using four data mining models IWA / UK 2023 0 18
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Delineating potential sites for artificial groundwater recharge using a mathematical approach to remote sensing and GIS techniques Water Supply 0
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Assessment and Mapping of Groundwater Vulnerability Using SAR Concentrations and GIS: A Case Study in Al-Mafraq, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2015 7 588
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Temporal Interpretation for Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using Multispectral Images: Irbid as a Case Study Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2016 0 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of the NorthernWadis Area of Azraq basin for Groundwater .... International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 744
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Modeling Soil Salinity and Mapping Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in the Arid and Semi-arid Region International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications 2016 0 76
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring for River Nile, Egypt Using GIS-Techniques Open Journal of Geology 2018 8 161
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimate Land Surface Temperature in Relation to Land Use Types and Geological Formations Using Spectral Remote Sensing Data in Northeast Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2018 0 174
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم ). Groundwater vulnerability mapping of Jordanian phosphate mining area based on phosphate concentration and GIS: Al-Abiad mine as a case study Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology 2019 6 100
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An evaluation of available digital elevation models (DEMs) for geomorphological feature analysis Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 0 336 - 377
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم نمذجة تدهور التربة في المناطق شبه القاحلة باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية ، جنوب الأردن كدراسة حالة Doklady Earth Sciences 2022 2 1167 - 1178
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة The Effect of Utilizing Microbiological Parameters on Water Quality Index Values Implemented at Wadi Al-Arab Dam Reservoir, North-Jordan Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2015 24 138-152
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Integrating Lithostratigraphic Units and GIS-Analysis Techniques to Modified Surface Water Quality Index Journal of Environmental Protection 2016 8 10
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة The Influence of Lithostratigraphy on the Type and Quality of Stored Water in Mujib Reservoir-Jordan Journal of Environmental Protection 2017 4 22
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة First Upper Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from Jordan (Middle East) ? preliminary results Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2020 5 12
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Zgaimat Al-Hasah Anticline, SE-Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 12 1234-1429.
حابس محمد نجي المشاقبة Microfacial Study, Fossil Assemblages and Depositional Environment of Wadi As Sir Limestone Formation, Jordan Open Journal of Geology 2020 5 17
علي نوح علي معابده Object-Based Classification of Urban Distinct Sub-Elements Using High Spatial Resolution Orthoimages and DSM Layers Journal of Geographic Information System 2018 10 323
علي نوح علي معابده "Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2021 10 10
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
الكلــــــــــية:- معهد علوم الارض والبيئة القســــــــــم :- علوم الارض والبيئة التطبيقية
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a geoinformatic- engineering stability modeling method, using field data and GISenvironment: a case study from Al Qarara in Wadi Musa, Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 1
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Karst development related to extensional fracture network at Bany Kanana area, northern Jordan 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Integration of aeromagnetic data and landsat imagery for structural analysis purposes: a case study in the southern part of Jordan Journal of geographic information system 0 198
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Late Cenomanian Oyster frm Egypt and Jordan Journal of African earth SCiences 0 283
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping validated by hydro-chemical modeling in spatial expansion of landfills, a case study from Jordan Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 367
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysisof the area between Al Akieder and Mughayyer As Sirhan area, northwestern Badia, Jordan Jordan Journal of earth and environmental sciences 0 37
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Siltation of Wadi Al- Arab reservoir using GIS-Technique Jordan Journal of civil engineering 0 431
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Developing a land suitability index for agriculcural uses in dry lands from geologic point of view using GIS- a case study from Jordan Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 0 63
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems and dissolution cavitiesin Wadi As Sir Formation of Thughrat Asfour area Jordan Journal of earth & environmental sciences 0 73
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Lineament characterization andtheir tectonic significance using gravity data and field stuies in A Jafr area, southern Jordan Plateau Journal of earth science 0 873
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Strain analysis of the Cretaceous rocks at the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2002,29 �Diabat, A., Dirasat 2002 29 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Application of a two- dimensional electrical tomography technique for investigating landslides along the Amman- Dead Sea highway,2002,42 �Batayneh, A & Diabat, A., Environmental Geology 2002 42 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Magnitudes of the paleostresses at the eastern rim of the Dead Sea Transform Fault,2003,30 �Diabat, A., Salih, M., & Atallah, M., Dirasat 2003 30 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in the eastern margin of the Dead Sea Transform,2004,38 �Diabat A., Atallah M., & Salih M., Journal of African Earth Sciences 2004 38 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Orientation of the paleostresses along Zarqaa Ma in Fault,2005,20 �Diabat A., & Masri A., Mu,tah Lilbuhuth wad-Dirasat 2005 20 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Sinkholes related tectonic factor at Ghor Al- Haditha area/ Dead Sea,2005,33 �Diabat A., Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt,Wurzburg 2005 33 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات The state of paleostress along the Siwaqa Fault based on fault- slip data,2006,12 �Diabat A., Al- Manarah Journal 2006 12 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous -Tertiary rocks in Central Jordan,2007,34 �Diabat A., Dirasat 2007 34 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Structural and stress analysis in Amman area based on fault- slip data, Jordan,2009,54  Journal of African Earth Sciences 2009 54 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in Northern Jordan,2010 Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesJordanian 2010 0 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Petrology,Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Reactivation of Volcanic tuffs at Dair El-Kahif Area NE-Jordan,2010,4 Jordan Journal of civil Engineering 2010 4 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Combining GIS with multicriteria decision making for siting water harvesting ponds in Northern Jordan,2010,74 Journal of Arid Environment 2010 74 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات Fracture systems of granites and Quaternary deposits of the area east of Aqaba: indicators of reactivation and neotectonic activity Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2011 2 0
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل أنظمة الطيات والتراكيب الجيولوجية المتوسطة ذات العلاقة في منطقة غرب اربد Iraqi Geological Journal 2020 1 68-92
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل الانفعال لصخور كونجلوميرات ضانا في منطقة الذراع -البحر الميت Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 4 241-247
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحليل التراكيب الجيولوجية المتوسطة على طول طريق جرش-اربد Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 3 164-173
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات رؤى جديدة لفهم نمط التشوه التركيبي لنظام الانزلاق المضربي على طول تركيب وادي شعيب وتركيب عمان-الحلابات في الأردن بناءً على تحليل بيانات الاستشعار عن بعد Geosciences 2020 253 1-20
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات التراكيب الشدية المصاحبة للترسيب في تكوين ضانا الراهصي من عصر الأوليغوسين-بليوسين في منطقة الذراع شرق البحر الميت Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2021 309 1-16
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تقييم استقرارية المنحدرات في كسارات صخور الحجر الجيري في منطقة الحصن وشطنا باستخدام التحليل الحركي Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 2 11-33
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات تحديد الاجهادات القديمة والتحليل التركيبي للمنطقة الواقعة بين عمان وقصر الحلابات ، شمال الأرد Iraqi Geological Journal 2022 55 1-15
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات التحليل الحركي للانهيارات الأرضية: دراسة حالة على امتداد طريق جرش- عمان Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022 13 177-189
عبدالله علي نوري ذيابات متجهات الاجهادات القديمة ثلاثية الأبعاد المخفضة اعتمادا على معلومات الصدوع المنزلقة في تكوين ضانا الراهصي في منطقة الذراع شرق البحر الميت Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022 13 278-285
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Multinational Geoscientific Research Effort Kicks Off in the Middle East EOS, AGU 2000 50 616
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform Geophysical Journal International 2004 3 655
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2007 260 394
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Leakage in Bayer Dam in Jordan: Its Causes and Consequences Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2008 4 363
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Using Geophysical Methods to Image Near-Surface Cylindrical Pipeline: A Case Study on Engineering Applications, Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2009 2 137
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley Water Resour Manage 2010 13 3461
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2010 4 389
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Eutrophication Process in the Mujib Dam Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2011 2 111
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia journal of water resources and protection 2012 4 127
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 133
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia Journal of Geographic Information System 2012 4 366
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 Journal of Geographic Information System, 2012 4 377
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 507
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012 4 545
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2012 5 560
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan Journal of Geographic Information System (JJIS) 2013 5 198
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan Journal of Construction and building materials 2013 38 465
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan Journal of Arabian Geosciences 2014 7 2815
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical Investigation Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TDEM) at Wadi Deir Al-Kahaf Area/Jordan for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Journal of Water resources and protection 2015 7 143
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2016 3 367
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2016 7 744
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 1 27
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES), 2017 2 97
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan Jordan Journal for Civil Engineering (JJCE) 2018 2 227
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development Journal 2018 8 82
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش استعمال طريقة المقاومية الكهربائية المقطعية لاستكشاف نفق اللابا البازلتية، نفق البادية حالة دراسية، الاردن Indonesian Journal on Geosciences 2018 2 25
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL 2020 1 1
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential Environmental Earth Sciences 2020 79 206
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش دراسة تطور نوعية المياه الجوفية ضمن حوض عمان الزرقاء العلوي ومدى تأثير وجود مخيم الزعتري عليها Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 4
هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش تقييم هندسي - جيوتقني للرواسب السطحية باستعمال الطرق الزلزالية في جامعة ال البيت Iraqi Geologoal Journal 2021 1 11-28
سرى طه القسيم الحراحشه Heavy Metal Contamination of Roadside Topsoil in North East Jordan Journal of Natural Sciences Research 0 5 62
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عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة استخدام برنامج AHP مع نظام المعلومات الجغرافية لاختيار موقع أولي لتوربينات الرياح في شمال غرب الأردن International Journal of Geosciences 2016 7 1208-1221
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عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقييم تأثير مخيم الزعتري للاجئين السوريين في وسط شمال الأردن على جودة المياه الجوفية. الأردن Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2020 11 260-271
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تقدير التغيرات في مساحة سطح البحر الميت من خلال خوارزميات مؤشرات المياه المتعددة والتقنيات الجغرافية المكانية Global NEST Journa 2021 23 565 - 571
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة تكامل الاستشعار عن بعد ونظام المعلومات الجغرافية لكشف التغيرات المكانية والزمنية لاستخدامات الأراضي والغطاء الأرضي في محافظة جرش ، شمال غرب الأردن Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
عاطف فالح عثمان المشاقبة النمذجة المكانية والزمانية للنمو الحضري وتغيرات الغطاء الأرضي باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد والمؤشرات المكانية ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية في مدينة إربد ، الأردن Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2022 20 2769-2781
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رضا علي نجم العظامات Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2018 7 82-90
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عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Geophysical and Hydrological Investigationsof the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes International Journal of Geosciences (IJG) 2016 7 2156-8359
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عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Simulation and Prediction of Urban Spatial Expansion in Highly vibrant Cities using the SLEUTH Model: A Case Study of Amman Metropolitan , JORDAN Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (TERUM) 2018 13 2065-3921
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عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing MDPI 2021 0 28
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with MCDA in the GIS Environment to Determine Site Potential for Water Harvesting in Wadi Hammad Basin in Jordan MDPI 2022 0 12
عبدالرحمن ركاد خليف الشبيب Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble model Taylor & Francis 2022 0 30
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ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Delineating potential sites for artificial groundwater recharge using a mathematical approach to remote sensing and GIS techniques Water Supply 0
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Assessment and Mapping of Groundwater Vulnerability Using SAR Concentrations and GIS: A Case Study in Al-Mafraq, Jordan Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2015 7 588
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ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم An Integrated Hydrogeological and Remote Sensing Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Climate Change and Over-Irrigation Impact on Groundwater Depletion in North Jordan Iraqi Geological Journal 2021 54 12-27
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Evaluate the effect of land surface temperature in arid and semi-arid lands using potential remote sensing data and GIS techniques International Journal Global Warming 2021 24 342 - 354
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection and modeling of soil salinity variations in arid lands using remote sensing data Open Geosciences 2021 13 443?453
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Estimation of changes in the Dead Sea surface water area through multiple water index algorithms and geospatial techniques Global Nest Journal 2021 23 565-571
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Detection of Limestone Quarries in Jordan Through Remote Sensing Data to Achieve Sustainable Utilization in Vernacular Architecture International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2021 4 661-674
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution of Ismailia Canal, Egypt, Using GIS-Techniques Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 70-79
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Detect the Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover in Jerash Governorate, North-West Jordan Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2021 30 9788-9794
ماجد محمود فارس ابراهيم نمذجة تدهور التربة في المناطق شبه القاحلة باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية ، جنوب الأردن كدراسة حالة Doklady Earth Sciences 2022 2 1167 - 1178
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علي نوح علي معابده GIS-based landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping in Ajloun and Jerash governorates in Jordan using genetic algorithm-based ensemble models Acta Geophysica 2022 0 10
علي نوح علي معابده Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Evolutionary Algorithms Sustainability 2022 14 10
علي نوح علي معابده Spatial mapping of landslide susceptibility in Jerash governorate of Jordan using genetic algorithm-based wrapper feature selection and bagging-based ensemble mode Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 2022 13 2252
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الامير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني لتكنولوجيا المعلومات القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
مازن سالم حمد الزيود A Review of Algorithms and Techniques for Analyzing Big Data International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2021 0 695 ? 702
مازن سالم حمد الزيود Natural Language Processing and Parallel Computing for Information Retrieval from Electronic Health Records ITM 2022 0 01013
مازن سالم حمد الزيود A Comprehensive Survey of the Utilization of Information Technologies in Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2023 13 255-259
مازن سالم حمد الزيود Challenges Faced by Women in Technology:Jordanian Experience in Academia International Journal of Science and Research (IJ 2023 12 1400-1405
مازن سالم حمد الزيود "الذكاء الاصطناعي في التعليم الأردني: تقييم القبول من خلال الأمن السيبراني المدرك، وقيمة الجدة، والتقييم". الثقة المدركة، , International Journal of Data and Network Science 2024 2 823-834
مازن سالم حمد الزيود اعتماد تحليلات البيانات الضخمة في الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الأردنية: إطار بيئة تنظيمية تكنولوجية ممتدة مع نشر الابتكار والفائدة المدركة International Journal of Data and Network Science 2024 2 753-764
محمد خالد احمد الشرع E-learning and the Educational Organizations Structure Reengineering International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 2007 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Online Video Reviews Helpfulness: Exploratory Study Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016 2016 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 7 44
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size International Journal of Business Information Systems 2017 24 91
محمد خالد احمد الشرع فعالية الفرق الافتراضية: دور مشاركة المعرفة والثقة Journal of Information and management 2017 54 479
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 2018 0 1
محمد خالد احمد الشرع Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan International Journal of Business Information Systems 2018 0 1
سهيله فرحان احمد ابو عويضه Improve Efficiency of Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem by Applying Modified Crossover Operator Journal of Intelligent Computing 0 5 0
سهيله فرحان احمد ابو عويضه Impact of Crossover Probability on Symmetric Travel Salesman Problem Efficiency International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 2015 0 60
اسلام محمود عليان الدلابيح استخدام البيانات المرتبطة والمفتوحة للاجابة على الاسئلة باللغة العربية تلقائيا IEEE Access 2019 7 122-136
ابتهال حمدان علي العموش استخراج الكلمات المفتاحية من النص العربي بإستخدام الشبكات العصبيه الاصطناعية IJASCSE 2016 11 7-14
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Non contiguous processor allocation for three-dimensional mesh multicomputers AMSE Advances in modeling and Analysis Journal (AMSE) 2003 2 51-63
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A Fast and Efficient Strategy for Sub-mesh Allocation with Minimal Allocation Overhead in 3D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal (UBICC) 2006 1 26-36
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers Journal of Information Sciences 2007 14 2867-2883
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Processor Allocation and Job Scheduling on 3D Mesh Interconnection Networks International Journal of Computers and Applications, (ACTA) 2007 3 309-317
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Processor Allocation Strategy with a High Degree of Contiguity in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling, Practice & Theory (SIMPRA) 2007 4 465-480
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Greedy-Available Non-contiguous Processor Allocation Strategy and Job Scheduling for 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers International Journal of Computers and their Applications (IJCA) 2008 4 1-14
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Comparative Evaluation of Contiguous Allocation Strategies on 3D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Systems and Software 2009 2 307-318
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد All Shapes Contiguous Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2010 5 411-421
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Supercomputing 2010 1 5-25
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Performance Evaluation of Noncontiguous Allocation Algorithms for 2D Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Systems and Software 2011 12 2156-2170
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Window-Based Job Scheduling Scheme for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2011 1 482-493
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Communication on the Performance of Allocation Request Shape Changes in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS) 2012 5 409-433
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Autonomic Healing for Service Specific Overlay Networks International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2012 2 46-59
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد On the Performance of Non-contiguous Allocation for Common Communication Patterns in 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2013 32 155-165
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Corner-Boundary Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh-connected Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2015 1 1-13
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد The Effect of Real Workloads and Synthetic Workloads on the Performance of Job Scheduling for Non-contiguous Allocation in 2D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2015 1 53-68
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد A New Compacting Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation Algorithm for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Journal of Information Technology Research 2015 4 57-75
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد An Efficient All Shapes Busy List Processor Allocation Algorithm for 3D Mesh Multicomputers International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2017 2 10-26
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد Improving System Performance in Non-Contiguous Processor Allocation for Mesh Interconnection Networks Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2018 80 19-31
سعد عقله محمود بني محمد تجربة الجامعات الأردنية في دمج التعلم عبر الإنترنت وضمان جودته International Arab Journal of Information Technology 2022 19 544-565
حسن عمر محمد ضوه new1 new1 2021 0 23
حسن عمر محمد ضوه يسبسيب mag1 2021 0 1-20
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية الامير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني لتكنولوجيا المعلومات القســــــــــم :- علوم الحاسوب
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Adaptive Run-To-Completion Job Scheduling Policies for Parallel Computers,1995  Proceedings of ICECS?95 1995 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Program-Based Static Allocation Policies for Highly Parallel Computers,1995  Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication 1995 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Static Space Sharing Scheduling Policies for Parallel Computers,1996 High Performance Computing Workshop 1996 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Contiguous and Non-contiguous Space Sharing Policies for Parallel Computers,1998  Fourth International Jordanian Mathematics Conference 1998 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Parallel Programming Paradigms,1998  High Performance Computing Workshop 1998 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A Performance Study of the PowerXplorer Parallel Computer,1999  4th Philadelphia International Conference 1999 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Distance Learning for Jordan: Enabling Technologies,1999  IT 99 1999 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Homepage Development: Issues and Techniques,1999  IT 99 1999 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A new routing approach for collective communication in interconnection networks,2000,5  AMSE Advances in Modelling & Analysis, D 2000 5 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Job Scheduling and Contiguous Processor Allocation for Three-Dimensional Mesh Multicomputers,2001,6  AMSE Advances in Modelling and Analysis, D 2001 6 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Folding Contiguous and Non-Contiguous Space Sharing Policies for Parallel Computers,2001,16  , Mut'ah Journal for Research and Studies/Natural and Applied Sciences Series 2001 16 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Towards Scalable Collective Communication for Multicomputer Interconnection Networks,2002  ACIT'2002 2002 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Multicast Algorithms for All-Port Wormhole-Routed 3D Mesh Networks,2002,7  AMSE advances in Modelling and Analysis, D 2002 7 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Equivalent bandwidth allocation for QoS in ATM networks,2003  Proc. 19th UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW? 2003) 2003 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Noncontiguous Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh Multicomputers,2003,8  AMSE Advances in Modeling and Analysis 2003 8 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Multicasing in Three-Dimensional Wormhole-Routed Mesh Interconnection Networks,2003,9  Al-Manarah Journal, Al al-Bayt University 2003 9 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Towards scalable collective communication for multicomputer interconnection networks,2004,163  Information Sciences 2004 163 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Predictive Preemptive Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing,2006  Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications International Conference 2006 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A Fast and Efficient Strategy for Sub-mesh Allocation with Minimal Allocation Overhead in 3D Mesh Connected Multicomputers,2006,1  Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal (UBICC) 2006 1 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Noncontiguous Processor Allocation for 3D Mesh Multicomputers,2006,12 Al-Manarah Journal, Al al-Bayt University  2006 12 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه An efficient free-list submesh allocation scheme for two-dimensional mesh-connected multicomputers,2006,79  Journal of Systems and Software 2006 79 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A Performance Comparison of Contiguous Allocation Placement Schemes for 2D Mesh-connected Multicomputers,2007  2007 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, (AICCSA 2007) 2007 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه An Efficient Processor Allocation Strategy that Maintains a High Degree of Contiguity among Processors in 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputers,2007  2007 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, (AICCSA 2007) 2007 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A new processor allocation strategy with a high degree of contiguity in mesh-connected multicomputers,2007,15  Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2007 15 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه An efficient non-contiguous processor allocation strategy for 2D mesh connected multicomputers,2007,177  Information Sciences 2007 177 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه The Effect of Real Workloads and Stochastic Workloads on the Performance of Allocation and Scheduling Algorithms in 2D Mesh Multicomputers,2008  The 22nd IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2008) 2008 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Availability-based noncontiguous processor allocation policies for 2D mesh-connected multicomputers,2008,81  Journal of Systems and Software 2008 81 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه Congestion-Aware Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks,2009 The 4th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2009), al-Zaytoona University, Amma 2009 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A Comparative Study of Real Workload Traces and Synthetic Workload Models for Non-Contiguous Allocation in 2D Meshes,2009  Accepted to the International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom09), Dali 2009 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه A Performance Comparison of the Non-Contiguous Allocation Strategies in 2D MeshConnected Multicomputers,2009  International Conference on Communication, Computer and Power, Sultan Qaboos University , Muscat, S 2009 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه An Adaptive Job Scheduling Scheme for Mesh-connected Multicomputers,2009  Journal of Supercomputing 2009 0 0
اسماعيل محمد علي عبابنه On Submesh Allocation for 2D Mesh Multicomputers Using the Free-List Approach: Global Placement Schemes,2009,66  Performance Evaluation Journal 2009 66 0
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الكلــــــــــية:- كلية التمريض القســــــــــم :- دائرة التدقيق
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات معرفة واتجاهات وممارسة الفحص الذاتي للثدي بين الأردنيات: دراسة شبه تجريبية Jordan Medical Journal 0
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Reflections on sex research among young Bedouin in Jordan: risks and limitations Culture, Health & Sexuality 2012 14 101
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Sudden Infant Disease Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Incidence, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs. Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 4 199
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Undergraduate student nurses' attitudes towards using social media websites: A study from Jordan Nurse Education Today 2018 66 39-43
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات صحة المرأة في الأردن: المعرفة والممارسة والعوائق التي تحول دون فحص سرطان عنق الرحم INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN HEALTHCARE 2021 0 1-6
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Maternal Experiences of Providing Skin-to-Skin Contact to Pre-term Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Jordan Jordan Journal of Nursing Research 2022 1 4-14
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Quality Of Nursing Care And Its Relationship With Cancer Survivors Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study In Oncology Health Center Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022 13 236-242
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Student Nurses Attitudes Towards Using Social Media to Raise the Awareness of their Community about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan The Open Public Health Journal 2022 15 1-7
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات A Comprehensive Health Effects Assessment of the Use of Sanitizers and Disinfectants during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2023 10 11356-023
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Professional Quality of Life, Work-Related Stress, and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Saudi Arabia: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2023 10 1-20
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Determinants and Outcomes of Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in U.S. Hospitals, 2003,2007 The University of Wisconsin ? Milwaukee 2007 0 0
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عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
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عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
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عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Incidence of and risk factors for nosocomial bloodstream infections in adults in the United States, 2003,2009,30 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009 30 0
عمر محمد علي الرواجفه Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections: The Associated Length of Stay and Costs,2009,37 American Journal of Infection Control 2009 37 0
منار محمود فالح العزام انتشار وروابط الاكتئاب ، القلق والانتحار بين طلاب المدرسة الثانوية دراسة وطنية JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL NURSING 2020 0 10.3928/0279369
منار محمود فالح العزام المعرفة والمواقف تجاه الصحة النفسية ومشاكل الصحة النفسية لدى طلاب المدارس الثانوية في الأردن J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2020 0 57-67
منار محمود فالح العزام استكشاف تصورات معلم المدرسة الابتدائية لاضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه (ADHD) في شمال الأردن Child Psychiatry & Human Development 2021 0 https://doi.org
منار محمود فالح العزام الأداء الأكاديمي والخصائص الاجتماعية والديموغرافية للطلاب: تقييم تأثير الاعتدال في تقدير الذات International journal of school & educational psychology 2021 0 DOI: 10.1080/21
منار محمود فالح العزام الاكتئاب والقلق لدى المراهقات دراسة وطنية من الأردن. School Psychology International 2021 0 https://doi.or
منار محمود فالح العزام لاكتئاب والقلق بين طلاب المدارس الثانوية العليا أثناء جائحة COVID-19: سياق الحجر الصحي المنزلي والتعليم عبر الإنترنت The Journal of School Nursing 2021 0 10.1177/1059840
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لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Looking at a school Nurses' roles in Taking Overwieght and Obesity British Journal of School Nursing 2014 9 17-19
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of cardiac education on knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle Clinical Nursing Research 2014 23 245-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes knowledge among University Nursing Students in the North of Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2014 13 728-734
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Chronic Diseases, Lack of Medications, and Depression Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan, 2013?2014 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal 2015 12 1-8
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Self-medication among school students The Journal of School Nursing 2015 31 110-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of cardiac arrhythmia simulation on nursing students? knowledge acquisition and retention Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 1160-1174
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The relationship between social support and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with coronary artery disease in the north of Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2015 24 121-138
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Patients with Coronary Artery Disease in the North of Jordan: Toward Healthy Lifestyle Intervention International Journal of Public Health Research 2015 3 279-287
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of asthma education program on knowledge of school teachers: A randomized controlled trial Western journal of nursing research 2015 37 425-440
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Coronary Artery Disease Related-Knowledge among University Nursing Students in Jordan International Journal of Nursing Education 2015 7 5-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Coronary Artery Disease Knowledge and Knowledge Retention among University Nursing Students in Jordan Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015 14 586-592
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 2015 24 S30-S-37
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Anxiety, stress, and quality of life among Iraqi refugees in Jordan: A cross sectional survey Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Research use of nurses working in the critical care units: Barriers and facilitators Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2017 36 226-233
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Influence of Treatment Modality on Illness Perception and Secondary Prevention Outcomes among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction International journal of nursing sciences 2017 4 271-277
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills: A randomized controlled trial The Journal of Nursing Research 2017 25 289-295
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Student?s nurses knowledge of guidelines for prevention central venous catheter-associated infection International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Knowledge and self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure in Jordan Research in Nursing and Health 2017 40 350-359
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school-aged children in Jordan Eastern Mediterranean health journal 2017 23 426-491
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Prevalence and Risk Factors ofWorkplace Violence towardMental Health Staff Departments in Jordanian Hospitals ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2017 38 435-442
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Mental health nurses? perspective ofworkplace violence in Jordanian mental health hospitals Perspectives in psychiatric care 2017 54 477-487
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Coping Strategies Employed by Iraqi Refugees in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Jordanian? Perception of the Association Between Food and other Risk Factors with Cancer International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention 2018 10 1-10
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of Anxiety and Depression among Parents of Children with Cancer in Jordan Psychooncology 2018 27 1344-1346
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Results of percutaneous coronary intervention in Middle Eastern patients Journal of International Medical Research 2018 46 1595-1605
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The effect of Ginko biloba and psychoeducation on stress, anxiety and fatique among refugees Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Diabetes self-care management practices among insulin-taking patients Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 553-565
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Middle Eastern hospitals with the central line associated bloodstream infection prevention guidelines Applied Nursing Research 2018 43 56-60
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Predictors of quality of life among older patients with cancer during treatment Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 598-611
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Beliefs and Practices of Patients with Diabetes toward the Use of Herbal Therapy Aims in Public health 2018 4 650-664
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Cardiac Education on Knowledge and Self-care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure Dimensions of critical care nursing 2018 37 78-86
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Compliance of Nurses and Hospitals With Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Guidelines A Middle Eastern Survey JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY 2018 33 8-14
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Surgical site infections after craniotomy: a matched health-care cost and length of stay study Journal of wound care 2018 27 885-890
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The prevalence and the predictors of insomnia among refugees Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Effect of Infection Control Course on Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Compliance With Universal Precautions A Quasi-experimental Study Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 137-145
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care by Nurses for Hospitalized Patients in Jordan Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2019 33 392-409
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Assessment of headache among high school students in Jordan The Journal of School Nursing 2019 35 88-95
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Barriers to Integrating Research Into Clinical Nursing Practice Journal of nursing care quality 2019 34 E7-E11
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Depressive Symptoms among Older Jordanian Patients with Cancer Undergoing Treatment Clinical Gerontologist 2020 0 0000
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Effect of simulation modules on Jordanian Nursing Student? Knowledge and Confidence in Performing Critical Care Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2020 0 1-20
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
لؤي عيسى احمد طوالبه Do Illness Perception Predict Perceived Learning Needs Among Patients Treated With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 39 251-258
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات A concealed observational study of infection control and safe injection practices in Jordanian governmental hospitals American Journal of Infection Control. 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Implementation in Hospitals CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Perceived usefulness and perceived ease ofuse of electronic health records among nurses:Application of Technology Acceptance Model Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study Informatics for Health and Social Care 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study Nurse Education Today 0 101
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Nursing students' knowledge and practices of standard precautions: A Jordanian web-based survey Nurse Education Today 0 1175
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population Journal of Tissue Viability 0 127
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Injuries Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer Prevalence and Use of Preventive Interventions. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 0 227
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Electronic versus paper records: documentation of pressure ulcer data British Journal of Nursing 0 30
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today 0 47
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات The use of electronic medical records in Jordanian hospitals: A nationwide survey CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 0 538
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Pressure Ulcers Prevalence in the Acute Care Setting: A Systematic Review, 2000-2015 Clinical Nursing Research 0 643
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Barriers and facilitators to using electronichealthcare records in Jordanian hospitals from thenurses? perspective: A national survey Informatics for Health and Social Care 10 0 1
احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Student nurses? perceptions of Facebook? as an interactive learning platform in nursing education Contemporary Nurse 2018 0 456
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change Eculture Online Research 2013 6 1-9
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan ACCYPN Conference Handbook. 2013 4 199-200
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The Role of Heat Shock Protein 90 in Human Reproduction Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2014 9 161-164
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. Pediat Int 2016 0 10
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 10 199-204
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 13 218-224
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan Clinical Nursing Research 2016 25 291-309
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren Journal of School Nursing 2016 32 329-336
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) 2016 4 53-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708-709
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement International Journal of Women?s Health and Reproduction Sciences 2017 3 126?131
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma Nursing Children and Young People. 2017 29 27-31
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2017 3 314?318
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country Advances in Neonatal Care: Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses 2017 17 400-406
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017 137 51-56
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study Nutrition Research 2017 48 9-15
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries EC-Pediatrics 2018 7 1052-1055
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018 25 1476-4954
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia Australasian Medical Journal 2018 11 219-226
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan International Journal of Pediatrics 2018 6 8021-8030
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018 42 85-90
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study International Journal of Nursing Education 2019 11 1-8
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9341-47
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 9549-9556
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه 3. التدخلات الغذائية والغذائية لاضطرابات طيف التوحد: مراجعة قصيرة International Journal of pediatrics-MASHHAD University 2019 1 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Developmental Care Practices at Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Developing Countries. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36811-1_146 2019 2588 2573
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Nutritional and Dietary Interventions of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Short Review International Journal of pediatrics-MASHHAD University 2019 6 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه 1. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36811-1_144 2020 2693 2681
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه 1. وفاة الرضيع المفاجئة وغير المتوقعة. في: لاهر، آي. (محررون) دليل الرعاية الصحية في العالم العربي. سبرينغر، تشام. Book Chapter Springer?s 2020 4 0
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه 14. Is facilitated tucking by parents more effective than dextrose water (10%) in reducing full-term neonatal pain during the heel-lancing procedure: A randomized controlled trial International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020 9 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Demographic, Anthropometric, and Biochemical Characteristics of Jordanian Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Case-Control Study International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences 2020 28 24
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Knowledge and attitudes toward infant BLS among babysitters and nursemaids working in rural northwest Jordan Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care 2020 8 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Active and Passive Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: A Study From a Developing Country Annals of Global Health 2021 8 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Clinical predictive factors for vaginal delivery following induction of labour among pregnant women in Jordan BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2021 10 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Cognitive functioning in Deaf children using Cochlear implants BMC Pediatrics 2021 13 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Knowledge and attitudes regarding Covid-19 among syrian refugee women in Jordan International Journal of Clinical Practice 75(5) 2021 May; 75(5):e14021. Doi: 10.1111/ijcp.14021. E 2021 5 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Knowledge, Attitude and Smoking Patterns Among Pregnant Women: A Jordanian Perspective Annals of Global Health 2021 8 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه تأثير كوفيد-19 على الصحة النفسية في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة لدى الأمهات الحوامل المصابات بكوفيد-19 خلال الموجة الأولى من الوباء في الأردن Heliyon 2022 0 0
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Impact of COVID-19 on perinatal mental health among pregnant mothers infected with COVID-19, during the first wave of the epidemic in Jordan Heliyon 2022 6 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه Prevalence and Related Factors of Postpartum Depression among Jordanian Mothers with a History of Covid-19 during Pregnancy or after Childbirth in a Developing Country Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2022 15 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه تأثير برنامج تعليمي عبر الإنترنت لتقليل التعرض غير المباشر للدخان بين النساء الحوامل غير المدخنات. دراسة التدخل في المستشفى Heliyon, 2023 0 0
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The Role of Using Social Media and Technology Applications in Continuous Health Education Programs Following COVID-19 Crisis Jordan Journal of Nursing Research 2023 6 1
شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه The impact of an online educational program to reduce second-hand exposure to smoke among nonsmoking pregnant women; a hospital-based intervention study Heliyon, 9(4), e13148 2023 Jan 25; 9(4):e13148. Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13148. eCollection 20 2023 9 1
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تعزيز التعاطف في تعليم التمريض: دراسة جدوى وسهولة استخدام التدريب القائم على الواقع الافتراضي لرعاية مرضى الخرف JJNR 4
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تعزيز علاج اللامبالاة لدى الأردنيين المصابين بالخرف المقيمين في دور الرعاية باستخدام العلاج بتذكر الواقع الافتراضي working with older people 4
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم النشاط البدني لطلاب المدرسة: النشاط البدني وعوامله المساهمة في الشباب. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 2021 9 48-60
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم انتشار الفترة السنوية وعوامل خطر الإصابة بالخرف بين المرضى الأردنيين المسنين في المستشفى International Journal of General Medicine 2021 14 641-647
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم أعراض الاكتئاب والقلق والضغط النفسي بين القابلات الأردنيات: دراسة مستشفيات Midwifery 2022 1 103456
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم استخدام تقنية الشاشات الرقمية التي تعمل باللمس لتقديم علاج الذكريات بين الأشخاص المصابين بالخرف في دور الرعاية الأردنية: دراسة جدوى متعددة الأساليب. Psychogeriatrics 2022 22 187-201
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم المعرفة حول المجالات السلوكية والنفسية الاجتماعية للخرف: دراسة استقصائية متعددة القطاعات. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2022 33 116-127
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عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تأثير COVID-19 على الصحة النفسية في فترة ما حول الولادة بين الأمهات الحوامل المصابات بـ COVID-19 ، خلال الموجة الأولى من الوباء في الأردن Heliyon 2022 12 1016
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تأثير الفصول المتزامنة عبر الإنترنت مقابل الصفوف غير المتزامنة على معرفة طلاب التمريض وقدرتهم على اتخاذ قرارات قانونية وأخلاقية Nurse Education Today 2022 3 1016
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تجارب ممرضات الرعاية الحرجة أثناء مرض أفراد الأسرة: دراسة نوعية. SAGE Open Nursing 2022 10 132-169
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تحليل اتجاهات طلاب التمريض والطب تجاه ومعرفة مرض الزهايمر (AD). Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh 2022 19 11-19
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تقييم الكفاءات المهنية بين الممرضين الجامعيين: دراسة استكشافية Nursing Education Perspectives 2022 44 1-16
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم الخصائص النفسية لمقياس كامبريدج العربي للقلق بين النساء الحوامل British Journal of Midwifery 2023 31 386-394
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم تجاوز الذات كوسيط للعلاقة بين وظائف الذكريات والقلق من الموت: الآثار المترتبة على الممرضات النفسية Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 2023 3 44-64
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم ترجمة النسخة العربية من مقياس المنظور الروحي والتحقق من صحتها Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2023 134 130-134
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عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم معرفة أفراد المجتمع الأردني ومواقفهم تجاه الخرف SAGE Open Nursing 2023 3 1-16
عاصم احمد عبدالله عبدالرحيم مقارنة بين التأثيرات الوقائية للبريجابالين الفموي والجابابنتين على التخدير الحاد بعد الجراحة والمضاعفات في المرضى الذين يخضعون لجراحة العمود الفقري القطني Journal of Perioperative Practice 2023 1 4-12
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عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده دراسة مقطعية لدراسة العوامل المرتبطة باستخدام خدمات الرعاية الصحية الأولية بين كبار السن في محافظة إربد في الأردن Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research 2014 2014 1-7
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الالتزام بالأدوية المضادة للذهان مقاسًا بالنسخة العربية من مقياس موريسكي ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 2016 5 240-245
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده لظروف طويلة الأمد المرتبطة باستخدام خدمة الرعاية الصحية الأولية بين كبار السن Primary health care 2016 26 31-35
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده مزايا وعيوب دراسة الأسرة كنهج سياقي عند التعامل مع طفل في سن المدرسة تم تشخيصه باضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 1369-1370
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الأساليب السلوكية لعلاج زيادة الوزن والسمنة لدى المراهقين Nursing Children and Young People 2017 29 44-46
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تقييم معرفة المراهقين الأردنيين الشماليين ومواقفهم تجاه الربو Nursing Children and Young People 2017 29 27-31
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده استراتيجيات الوقاية والمبادئ التوجيهية لإدارة السمنة في الأطفال والشباب International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 7 10043-47
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده حدوث قرح الضغط والمتغيرات المرتبطة بها بين المرضى البالغين المصابين بأمراض خطيرة في فلسطين Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2019 4 55-61
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده مراجعة للنموذج القصير للمسح الصحي - الإصدار 2 Journal of Nursing Measurement 2019 27 77-86
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الإدارة المشتركة: رحلة مستشفى الأطفال إلى التميز في التمريض السريري Journal of Research in Nursing 2020 25 347?358
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الضغوطات الفسيولوجية والنفسية الاجتماعية لدى مرضى غسيل الكلى الفلسطينيين: دراسة مقطعية Saudi Journal for Health Sciences 2020 9 1-5
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده العوامل التي تتنبأ بمزاج الرضيع: دراسة أردنية Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2020 51 e45-e49
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تقييم معرفة الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي وتوافر درهم إماراتي في مراكز التسوق السعودية من قبل موظفي الأمن: منظور السلامة العامة Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2020 2020 1-6
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده معرفة ومواقف الشباب تجاه الأمراض العقلية: دراسة مقطعية Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 2020 43 1-13
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده المعرفة والمواقف فيما يتعلق بإدارة الألم بين ممرضات وحدة العناية المركزة Medico Legal Update 2021 21 267-269
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده المعرفة والمواقف والانتشار والعوامل المرتبطة بتدخين السجائر بين طلاب الجامعة: دراسة مقطعية Journal of Community Health 2021 45 1-7
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تأثير الإجهاد المهني على الأداء الوظيفي للممرضات وفقًا لتصور الممرضات Medico Legal Update 2021 21 252-255
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده فتاة بدوية فلسطينية تبلغ من العمر 5 سنوات أصيبت نفسها بإصابات متكررة في أصابعها ؛ وتشخيص الحساسية الخلقية للألم مع عدم التعرق American Journal of Case Reports 2021 22 1-6
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده معرفة الممرضات بشأن بروتوكول الوقاية من COVID-19 في أقسام الطوارئ Medico Legal Update 2021 21 168?170
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده أعراض الاكتئاب والقلق والتوتر بين القابلات الأردنيات: دراسة في المستشفى Midwifery 2022 114 103456
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده التجربة الحية لطلاب الجامعات الأردنية في إساءة استخدام الأمفيتامين (الكبتاغون): دراسة نوعية Journal of Addictions Nursing 2022 33 20-26
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده التمكين الهيكلي والنفسي والالتزام التنظيمي بين طاقم التمريض في الأردن Nursing Forum 2022 57 624-631
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الرفاهية الروحية وجودة الحياة بين مرضى غسيل الكلى في الأردن: دراسة ارتباطية شاملة لعدة قطاعات Journal of Holistic Nursing 2022 40 1-13
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده العلاقة بين مواقف الممرضات والرضا عن تقارير التحول بجانب السرير وثقافة سلامة المرضى Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 2022 12 414-422
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده برنامج إدارة آلام السرطان: تجارب المرضى - دراسة نوعية Nursing Forum 2022 57 1-12
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تأثير COVID-19 على الصحة النفسية في فترة ما حول الولادة بين الأمهات الحوامل المصابات بـ COVID-19 ، خلال الموجة الأولى من الوباء في الأردن Heliyon 2022 8 1-6
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تحليل اتجاهات طلاب التمريض والطب تجاه ومعرفة مرض الزهايمر (AD). International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 2022 19 1-11
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده فعالية برنامج تدريبي حول معرفة الممرضات للوقاية من عدوى المسالك البولية المرتبطة بالقسطرة NeuroQuantology 2022 20 10622-10634
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده مسببات العنف في مكان العمل في أقسام الطوارئ: دراسة نوعية Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 2022 12 340-352
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده معرفة الممرضات بعلاج مضادات التخثر لمرضى الرجفان الأذيني: فعالية المقرر التعليمي Nursing Forum 2022 57 825-832
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الأوكسجين الغشائي خارج الجسم وتصورات ممرضي الرعاية الحرجة اللبنانيين: دراسة ظاهرية نوعية SAGE Open Nursing 2023 9 1-12
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده التجربة الحياتية للمراهقين والشباب العمانيين المصابين بالأمراض النفسية: دراسة نوعية PLoS ONE 2023 18 1-9
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الخصائص السيكومترية لمقياس القلق العربي كامبريدج لدى النساء الحوامل British Journal of Midwifery 2023 31 386-394
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده المعرفة والامتثال للاحتياطات القياسية بين الممرضات SAGE Open Nursing 2023 9 1-10
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده الوصمة الذاتية والعامة تجاه الأمراض النفسية ومتنبئاتها لدى طلبة الجامعة في 11 دولة ناطقة باللغة العربية: دراسة متعددة المواقع International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2023 30 1-11
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده انتشار الصداع والعوامل المسببة له بين المراهقين الأردنيين في منطقة المفرق The Scientific World Journal 2023 2023 1-8
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تأثير الرعاية الداعمة أثناء الولادة أثناء الولادة في الأردن: دراسة شبه تجريبية British Journal of Midwifery 2023 31 445-453
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تأثير مناورة التجنيد الرئوي على آلام الكتف بعد المنظار في المرضى الذين يخضعون للمنظار استئصال المرارة: تجربة عشوائية محكومة SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES 2023 37 1-10
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تجربة الألم لمرضى السرطان الذين يتلقون الرعاية في عيادة متعددة التخصصات لإدارة الألم British Journal of Nursing 2023 32 S17-S23
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده ترجمة النسخة العربية من مقياس المنظور الروحي والتحقق منها Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2023 37 271-289
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تطبيق واستخدام نموذج أندرسن السلوكي كإطار نظري: مراجعة منهجية للأدبيات من 2012 إلى 2021 Iranian Journal of Public Health 2023 52 1346-1354
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تعزيز الالتزام بالدواء بين مرضى الفصام و الاضطراب الفصامي العاطفي: تطبيق جوال دراسة التدخل SAGE Open Nursing 2023 9 1-8
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تعزيز علاج اللامبالاة لدى الأردنيين المصابين بالخرف المقيمين في دور الرعاية باستخدام العلاج بذكريات الواقع الافتراضي Working with Older People 2023 27 1-12
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تقييم الكفاءات المهنية بين ممرضات البكالوريوس: دراسة استكشافية Nursing Education Perspectives 2023 44 2-9
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تقييم تخطي وجبة الإفطار في المنزل بين طلاب المدارس المراهقين في منطقة البادية، الأردن Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2023 29 343-354
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده دراسة ظاهرية للمعيشة تجارب الأفراد المسنين مع الجروح المزمنة Working with Older People 2023 27 1-6
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده ردود الفعل النفسية للممرضات اللبنانيات تجاه العنف في مكان العمل في وحدات الرعاية الحرجة SAGE Open Nursing 2023 9 1-13
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده عوامل التوتر ومستويات التوتر وآليات التكيف لدى طلبة الجامعة ?e Scientific World Journal 2023 2023 1-9
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده قارنة بين التأثيرات الوقائية للبريجابالين الفموي والجابابنتين على التخدير الحاد بعد الجراحة والمضاعفات في المرضى الذين يخضعون لجراحة العمود الفقري القطني Journal of Perioperative Practice 2023 33 2-10
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده لالتزام بأدوية مضادات الاكتئاب بين مرضى الاكتئاب في عمان: دراسة مقطعية Clinical Schizophrenia& Related Psychoses 2023 17 2-8
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده لعوامل المؤثرة على مستويات القلق والاكتئاب لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض الكلى في نهاية المرحلة والذين يخضعون لغسيل الكلى. International Urology and Nephrology 2023 55 2-10
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده معارف المجتمع الأردني والمواقف تجاه الخرف SAGE Open Nursing 2023 9 1-12
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده معرفة ممرضات الرعاية الحرجة بالعناية بفتح القصبة الهوائية Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2023 28 504-508
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده مواقف أولياء الأمور تجاه تطعيم أطفال المدارس ضد فيروس كورونا في الأردن Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 2023 13 320-329
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده التجربة الحياتية لمقدمي الرعاية للمراهقين المصابين بمرض عقلي: دراسة ظاهرية International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery 2024 12 1-12
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تخطي وجبة الإفطار والعوامل المرتبطة بها لدى طلبة الجامعات الأردنية. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2024 29 125-132
عبدالله سامح حسن الخوالده تقييم الضعف المعرفي والعوامل المرتبطة به لدى كبار السن في الأردن Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2024 29 120-124
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الأمراض المزمنة ونقص الأدوية والاكتئاب بين اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن 2013-2014. PREVENTING CHRONIC DISEASE 2015 12 1-9
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي زيادة نشاط أكسيد النيتريك اللعابي و G6PD لدى اللاجئين الذين يعانون من القلق والتوتر Stress and Health 2015 32 435-440
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العلاقات بين الرعاية ذاتية ، الكفاءة الذاتية ومرض السكري Journal of Research in Nursing 2016 21 110-121
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي أكسيد النيتريك اللعابي ، علامة بيولوجية للتوتر والقلق؟ Psychiatry Investig 2016 13 311-315
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تصور المرض لدى مرضى الشريان التاجي: مراجعة منهجية. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2016 22 633-648
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي حشيشة الهر: مزيل للقلق تم التقليل من شأنه في صيدلية المجتمع؟ Journal of Herbal Medicine 2016 6 193-197
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي مسح مقطعي لحالة الأمن الغذائي للاجئين السوريين الذين يعيشون في المجتمعات المضيفة في الأردن. International Journal of Food Engineering Vol. 2 2016 2 75-78
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي هل تتنبأ الأمراض المزمنة وتوافر الأدوية باضطراب الكرب التالي للصدمة (PTSD) بين اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن. Pakistani Journal of Nutrition 2016 15 963-941
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي اتجاهات وتصورات طلاب تمريض البكالوريوس نحو المحاكاة التربوية. Cogent education 2017 4 1-14
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الاستخدام البحثي للممرضات العاملات في وحدات الرعاية الحرجة: الحواجز والميسرات. Dimensions of critical care nursing 2017 36 226-233
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الخواص والقياسات النفسية لمقياس الإدارة الذاتية لمرض السكري. International Journal of Nursing Sciences 2017 4 252-259
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي القلق والتوتر ونوعية الحياة بين اللاجئين العراقيين في الأردن: مسح مقطعي. Nursing and health sciences 2017 19 100-104
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تنبؤات باستراتيجيات المواجهة التي يستخدمها اللاجئون العراقيون في الأردن Clinical Nursing Research 2017 26 592-607
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي فعالية جرعة واحدة من مضادات الهيستامين مقابل جرعة واحدة من حشيشة الهر في مقاييس النوم الشخصية بين لاجئي الحرب: تجربة مقارنة. Clinical Psychiatry 2017 44 35-39
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي انتشار الاكتئاب والعوامل المرتبطة به في المرضى بعد جراحة الشريان التاجي. Journal of Research in Nursing 2018 23 76-88
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تأثير الجنكة والتربية النفسية على التوتر والقلق والتعب بين اللاجئين. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 2018 27 26-32
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي سلوكيات الأكل ، والديموغرافيا الاجتماعية ، والصحة الذاتية ، وحالة الوزن لدى طلاب الجامعات الأردنية. Topics in Clinical Nutrition 2018 33 302-310
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي استراتيجيات التكيف التي يستخدمها اللاجئون السوريون في الأردن. Clinical Nursing Research 2019 28 396-421
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي التطوير والاختبار النفسي لمقياس اتجاهات وممارسات الفحص البدني. Nursing Forum 2019 54 11-120
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العوامل المزاجية والديموغرافية كمتنبئين لمؤشر كتلة الجسم بين اللاجئين السوريين والعراقيين في الأردن. Journal of Health Psychology 2019 13 1-11
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي انتشار الأرق والتنبؤ به بين اللاجئين. Journal of Health Psychology 2019 24 1125-1133
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تأثير التركيبة السكانية والتعليم والضغط على مؤشر كتلة الجسم لدى طلاب الجامعات الأردنية. Topics in Clinical Nutrition 2019 34 200-208
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تأثير طرق العلاج على النشاط البدني بعد الإصابة باحتشاء عضلة القلب الحاد الأول في الأردن. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2019 38 284-292
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي فحص بنية عامل مقياس تقييم القلق في هاملتون في عينة غير إكلينيكية. International Journal of Research In nUrsing 2019 10 1-9
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي أكثر وأقل سلوكيات الرعاية الذاتية أداءً بين مرضى قصور القلب Clinical Nursing Research 2020 29 108-116
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي احتياجات التعلم المتصورة لمرضى قصور القلب في الأردن: وجهات نظر المرضى ومقدمي الرعاية والممرضات: مسح شامل لعدة قطاعات. Journal of Cardiovascular nursing 2020 35 273-279
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي التغييرات في تصور المرض بين المرضى الذين يخضعون للتدخل التاجي Heart & Lung 2020 49 836-841
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الروحانيات والقلق والاكتئاب بين الأشخاص الذين يتلقون علاج غسيل الكلى في الأردن: دراسة مقطعية. Journal of Religion and Health 2020 59 2414?2429
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي ترجمة متعددة الثقافات وتكييف استبيان الفعالية الذاتية للقلب العربي لمرضى أمراض القلب التاجية International Journal of Nursing Practice 2020 12827 1-11
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي لاجئات الحرب السوريات: اتجاهات الفحص الأولي للفيبروميالغيا والأرق والعلاج. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2020 24 1-5
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي مقارنة بين هيكل عامل ناشئ لمؤشر شدة الأرق مع سياق عالمي. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology 2020 27 85-101
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي هل يتنبأ تصور المرض باحتياجات التعلم المتصورة بين المرضى المعالجين بالتدخل التاجي. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2020 5 251-258
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العلاقة بين الذكاء العاطفي والتعاون بين الممرضة والممرضة Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2021 5 615-622
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العلاقة بين القلق والإجهاد اللاحق للصدمة والأرق والألم العضلي الليفي بين اللاجئات في الأردن: دراسة مقطعية. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing 2021 4 1-6
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العلاقة بين القلق وتوتر ما بعد الصدمة والأرق والألم العضلي الليفي بين اللاجئات في الأردن Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2021 4 738-747
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العوامل المرتبطة بعدم رغبة الأردنيين والفلسطينيين والسوريين في التطعيم ضد COVID-19. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021 12 1-10
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الفرق بين القابابنتين و البريقابلين Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials 2021 1 1-5
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي حول مستويات القلق والأدوية المضادة للقلق بين الطلاب الأردنيين الجامعيين في الحجر الصحي أثناء جائحة COVID-19 International Journal of Clinical Practice 2021 7 e14249
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي التغيرات في مستويات القلق للمرضى الذين يخضعون للتدخل التاجي Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2022 42 15-21
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي المعرفة العامة والمواقف والممارسات حول جائحة COVID-19. Journal of Public Health in Africa 2022 5 1-6
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي تأثير نوع احتشاء عضلة القلب الحاد على الكفاءة الذاتية لمريض القلب بعد دخول المستشفى ? Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 2022 6 41(6), 295-304.
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي معرفة وممارسة صيادلة المجتمع تجاه مثبطات SGLT2 F1000Research 2022 1 659
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي وعي ومعرفة الصيادلة تجاه الأدوية الحيوية: مسح في الأردن International Journal of Clinical Practice 2022 0 1-6
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي الامتثال وتحديات الممارسات الاحترازية القائمة على انتقال العدوى بين الممرضين والممرضين في المستشفيات الأردنية خلال الرواية COVID-19: دراسة وصفية. Georgian Medical News 2023 5 1-6
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي العلاقة بين الأدوية الخافضة للضغط ونتائج الصحة العقلية بين لاجئي الحرب السوريين المصابين بالإجهاد وارتفاع ضغط الدم. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2023 11 1-8
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي المعرفة والممارسة نحو دعم الحياة الأساسي بين الممرضات العاملات مع مرضى SARS-CoV-2 في المستشفيات الأردنية ". Working with Older People 2023 2 1-5
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي فهم ارتباط الكفاءة الذاتية والمزاج والتركيبة السكانية بالنشاط البدني لدى اللاجئين السوريين والعراقيين: دراسة مقطعية في الأردن. The Scientific World Journal, 2023.? 2023 5 1-7
احمد محمد عبدالكريم الصمادي مستويات عالية من عوامل الخطر وضعف الوقاية الثانوية لمرضى أمراض القلب التاجية في المستشفيات العامة: دراسة وصفية للمقاييس المتكررة. international Journal of Nursing Practice 2023 29 e13111
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية التمريض القســــــــــم :- تمريض صحة البالغين
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Maternal Experiences of Providing Skin-to-Skin Contact to Pre-term Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Jordan Jordan Journal of Nursing Research 2022 1 4-14
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نهى محمد منزل الشديفات A Comprehensive Health Effects Assessment of the Use of Sanitizers and Disinfectants during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2023 10 11356-023
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Professional Quality of Life, Work-Related Stress, and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Saudi Arabia: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2023 10 1-20
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احمد سالم احمد موسى Correlates and predictors of spiritual, existential, and religious well-being among Malaysian Muslim college students Journal ofResearch on Humanities and Social Sciences 2016 6 82 ? 91
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احمد سالم احمد موسى The Most and the Least Performed Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan Clinical nursing research 2020 29 108-116
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احمد خلف محمد طبيشات Student nurses? perceptions of Facebook? as an interactive learning platform in nursing education Contemporary Nurse 2018 0 456
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محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Lifestyle and Dietary Factors and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Multicentre Case-Control Study. Clinical Nursing Research. 0 1
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محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Reproductive Factors and Risk of Breast Cancer: A Jordanian Case Control Study. Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 0 1
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Behavioural approaches to treating overweight and obesity in adolescents. Nurs Child Young People 0 1
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محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Barriers and facilitators to research utilization: Jordanian Nurses Perspectives. Journal of education and Practice 2016 7 52-57
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Determinants of Public Satisfaction and Perception of National Healthcare Services Availability in Jordan: A Patient Survey. Journal of Medicine and Medical Research Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 2017 20 1-10
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Reproductive Factors and Risk of Breast Cancer: A Jordanian Case Control Study. ournal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 2017 20 1-7
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Student Nurses? Knowledge about Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia nternational Journal of Nursing Education 2017 9 138-143
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Student Nurses? Knowledge of Guidelines for Preventing Central Venous Catheter-associated Infections. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 2017 6 32-35
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Behavioural approaches to treating overweight and obesity in adolescents. Nursing children and young people Nursing Children and Young People 2017 29 44-46
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري The Relationship between Physical Activity and Dietary Factors with being Overweight and Obese in School Aged Students Nursing children and young people 2018 0 1-10
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Incidence and Management in Jordan . Clinical Nursing Research 2018 27 13
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Risk factors for Breast Cancer among Jordanian Women: A Case-Control Study Iranian Journal of Public Health 2018 47 49-56
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Effects of Prophylactic Laxatives for Opioid-Induced Constipation on Constipation Severity and Quality of Life among Patients with Cancer. Open Journal of Nursing 2018 8 505-517
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Risk factors for Breast Cancer among Jordanian Women: A Case-Control Study Iranian Journal of Public Health 2018 47 7
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Disclosure of Cancer Diagnosis: An individualized and non-paternalistic approach is preferred. Journal of Cancer Education 2018 33 996-1001
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Jordanian Oncology Nurses' Knowledge of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting Management British Journal of Nursing 2018 27 S4-S12
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Attitudes of Jordanian Oncology Nurses' Toward Computerization. Journal of cancer education Journal of cancer education 2019 0 1-5
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Undergraduate student nurses' knowledge of evidence-based practice: A short online survey Nurse Education Today 2019 72 1-5
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Knowledge and Attitudes to Pain Management of Healthcare Professionals in Primary Medical Centres Pain Management Nursing 2019 21 265-270
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Risk factors for hospital-acquired non-catheter-associated urinary tract infection. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners 2019 31 747-751
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Barriers to integrating research into clinical nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 2019 34 E7-E11
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Symptom clusters? content, stability, and correlation with the quality of life in a heterogeneous group of cancer patients Clinical Nursing Research 2020 0 1-10
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Knowledge, Attitudes, prevalence, and associated factor of cigarette smoking among university students: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Community Health 2020 0 1-7
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Assessment of Anxiety and Depression among Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Units Nursing in Critical Care. 2020 0 1-7
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Assessment of Cancer-Related Fatigue among Jordanian Patients: A Cross-sectional Survey British Journal of Nursing 2020 29 111-117
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري The Effects of Massage Therapy on Symptom Management among Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Review International Research Journal of Oncology 2020 3 38-45
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Barriers to Provision of Spiritual Care intervention for Hospitalized Patients: Perceptions of Jordanian Nurses Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 2020 33 392-409
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Burden among parents of children with cancer in Jordan: prevalence and predictors." Cancer Nursing Cancer Nursing 2020 43 396-401
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Quality of Life and its Predictors among Patients with Selected Chronic Diseases. Nursing Forum 2023 2023 1-9
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Moral Distress and Intention to Leave Work Among Nurses: A Prospective Survey Study. British Journal of Healthcare Management 2024 30 1-12
محمد ابراهيم محمود القادري Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Disturbance Among A&E Nurses in Oman. Journal of Emergency Nursing 2024 0 1-6
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان المعرفة والمواقف والممارسات المكثفة وحدة الرعاية الممرضات حول التقييد الجسدي Nursing in critical care 0 264
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار ارتفاع ضغط الدم وارتفاع ضغط الدم ما قبل طلاب المدارس الثانوية International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 0 240245
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار التقييد الجسدي بين مرضى وحدة الرعاية Journal of clinical nursing 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان تقييم الكفاءات المهنية بين ممرضات البكالوريوس: دراسة استكشافية Nursing Education Perspectives 5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان عوامل الانتشار وعوامل الخطر من العنف تجاه موظفي الصحة العقلية الإدارات في المستشفيات الأردنية Issues in Mental Health Nursing 0 240245
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان المعرفة وممارسات الاحتياطات العزل بين الممرضات في الاردن American Journal of Infection Control 0 680
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار آلام أسفل الظهر والعوامل المرتبطة بها الممرضات في الأردن Nursing forum 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان بيئة عمل الممرضات: مؤشرات الرضا Journal of Nursing managemant 0 525
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان قياس كفاءة سلامة المرضى بين طلاب التمريض في الفصل وفي الإعدادات السريرية Nursing education perspectives 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان معرفة الطلاب ومدى انتشار إصابات إصابات الإبرة في الأردن Nurse Education Today 0 23
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان معرفة الممرضات الطلائات بالمبادئ التوجيهية لمنع العدوى المرتبطة بالقسطرة الوريدية الوسطى International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 0 32
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان استكشاف ثقافة السلامة في المستشفيات الأردنية: دراسة أساسية JNCQ 0 0 110
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان دور الممرضات المدرسيات في مساعدة الأطفال ذوي اضطرابات نقص الانتباه / فرط النشاط NASN School Nurse 2016 0 3638
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار الأخطاء الطبية والحواجز التي يجب الإبلاغ عنها بين طلاب التمريض والتمريض في الأردن: دراسة مقطعية Nursing Forum 2020 2020 1-7
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان حدوث وريدي القسطرة الوريدية المحيطية والمخاطر العوامل بين مرضى الأطفال Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2020 2020 89?93
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان الوقاية من داء المقوسات: المعرفة والممارسات بين النساء الحوامل في الاردن primary health care 2021 2021 1-5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان الموثوقية والتحقق من صحة النسخة العربية من شروط استبيان فعالية مكان العمل -2 International Journal of Nursing Sciences 2021 8 215e220
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان النشاط البدني لطلاب المدرسة: النشاط البدني وعوامله المساهمة في الشباب Journal of Hunan University 2021 48 467-473
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان استكشاف تصورات معلمي المدارس الابتدائية حول نقص الانتباه اضطراب فرط الحركة (ADHD) في شمال الأردن Child Psychiatry & Human Development 2022 53 538?545
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان تأثير الفصول المتزامنة عبر الإنترنت مقابل الصفوف غير المتزامنة على معرفة طلاب التمريض وقدرتهم على اتخاذ القرارات القانونية والأخلاقية Nurse Education Today 2022 109 1-5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان فاعلية برنامج التدريب المعتمد على قانون مكافحة العدوى والفيروسات القهقرية (COPA) ، كفاءات العاملين الجدد في مجال الرعاية الصحية Teaching and Learning in Nursing 2022 2022 11-24
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان فعالية برنامج التدريب القائم على COPA حول كفاءات مكافحة العدوى لأخصائيي الرعاية الصحية المعينين حديثًا Teaching and Learning in Nursing 2022 6 46?51
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ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره المعرفة والمواقف والممارسات تجاه طلاب الصرع في الأردن Epilepsy & Behavior 0
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره استعداد المنظمات للتغيير والتحفيز ونوايا التعامل مع النزاع: تصورات طلاب التمريض الكبار Nursing Education in Practice, 2008 8 120-128
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره السمات التنظيمية للوحدات المتخصصة مقارنة بالأجنحة العامة في المستشفيات الأردنية Jordan Medical Journal 2010 44 61-71
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره نموذج الاعتقاد الصحي؟ التأثيرات على استخدام الطب التكميلي والبديل من قبل الآباء أو الأوصياء على الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان Iranian Journal of Public Health 2016 45 708
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره وبائيات الإصابات غير المميتة بين أطفال المدارس. مجلة التمريض المدرسي The Journal of School Nursing, 2016 32 329-336
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره يؤثر نموذج المعتقد الصحي على استخدام الطب التكميلي والبديل من قبل الآباء أو الأوصياء على الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان The Journal of School Nursing 2016 45 708-709
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره استكشاف ثقافة السلامة في المستشفيات الأردنية. دراسة أساسية. Journal of Nurse Care Quality, 2017 32 219
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ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره تقييم معرفة واتجاهات المراهقين في شمال الأردن تجاه الربو RCN Publishing Company Limited 2017 29 27-31
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره معرفة وسلوك وممارسة ممرضات وحدة العناية المركزة حول ضبط النفس البدني. Nursing in critical care 2017 22 264-269
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره الأعباء السريرية لثلاسيميا بيتا الكبرى في الأطفال المصابين . Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 2018 40 182-187
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره وجهات نظر النساء بعد الولادة حول جدوى إدخال الزيارات المنزلية بعد الولادة: دراسة أردنية. Home health care services quarterly 2018 37 247-258
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره استراتيجيات الوقاية والمبادئ التوجيهية لإدارة السمنة لدى الأطفال والشباب ." International Journal of Pediatrics 2019 9 10043-10047
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره رضا المرضى عن جودة الرعاية التمريضية في وحدات الثلاسيميا Applied Nursing Research 2019 47 46-51
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره فعالية المضادات الحيوية مقابل الإيبوبروفين في تخفيف أعراض عدوى المسالك البولية في المستشفيات: دراسة مقارنة Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners 2019 31 60-64
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره الحوكمة المشتركة: رحلة مستشفى للأطفال نحو التميز التمريضي السريري. Journal of Research in Nursing 2020 25 347-358
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره العلاقة بين النشاط البدني والنظام الغذائي ، وزيادة الوزن والسمنة لدى الشباب Nursing children and young people 2021 33 1-10
ختام محمد عبدالله العوامره المعرفة والمواقف والممارسات تجاه الصرع بين أطفال المدارس في الأردن Epilepsy & Behavior 2022 130 1-7
محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي Workplace Violence Toward Emergency Department Staff in Jordanian Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Study nursing reseaarch 0 103108
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محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي Looking at school nurses? roles in tackling overweight and obesity British Journal of School Nursing October 2014 Vol 9 No 8 0 201201
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محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY INTERVENTIONS AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES nursing children and young people 0 45
محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي Quiz game teaching format versus didactic lectures British journal of nursing 0 65
محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي Prevalence of Obesity and Physical Inactivity Behaviors among Nursing Students in Mutah University, Jordan World Journal of Medical Sciences 0 95
محمد سعد ونس البشتاوي Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying the Family as a Context Approach When Dealing with a School Aged Child Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder iranian journal of public health 2016 0 1369
يحيى حمدان عبدالله الرشود النظر في دور ممرضات المدارس في معالجة زيادة الوزن والسمنة british journal of school nursing 2014 8 402-406
زين قاسم سليمان المومني labour complication JOGAAN 0 1 0
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية التمريض القســــــــــم :- تمريض صحة الام وال€فل
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
انصاف علي محمد شعبان وجهات نظر مجتمعية حول الولادة المنزلية في المملكة العربية السعودية International Journal of Childbirth 2022
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Childbirth practices in Jordanian public hospitals: consistency with evidence-based maternity care? International Journal of Evidence- Based Healthcare 2011 9 25
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Barriers to developing midwifery as a primary health-care strategy: A Jordanian study Midwifery 2012 28 106
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Undergraduate nursing students? stress sources and coping behaviours during their initial period of clinical training: A Jordanian perspective Nurse Education in Practice 2012 12 177
انصاف علي محمد شعبان A Review of Midwifery Education Curriculum Documents in Jordan, Women and Birth 2012 25 47
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Evaluating the Experience of Jordanian Women With Maternity Care Services 2013 2013 34 499
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Sources of Stress and Coping Behaviours in Clinical Practice among Baccalaureate Nursing Students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2014 4 194
انصاف علي محمد شعبان تطوير والتحقق من رضا المرأة عن مقياس الرعاية أثناء الولادة في المستشفيات في الأردن J Transcult Nurs 2014 27 256-61
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D Among Jordanian Healthy Infants: A Descriptive Cross Sectional Study1 Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2015 12 0
انصاف علي محمد شعبان Nursing students? perceived stress and influences in clinical Performance International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 2015 4 44
انصاف علي محمد شعبان فحص ما بعد الولادة لمستويات فيتامين (د) بين النساء الأردنيات JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 2017 37 200-2004
انصاف علي محمد شعبان امتثال الممرضات والمستشفيات للمبادئ التوجيهية للوقاية من الالتهاب الرئوي المرتبط بجهاز التنفس الصناعي J Nurs Care Qual 2018 33 8-14
انصاف علي محمد شعبان وجهات نظر النساء بعد الولادة حول جدوى إدخال زيارات منزلية بعد الولادة: دراسة أردنية Home Health Care Services Quarterly 2018 37 247-258
انصاف علي محمد شعبان أثر تجربة المحاكاة على المعرفة المتقدمة لطلاب التمريض السعوديين في دعم الحياة القلبية International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 2019 11 1-4
انصاف علي محمد شعبان انخفاض الوزن عند المواليد في الأردن: دراسة في المستشفى The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2020 33 3050-3055
انصاف علي محمد شعبان تقرير عن القوى العاملة في مجال القبالة في وزارة الصحة، المملكة العربية السعودية لعام 2019 The Practising Midwife 2020 23 25-30
نور اسماعيل حسن مصلح اتجاهات طلبة التمريض في الجامعات الاردنية تجاه الرعاية المقدمة للمرضى في مراحلة نهاية الحياة advanced nursing and patient care International Journale 2019 2 1-7
زين قاسم سليمان المومني labour complication JOGAAN 0 1 0
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية التمريض القســــــــــم :- Community and Mental Health Nursing
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات معرفة واتجاهات وممارسة الفحص الذاتي للثدي بين الأردنيات: دراسة شبه تجريبية Jordan Medical Journal 0
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Reflections on sex research among young Bedouin in Jordan: risks and limitations Culture, Health & Sexuality 2012 14 101
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Association of religious commitment and tobacco use among Muslim adolescents. Journal of Religion and Health 2015 54 2111
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Importance of integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum British Journal of Community Nursing 2015 21 44
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Sudden Infant Disease Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Incidence, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs. Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 4 199
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Undergraduate student nurses' attitudes towards using social media websites: A study from Jordan Nurse Education Today 2018 66 39-43
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات صحة المرأة في الأردن: المعرفة والممارسة والعوائق التي تحول دون فحص سرطان عنق الرحم INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN HEALTHCARE 2021 0 1-6
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Maternal Experiences of Providing Skin-to-Skin Contact to Pre-term Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Jordan Jordan Journal of Nursing Research 2022 1 4-14
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Quality Of Nursing Care And Its Relationship With Cancer Survivors Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study In Oncology Health Center Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022 13 236-242
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Student Nurses Attitudes Towards Using Social Media to Raise the Awareness of their Community about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan The Open Public Health Journal 2022 15 1-7
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات A Comprehensive Health Effects Assessment of the Use of Sanitizers and Disinfectants during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2023 10 11356-023
نهى محمد منزل الشديفات Professional Quality of Life, Work-Related Stress, and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Saudi Arabia: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2023 10 1-20
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان المعرفة والمواقف والممارسات المكثفة وحدة الرعاية الممرضات حول التقييد الجسدي Nursing in critical care 0 264
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار ارتفاع ضغط الدم وارتفاع ضغط الدم ما قبل طلاب المدارس الثانوية International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 0 240245
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار التقييد الجسدي بين مرضى وحدة الرعاية Journal of clinical nursing 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان تقييم الكفاءات المهنية بين ممرضات البكالوريوس: دراسة استكشافية Nursing Education Perspectives 5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان عوامل الانتشار وعوامل الخطر من العنف تجاه موظفي الصحة العقلية الإدارات في المستشفيات الأردنية Issues in Mental Health Nursing 0 240245
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان المعرفة وممارسات الاحتياطات العزل بين الممرضات في الاردن American Journal of Infection Control 0 680
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار آلام أسفل الظهر والعوامل المرتبطة بها الممرضات في الأردن Nursing forum 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان بيئة عمل الممرضات: مؤشرات الرضا Journal of Nursing managemant 0 525
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان قياس كفاءة سلامة المرضى بين طلاب التمريض في الفصل وفي الإعدادات السريرية Nursing education perspectives 0 1
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان معرفة الطلاب ومدى انتشار إصابات إصابات الإبرة في الأردن Nurse Education Today 0 23
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان معرفة الممرضات الطلائات بالمبادئ التوجيهية لمنع العدوى المرتبطة بالقسطرة الوريدية الوسطى International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 0 32
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان استكشاف ثقافة السلامة في المستشفيات الأردنية: دراسة أساسية JNCQ 0 0 110
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان دور الممرضات المدرسيات في مساعدة الأطفال ذوي اضطرابات نقص الانتباه / فرط النشاط NASN School Nurse 2016 0 3638
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان انتشار الأخطاء الطبية والحواجز التي يجب الإبلاغ عنها بين طلاب التمريض والتمريض في الأردن: دراسة مقطعية Nursing Forum 2020 2020 1-7
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان حدوث وريدي القسطرة الوريدية المحيطية والمخاطر العوامل بين مرضى الأطفال Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2020 2020 89?93
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان الوقاية من داء المقوسات: المعرفة والممارسات بين النساء الحوامل في الاردن primary health care 2021 2021 1-5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان الموثوقية والتحقق من صحة النسخة العربية من شروط استبيان فعالية مكان العمل -2 International Journal of Nursing Sciences 2021 8 215e220
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان النشاط البدني لطلاب المدرسة: النشاط البدني وعوامله المساهمة في الشباب Journal of Hunan University 2021 48 467-473
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محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان تأثير الفصول المتزامنة عبر الإنترنت مقابل الصفوف غير المتزامنة على معرفة طلاب التمريض وقدرتهم على اتخاذ القرارات القانونية والأخلاقية Nurse Education Today 2022 109 1-5
محمد محمود دخل الله سليمان فاعلية برنامج التدريب المعتمد على قانون مكافحة العدوى والفيروسات القهقرية (COPA) ، كفاءات العاملين الجدد في مجال الرعاية الصحية Teaching and Learning in Nursing 2022 2022 11-24
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الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
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وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان دور استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في تمكين طلبة المرحلة الأساسية للمهارات التكنولوجية في ضوء مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 0
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان دور مديري المدارس في تفعيل الشراكة المجتمعية بتوفير المتطلبات اللازمة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في دولة الكويت دراسات/ العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية 0
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان differences in shyness feeling levels among Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2015 22 11-18
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان (the efficiency of peer teaching of developing non verbal communication to children wit autism spectrum disorders (ASD Journal of Education and Practice 2015 29 33-38
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان الفروق في تقدير معلم صعوبة الفقرة لبيانات محاكاة توائم النموذج التعويضي (MC1-PL) لنظريةاستجابة الفقرة مجلة جامعة تشرين للبخوث والدراسات العلمية 2015 37 1-19
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان مدى توفر معايير الجودة في مراكز التربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر طلاب التدريب الميداني في جامعة ال البيت جلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 2015 0 1-27
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان The Effectiveness of Program Based on Reinforcement, Modeling, and Exclusion to Reduce Hand Flapping and Head Banging Behavior Among Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS) 2016 18 32-39
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان اثر تدريس الالغاز في تنمية مهارات التفكير الابداعي لدى الطلبة الموهوبين مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 2016 0 1-23
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان تقييم غرف مصادر الموهوبين في الأردن حسب معايير NAGC Pre-K?Grade 12 2010 كلية التربية - جامعة الازهر 2016 167 90-127
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان فاعلية برنامج تدريبي لتحسين نطق الحروف الهجائية للأطفال ذوي صعوبات التعلم الأكاديمية مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية- البحرين 2016 0 1-20
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان واقع الخدمات والبرامج المقدمة في مؤسسات ومراكز التربية الفكرية في منطقة حائل في المملكة العربية السعودية في ضوء المعايير العالمية كلية التربية - جامعة الازهر 2016 167 490-525
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان The effects of the first part of the CoRT program for teaching thinking (BREADTH) on the development of communication skills among a sample of students from Al al-Bayt University in Jordan Educational Research and Reviews 2017 2 73-82
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان مدى معرفة المعلمين اضطراب طيف التوحد للمهام والمسؤوليات وعلاقتها بالمؤهلات العلمية و سنوات الخبرة International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 2019 0 203-219
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان دور التكنولوجيا المساندة في البرنامج التربوي الفردي لذوي الاعاقة في الاردن International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020 0 825-837
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان مستوى العنف الجسمي ضد النساء ذوات الإعاقة في مخيم الزعتري للاجئين السوريين في الأردن المجلة التربوية الأردنية 2020 0 93-113
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان مستويات الذكاء العاطفي لدى الطلاب المعاقين بصريا وسمعيا في الأردن Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 2020 0 395-406
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان التحديات التي تواجه الموهوبين في استخدام المختبرات الافتراضية في الأردن Multicultural Education 2021 0 306-313
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان الكمالية لدى الموهوبين وعلاقتها بتقدير الذات Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 2021 0 2752-2768
وائل محمد ياسين الشرمان مدى توفر الخدمات والتسهيلات المقدمة للطلبة ذوي الاعاقة في جامعة آل البيت في الأردن من وجهة نظرهم Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2021 0 174-185
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة مستوى استخدام التقنيات المساعدة في التعليم المدمج للطلاب الذين يعانون من اضطراب طيف التوحد من وجهة نظر المعلمين المنارة 0
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة Developing a Jordanian Image of Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) among a Sample of University Gifted and Ordinary Students: A Field Study on the Students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts (UNRWA) Journal of Education and Practice 2017 11 150-165
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احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة مستوى المهارات الاجتماعية لدى الاطفال ذوي صعوبات التعلم الاكاديمي في ضوء بعض المتغيرات مجلة جامعة الزرقاء للعلوم الانسانية 2018 1 64-78
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة درجة طلبة المساعدة النفسية وعلاقته بمفهوم الذات الأكاديمي لدى الطلبة الموهبين مجلة جامعة عمان العربية-البحوث التربوية والنفسية 2019 1 23-57
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة The Provided Counselling Services for Students with Disabilities in the Jordanian Universities International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. 2020 14 453-470
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة المساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتها بتقرير المصير لدى الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة في الجامعات الأردنية المجلة الأردنية للعلوم التطبيقية - سلسلة العلوم الانسانية 2020 1 1-22
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة تقييم الاحتياجات التدريبية للمعلمين القائمين على تعليم الطلبة ذوي صعوبات العلم المدمجين في الاردن مجلة جامعة تشرين/الاداب والعلوم الانسانية 2020 4 392-407
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة مستوي الوعي الذاتي لدى أمهات الأطفال ذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد وعلاقته بالاحتراق بالنفسي مجلة جامعة الشارقة للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية 2020 2 301-328
احمد خالد محمد خزاعلة اتجاهات المعممين نحو دمج الطمبة ذوي اإلعاقة الحركية في الصفوف الثالثة األولى مع الطمبة العاديين في مدارس محافظة المفرق مجلة جامعة تشرين 2021 6 91-115
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم التربوية القســــــــــم :- قسم المناهج والتدريس
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هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي دور النشاط الرياضي الموجه في الحد من الضغوط النفسية لدى طلبة المراحل الأساسية العليا في البادية الشمالية مجلة دراسات 2015 1 329-339
هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي The Effect of Using Portfolio in Writing Activities Aimed at Developing the Arabic Language Discourse Competence of the First Secondary Grade Students in Housha Secondary School for Girls in Jordan European Scientific Journal 2016 22 240-248
هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي Evaluation of the Tenth Grade Computerized Mathematics Curriculum from the Perspective of the Teachers and Educational Supervisors in the Southern Region in Jordan Journal of Education and Practice 2016 2 39-47
هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي أثر استراتيجية ما وراء المعرفة في تحسين الاستيعاب القرائي لدى عينة من طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية 2016 4 165-185
هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي تقييم برامج التكوين المهني لمعلمي التربية الخاصة في مؤسسات ومراكز التربية الخاصة في الأردن مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية 2016 3 15-38
هيثم ممدوح قفطان القاضي مدى تضمين مناهج اللغة العربية الأداء اللغوي مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية 2016 6 27-44
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم التربوية القســــــــــم :- قسم الإدارة التربوية والأصول
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي درجة توفر عناصر إدارة الأزمات في مديريات التربية والتعليم في محافظة اربد من وجهة نظر رؤساء الأقسام فيها دراسات 2014 41 379
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي مستوى الرضا الوظيفي لدى اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعة آل البيت التربية 2015 166 365
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي مستوى تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية في المدارس الحكومية التابعة لمديرية التربية والتعليم في محافظة اربد من وجهة نظر مديري المدارس المنارة 2015 21 53
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي The Effect of the Time Management Art on Academic Achievement among High School Students in Jordan Journal of Education and Practice 2016 7 158
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي The Role of Irbid Directorate of Education in Supporting Of Citizenship and Loyalty Values among Student: Look From Inside Journal of Education and Practice 2016 7 83
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي دورة التخطيط الإستراتيجي في رفع كفاءة أداء المؤسسات التربوية بالأردن (دراسة ميدانية على مديريات التربية والتعليم في محافظة اربد ) مجلة دراسات 2016 0 0
ميسون طلاع محمود الزعبي The extent included of national and civic education books for basic post-graduate of the concepts of sex education in Jordan through content analysis Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS 2017 7 37
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة مديري مدارس تربية قصبة الزرقاء للقيادة التحويلية مجلة جامعة الأزهر-غزة(سلسلة العلوم الإنسانية)، 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه - مصادر القوة التنظيمية لدى الإداريين العاملين في مديريات التربية والتعليم في محافظة الزرقاء/الأردن، المجلة التربوية الأردنية 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة امتلاك الإدارة الجامعية في جامعة آل البيت لمهارات التخطيط الاستراتيجي مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة تطبيق الإدارة الرقمية لدى مديري مدارس مديرية التربية والتعليم لقصبة المفرق المجلة التربوية الأردنية 8
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة توافر الأمن النفسي لدى العاملين الإداريين في جامعة آل البيت مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية-غزة. 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة توافر الخصائص الريادية لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا (دراسة مقارنة بين الأردن والسعودية) مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة التمكين الإداري وعلاقته بإدارة المواهب لدى رؤساء الاقسام الأكاديمية من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة آل البيت. مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة القادة الأكاديميين والإداريين في جامعة آل البيت في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية لإدارة المعرفة المجلة الدولية لضمان الجودة، جامعة الزرقاء 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة القيادة بالأهداف وعلاقتها بتطبيق معايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة لدى القادة الإداريين في جامعة آل البيت/ الأردن. Journal of Educational and Social Research 1
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة مهارات الريادة القيادية وعلاقتها بالابتكار التنظيمي لدى القادة في جامعة آل البيت المجلة التربوية الأردنية،( 8
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه دور المشرف التربوي في تحسين المناخ المدرسي في مديرية التربية والتعليم للواء الرمثا اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تحسين الأداء الإداري لمديري مدارس تربية لواءالرمثا مجلة النجاح للعلوم الانسانية. 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه علاقة التدريب الإداري لمديري المدارس في مديرية التربية والتعليم للواء البادية الشمالية الغربية بمستوى التطوير التنظيمي مجلة الدراسات والبحوث التربوية 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه فاعلية دورة القيادة التعليمية لدى مديري مدارس محافظة المفرق مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات 0
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه مستوى السلوك الإبداعي لدى العاملين في مديريات التربية والتعليم في محافظة الزرقاء المجلة التربوية الأردنية، 8
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه مقترح تربوي لتحقيق المتطلبات الأساسية المستقبلية لزيادة فاعلية دور التعليم في تحقيق التنمية وتلبية حاجات سوق العمل وفق رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 مجلة دراسات /العلوم التربوية، الجامعة الأردنية 2019 3 1026-3713
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة الشفافية الإدارية في مدارس البادية الشمالية الشرقية من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات فيها. المجلة التربوية، جامعة الكويت 2021 140 201- 237
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة ممارسة القيادة الإيمانية لدى مديري مدارس مديرية تربية قصبة الزرقاء المجلة التربوية الأردنية 2021 3 170- 193.
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه درجة فاعلية القرارات التربوية لدى مديري مدارس تربية قصبة الزرقاء من وجهة نظر المعلمين المجلة التربوية الأردنية 2023 8 264-284.
محمد عبود موسى الحراحشه الثقافة التنظيمية السائدة في مدارس التربية والتعليم لمحافظة جرش وعلاقتها بالاندماج الوظيفي للمعلمين مجلة جامعة تشرين 2024 46 783- 808
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي إتجاهات أعضاء هيئة التدريس نحو أهمية التربية الإعلامية في بناء شخصية الطالب الجامعي في العالم العربي International Journal of Education 0 21-46
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة تطبيق الإدارات المدرسية لمبادئ القيادة الرشيقة وعلاقتها ببناء السمعة التنظيمية من وجهة نظر معلمي المدارس الخاصة في لواء الجامعة مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 27 87 - 116
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي معوقات استخدام الإدارة الإلكترونية في تقييم أداء المعلمين في المدارس الخاصة في لواء ماركا والحلول المقترحة للتغلب عليها المجلة الأردنية للعلوم التطبيقية 33
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة ممارسة المشرفين التربويين لنظرية المسار - الهدف وعلاقتها بالنمو المهني للمعلمين في لواء ماركا المنارة للبحوث والدراسات 20 27 175-199
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي المشكلات الأكاديمية التي يواجهها أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعة اليرموك مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية 1998 34 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي الاتجاه نحو العولمة وعلاقته بالشعور بالأمن النفسي لدى عينة مختارة من طلبة جامعة آل البيت مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم التربوية والنفسية 2011 4 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي العولمة وأثرها على العملية التربوية في الدول الإسلامية: بين كسب إيجابياتها ومجابهة تحدياتها . Islamic University of Gaza Journa 2011 2 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي قضايا في أسلمة المعرفة، الإنسان، والتربية Revue Acad?mique des sciences humaines et sociales 2011 7 3
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي دور الأسرة في التربية المتكاملة للطفل في مرحلة ما قبل سن التمييز في ضوء القرآن والسنّة The Second International Conference: Modern Education: An Islamic Perspective 2012 2 430
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي أسباب عزوف طلبة كلية العلوم التربوية في جامعة آل البيت عن المشاركة في الأنشطة الطلابية اللاصفية من وجهة نظرهم مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 2012 0 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي دور الأنشطة اللاصفيّة التي تقدمها جامعة آل البيت لطلبتها في نشر قيم الوسطيّة والاعتدال وتعزيزها لديهم Al Manara 2012 3 173
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي مقاومة المعلمين للتغيير: أسبابها وطرق التقليل منها من وجهة نظر معلمي ومعلمات مديرية التربية والتعليم لمنطقة قصبة المفرق في الأردن الأكاديمية للدراسات الإجتماعية والإنسانية 2014 12 65
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي أنماط المعاملة الوالدية وعلاقتها بمستوى تكيف الأطفال في الغرفة الصفية Dirasat, Educational Sciences 2014 1 305
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة توافر منظومة القيم في كتب العلوم للمرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في الأردن مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 2015 0 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي الاستقواء لدى طلبة جامعة آل البيت من وجهة نظر الطلبة وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية وعلم النفس 2016 0 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة التزام طلبة مدارس المرحلة الثانوية في محافظة المفرق بآداب المتعلمين في ضوء الفكر التربوي الإسلامي تجاه معلميهم وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات مجلة دراسات/ الجامعة الأردنية 2016 0 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة توافر المقومات الشخصيَّة والأكاديميَّة للأستاذ الجامعي في ضوء الفكر التربوي الإسلامي والمعاصر من وجهة نظر طلبة جامعة آل البيت مجلة دراسات/ الجامعة الأردنية 2016 0 0
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي النفاق الوظيفي في المدارس وطرق التغلب عليه من وجهة نظر مديري المدارس في مديرية تربية الزرقاء الأولى المجلة الدولية للبحوث النفسية والتربوية 2022 1 494-519
محمود حامد حسين المقدادي درجة تطبيق مديري مدارس البادية الشمالية الشرقية الأردنية لأبعاد القيادة الحكيمة وعلاقتها بالولاء التنظيمي لدى المعلمين الأكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية والإنسانية 2024 16 233-225
الكلــــــــــية:- كلية العلوم التربوية القســــــــــم :- التربية البدنية
الاسم العنوان المجلة سنة النشر Vol Page
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون رأي طلبة التربية الخاصة في بعض الجامعات الأردنية نحو الأنشطة الرياضية للمعاقين: دراسة استطلاعية مجلة كلية التربوية 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون أثر الألعاب التعليمية المحوسبة في تنمية مهارة التخيل لدى طلبة رياض الأطفال في البادية الشمالية الشرقية في مجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية 2012 39 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون أثر الخرائط المفاهيمية في تنمية بعض المهارات الإبداعية لدى طلبة كلية التربية في جامعة آل البيت. بجث منشور 222 2012 2222 222
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون العوامل المؤدية إلى قلة مشاركة الطلبة في الأنشطة الرياضية ووسائل التغلب عليها من وجهة نظر الطلبة بجامعة آل البيت مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم التربوية و النفسية 2012 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون اتجاهات أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في كليات التربية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة نحو اختبار الاختيار من متعدد 333 2013 333 333
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة ممارسة الكفايات التكنولوجية اللازمة لتدريس منهاج التربية البدنيةمن وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات في الأردن 000 2013 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة ممارسة معلمي ومعلمات التربية البدنية في محافظة المفرق لبعض الكفايات التعليمية من وجهة نظرهم 333 2013 333 253
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة الصعوبات التعليمية التي يواجهها معلمو التربية البدنية في البادية الشمالية الشرقية Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2014 18 175
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون الواجبات المرتبطة بأداء معلم التربية البدنية لتنفيذ منهاج التربية البدنية Journal of Education and Practice 2014 5 67
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون تقويم أداء مُعلمي التربية الرياضية وفقاً لمعايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة في البادية الشمالية الشرقية مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية و علم النفس 2014 0 111
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون دور المراكز الشبابية في تعزيز برامج التربية البدنيةو الثقافة الأمنية من وجهة نظر الشباب المرتادين لها مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للتربية و علم النفس 2014 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون أثر مناهج التربية البدنية على المتغيرات الفيزيائية والحركية والفيزيولوجية والمهارية European Scientific Journal 2015 19 300
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون اتجاهات معلم التربية الرياضية نحو فاعلية الأنشطة الرياضية في البادية الشمالية الشرقية Journal of Education and Practice 2015 6 21
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة تقبّل طالبات البادية الشماليّة الشرقيّة لد ا رسة برنامج التربية الرياضية في الجامعات الأردنية / د ا رسة ميدانية مجلة جامعة تشرين 2015 37 55
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة ممارسة الكفايات التكنولوجية اللازمة لتدريس منهاج التربية البدنيةفي ضوء معايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة من وجهة نظر معلميها في محافظة اربد جامعة حلوان 2015 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون درجة الأمن النفسي لدى اعضاء الهيئة التدريسة في بعض كليات التربية الرياضية Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 2016 8 99
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون الاحتياجات التدريبية اللازمة أثناء الخدمة لمعلمي التربية البدنية في دولة الكويت 000 2016 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون الحاجات التدريبية لمدرسي التربية البدنيةالقائمة على معايير الاقتصاد المعرفي في العراق شرم الشيخ 2016 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون دور النشاط الرياضي الموجه في الحد من الضغوط النفسية لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية العليا في البادية الشمالية دراسات، العلوم التربوية 2016 43 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون فاعلية معايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تقويم البرامج والأنشطة الرياضية لدى عمادة شؤون الطلبة في جامعة آل البيت المجلة التربوية 2016 119 253
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون فاعلية معايير إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تقويم البرامج والأنشطة الرياضية لدى عمادة شؤون الطلبة في جامعة آل البيت المجلة التربوية 2016 119 289
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون الحاجات التدريبية لمدرسي التربية الرياضية القائمة على معايير الاقتصاد المعرفي في العراق شرم الشيخ 2017 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون أثر استخدام استراتيجيتي التدريس ( الأمري والتبادلي) في تحسين الأداء الحركي وتعلم بعض مهارات كرة السلة، مقبول للنشور في مجلة جامعت النجاح ، فلسطين. 000 2018 0 0
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون أثر استخدام التغذية الراجعة (البصرية ، اللفظية) في تطوير الادراك الحس _حركي لدى طلاب قسم التربية البدنية في جامعة ال البيت دراسات، العلوم التربوية 2018 1 225
اسماعيل سعود حنيان السعادي العون البدانة وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات لدى موظفي جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية المنارة 2018 0 0
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